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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "I am incredibly excited to celebrate my YouTube journey with those of you who have been on the ride with me and those of you who are just finding the channel. To celebrate, I’ve curated gifts from some of my favorite shops in Second Life along with gift cards for real life! Enter as many as you’d like below! Click here to tune in to the live stream and come party with us in Second Life – click here for details!" Read more on the blog.
  2. "Kairos... the right, critical, or opportune moment. A propitious moment for decision or action. The rare moment in which thought can take a different direction. It was kismet that the Janus Gallery, named for the Roman god of new beginnings, transitions, doorways, and time, found Zia Branner." Read more on the blog.
  3. "Join us this Sunday, August 30, 2020 from 1 to 2pm slt for the grand opening of The Edge Gallery’s August & September Exhibition!" Read more on the blog.
  4. Pictured: Nour - Light Of The Desert Each week, the Second Life Destination Guide editorial team reviews dozens of new locations and events worth exploring. With all those beautiful destinations to check out, we thought we’d highlight a few of the entries that stood out to the editorial team. We've got some beautiful new regions and some must-visit events this weekend! Dorian Electra Release Party at Club Cringe Join Dorian Electra and friends on a quest fit only for the bravest --, a journey to rescue M'lady from the darkest pit of the Internet -- the infamous Club Cringe! Party starts August 28th at 3pm PT/SLT, details here: clubcringe.com Visit in Second Life Virtual Black Rock City Week As a recognized Universe in Burning Man's Multiverse, Burn2 is having a "VRC Week" in its own virtual Regional environment called Deep Hole. A limited number of visitors will be able to access the event with avatars, and they will find a place filled with things that are strongly evocative of the beloved Black Rock City - with none of the dust, heat, or pungent odors we've known. There will be a Man Burn on Burn Night, and there will also be a rendering of the Empyrean Temple that will burn on August 30th, 11:00 am PT/SLT. The event runs from August 30th to September 7th. For a schedule of events, check: burn2.org/event-calendar Visit in Second Life Kairos at The Janus Gallery The Janus Gallery, named for the Roman god of new beginnings, hosts Kairos, the art of Zia Branner, for a month. Come and celebrate these gorgeous pieces, and meditate over them at a live music opening event on August 30th from 12pm to 3pm SLT. For details, visit: sinfulretreat.com/blog/kairos Visit in Second Life STRUKTURO "STRUKTURO" is a sound installation space produced by noise-classical musician Tia Rungray. The concept of his installation space is "the structural decomposition of the human psyche". Based on this concept, he presents his characteristic noise-classical music. Several placed virtual speakers allow visitors to enjoy his music in three-dimensional sound. Visit in Second Life The Warehouse Sale Event The Warehouse Sale Event is a post-apocalyptic themed region. This is a monthly shopping event that opens on the 23rd. Designers will offer 1 color or item of their choice at 10-50% discount price and Sponsors may in addition offer old releases at a price of L$150 only for the duration of the event. For more information, visit: thewarehousesale.net Visit in Second Life Florence At Low Tide Autumn Cooler nights and shorter days mean autumn has arrived at Florence At Low Tide. Wander this Mediterranean themed village while taking pictures, or just hang out with friends. Enjoy the crisp ocean autumn breeze or just listen to the surf roll out at low tide. Relax in this peaceful environment and take in all the beautiful colors. Designed by Iska (sablina). Visit in Second Life Nour - Light Of The Desert Surrounded by huge dunes of desert sand in the west and the wide, crystal-blue ocean in the east, Nour seems to be secluded. But far from it! It is pulsating with life! Traders, travelers, dancers, snake charmers, Bedouins, they all add color to the town and so do the omnipresent strains of oriental music and the scent of the rarest spices. Explore the area on camelback! Visit in Second Life Got a spot that you’d like listed in the Destination Guide? Make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form. Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  5. 'I Was Created For This' by Giselle Chauveau is today's Second Life pic of the day. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  6. "Skip Staheli shares his beautiful creations exhibiting “Body Positivity” September 2nd at Noon in Second Life The Vinnie Show helps us party at the opening!" Read more on the blog.
  7. "I first visited Love & Love Art Gallery, curated by Lylaya Love (lylaya), back in June 2020. Since then, it has relocated, and earlier in August, two new exhibitions opened, featuring the work of Kerupa Flow and Norton Lykin respectively." Read more on the blog.
  8. "So today I share a story. I am here to honor my friend whom I have recently lost to suicide. When he died, he left behind so many people who loved him dearly, most importantly his children who called him Dad." Read more on the blog.
  9. "The last several weeks we have been worried about my SL dad. He got very sick and we were afraid for him, but he’s on the mend. I’m very grateful for my friends who have been praying for him every day. It is a great relief for me. I have known him for going on ten years. He’s seen me through my worst, seen me at my best and he stuck around as family. My whole family in SL is amazing and supportive. I am blessed to have them all in my life." Read more on the blog.
  10. "I hit a really rough patch along the last months and it’s been hard on recovery. I applied and still under the clinical trial treatments of cognitive-based therapy and clinical hypnosis, it seems to be working so I can really work on things again one by one and am actually looking forward to getting things done." Read more on the blog.
  11. Click over to watch the video on YouTube.
  12. Click over to watch the video on YouTube.
  13. Click over to watch the video on YouTube.
  14. "The Bakes on Mesh seems to still be a pain for several people, but it’s a fantastic system to simplify your Second Life. First, it’s useful to explore the definition that we find in the knowledge section about Bakes On Mesh (BOM)." Read more on the blog.
  15. "Oωηєя σƒ Sєяєηιту Sтуℓє has been a source of inspiration for me for years now and today was no different with a beautiful new release that I will use again and again for sure. This is Alabama Rocking Set." Read more on Flickr.
  16. 'Kiss me darling' by Melony Parker is today's Second Life pic of the day - just in time for Kiss Me Day! For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  17. "I’ve had more time for blogging this month but this is unusual. Having such limited time means that I don’t apply to stores or events anymore to blog for them. I just don’t have time to commit to requirements and there are many stores I would love to blog for that I just can’t commit to, so I won’t apply." Read more on the blog.
  18. "Concentrating today on outdoor decor, I recently re did my parcel.. well I say “did” but its more like “doing” lets call it a WIP!.. I added SWAY’S stepping stone path and the log wall and it really did finish off that spot I was working on" Read more on the blog.
  19. "Well, it’s been a while since I’ve told yall what’s been going on in my second life. I am excited that my night club is almost ready to open. Unlike Discoteca Overlord I have been taking my time with the launching of this business." Read more on the blog.
  20. "Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget we dont always need to be checking our email or rushing to the next thing…We need to remind ourselves that its okay and absolutely necessary to slow it all down, to take a break and enjoy nature" Read more on the blog.
  21. "We're seeking 2D and 3D artists to exhibit on our sim. We're striving to breathe new life into the SL art world by creating a collaborative and cohesive environment out of the many works, styles and personalities Second Life has to offer. If you are interested in exhibiting with us, please fill out the form below." Read more on the blog.
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