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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "Since July 30th, the Itakos Art Gallery presents the “2020 Summer Collection” with a collective of talented artists selected from the Soul Portraits – Itakos Flickr group. In total there’re 33 photos with 15 different flavors and style. The exhibtion is in the Black Pavillion." Read more on the blog.
  2. "daniel kraus has dedicated his life to enjoying and studying the work of george a. romero from a very early age and shortly after romero passed away in 2017 kraus got the gig of a lifetime: romero’s widow suzanne asked him to finish the draft of a novel about the living dead. a brand-new story, an epic story from start to finish, not a melange of previous films squeezed into a book for a rinse/repeat monetizing scheme." Read more on the blog.
  3. "Today, we're going to talk about Bakes on Mesh (BoM). This has been out for a while now, but a lot of people still don't understand it. That is not unexpected, as different mesh body and head makers implement it in slightly different ways. Today's post won't go into details on that...for the details, consult your specific body or head's documentation." Read more on the blog.
  4. I recently had to cancel a much-needed vacation because of the pandemic. As upsetting as that was, our safety is obviously more important. Luckily, I have Second Life to turn to whenever I feel a need to escape. There are a number of destinations I enjoy visiting, mostly because I find them incredibly relaxing. I thought for this week’s challenge, I’d ask you guys to share your current favorite Second Life destinations. Where are the places you like to hang out, either by yourself or with friends? If you don't have any favorite destinations, explore the Second Life Destination Guide and find some! Here are my current top 5 favorite Second Life destinations: Luanes Magical World - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morning Glow/150/79/21 The Coasters Club - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Va Pou/122/121/21 Digital Art - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Retrospect/111/76/21 Missing Melody - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Angel in Heaven/45/237/22 Burrow Coffee Co. - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Burrow/195/75/31 To participate in the challenge, download the blank template and fill it out using Photoshop, or any imaging and graphic design software. You can also use pixlr.com for free without installing any software. Or, you can just answer in text below! If you decide to do this challenge and post it on any social networks, don’t forget to use the hashtags #SecondLifeChallenge and #ExploringSecondLife. You can also add your images to the Second Life Challenge Flickr Group. Thank you for participating in the challenges! Stay safe, stay home, stay virtual!
  5. "And so we beat on…..Like Boats against the current,Borne back ceaselssly into the past!!!!!" Read more on the blog.
  6. Quincy Robin is maintaining her balance in today's Second Life pic of the day. She also recently started vlogging again, don't forget to subscribe to her YouTube channel! For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  7. "This post was prompted by a long piece that Pussycat Catnap wrote on her blog, Observer Fantasy vs Particapatory Fantasy; The role of perspective in how we shape our avatars and characters in SL and other online games." Read more on the blog.
  8. "Ebbe Altberg confirmed last week on 15th August via Twitter that Linden Lab are still on track for Second Life to complete the move into the cloud (Amazon Web Services) this year. Ebbe mentioned that there are “lots of things already run in the cloud” and that simulators are testing well as you can see”." Read more on the blog.
  9. "All at once everything is different. Now that I see you." Read more on the blog.
  10. "Years after I originally discussed how to actually capture depth of field (DoF) on high resolution pictures in Second Life, that’s still one of the most popular texts on this blog. Yet, there are other ways of applying the DoF effect to a photo taken in SL, and this post will focus on one of those methods. It will require, let’s make it clear from the beginning, a software for post-processing the image." Read more on the blog.
  11. "Yesterday afternoon I spent a very pleasant hour talking to Ivar Zeile, Founder and Creative Director of the SUPERNOVA Digital Film Festival, about STÖMOL and filming in Second Life. STÖMOL has been selected for the festival, and is one of two feature-length films showing. 2020 is the first time SUPERNOVA has included a feature-length category." Read more on the blog.
  12. "I wish I could take full credit for this..ok well I can as far as the set up and photography goes...but...I'll let you in on a little secret...I pulled this collection out of the box and My Husband who was near me saw all the pieces...he then mentioned that he thought the suspended teapots would look neat hanging from a tree.....and now here we are...conjured hanging teapots beautifully displayed in the trees...." Read more on Flickr.
  13. "These past few days have been difficult, and I don’t imagine the next few days or weeks will be any easier. That sounds incredibly dramatic, but it really is not. I promise." Read more on the blog.
  14. "There have been a lot of light-hearted memes out there trying to make the best of things amid this whole pandemic. Some of the funniest ones I have seen related to the beauty industry, specifically hair color. Now I can color my hair on my own just fine and have done so for many years and (knock on wood) have never had a botched job." Read more on the blog.
  15. "Let us talk about our featured items, shall we? So excited about Exile’s Soleil hair and Tres Blah’s Gatsby dress!" Read more on the blog.
  16. "Ryn is a gorgeous head geared towards showcasing stunning east asians. So delicate and stunning! Goes really well with the latest release of Glam Affair made specially for the Ryn Mesh Head called Ryn as well" Read more on the blog.
  17. "Organised by Elite Equestrian, and running from Sunday, August 16th through Sunday, August 23rd, 2020, is Splash! a special week-long event for merfolk and their friends. Taking place under the sea, Splash offers music, dance performances, sporting events, stories, raffles, and shopping. We have a full week of fun events and activities, including noted DJs, spoken word and dance performances, sporting events, shopping, and more!" Read more on the blog.
  18. "I got an invitation to see Sophie Marie Sinclair (perpetua1010)’s new exhibition “Terra Australis“. The exhibtion is inside of a cave rezzed in the skies above Sophie’s own gallery space, the SUBCUTAN Art Gallery and Multimedia Centre. The provided landmark leads you directly into the cave." Read more on the blog.
  19. "Join us Sunday, August 16, 2020 from 1 to 2pm slt for the grand opening of Windlight Gallery’s August 2020 Exhibition! The event will feature live performer Aislen Sings and the following artists will exhibit this round:" Read more on the blog.
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