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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. “While 'Once upon a time' may be a great way to start a story, 'Here in the moment' is the best way to live one.” Read more on Flickr.
  2. "The waves are whispering and calm. The temperature is high and the air is heavy. But can you feel it? The wind is winking at the clouds and they are smiling in return. The leaves are moving in a building excitement. A playful feeling in the air. Autumn will soon be here." Read more on Flickr.
  3. "Took another oldbie into modern mesh tonight (but with a vintage twist)! "Miss Junie" as she likes to be called has not changed her look since she arrived on the grid in 2008. She would agree, it was much overdue!" Read more on the blog.
  4. "As promised, here is the recording of my show from BURN2 which took place yesterday at 12pm SL Time. I was the first act on after the opening, which was pretty cool." Read more on the blog.
  5. Wakanda Forever by Nas is today's Second Life pic of the day! For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  6. "London City is celebrating its 11th Birthday during September. We hope you can join us to wet the baby's head as it were and enjoy the festivities." Read more on the blog.
  7. "The colour regions of north west Sansara bordering Bay City to the west and Hetrocea Atoll to the north make up some of the oldest mainland regions on the grid and throw up some surprising finds, of which includes Violet Island. It's not obvious from it's lack of official icon status on the world map but it describes it's self as an "Info Hub Welcome centre". Part of a Linden created info hub group." Read more on the blog.
  8. "My last pet was a little one I got from a farmer here in our village. I wanted to get one and thought to ask them and while I was there on the hayloft, a lot of cats were around. The farmer said take your time and when you have decided tell me, I will catch it for you. But be aware that you need to tame it at home." Read more on the blog.
  9. "manipulated facial images – moving images most of them – synced to realistic audio and shared widely everywhere on social media: promise or peril? well if it is van gogh style art generated by a machine or elon musk looking like nicholas cage …" Read more on the blog.
  10. "For this issue of ECLIPSE Magazine, we feature the incredibly talented Cosmic Banana of Cosmic Dust as our cover story. There are a total of 11 pieces this month." Read more on the blog.
  11. "I was up to visiting a gallery or exhibtion on Wendesday. I scrolled through scoop.it SL Desinations and came across VeGeTaL PLaNeT Gallery. The entry was referring to a post from Maddy Gynoid “Die VeGeTaL PLaNeT Gallery von Vroum Short” (post is in German)." Read more on the blog.
  12. Click over to watch the video on YouTube.
  13. Click over to watch the video on YouTube.
  14. "With EEP, it is now possible to have reflective floors at the parcel level that everyone can see, and contained within the parcel" Read more on the blog.
  15. "For the first time since its start in 1986, the Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, this year the festival is moving into a Multiverse of ten different platforms and services:" Read more on the blog.
  16. "The August 2020 Issue of Kultivate Magazine is now available! This issue features the talented live performers of Kultivate Music Management, RagingGraphix Gallery, Arnicars Chapel Imagination, The Virtual Peel Center, and Cherry Manga’s Main store & Sim. " Read more on the blog.
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