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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "To try and succinctly define Milly Sharple’s work is an exercise in futility. To call it diverse is an understatement. Known to many across the grid and the globe for her fractal works, her art encompasses so much more. Her masterful execution not just of fractals, but of photography, photo manipulation, portraiture, cubism, and myriad other styles, methods and media make her a one woman powerhouse of art. " Read more on the blog.
  2. Pictured: MadPea's Halls of Horror Interactive Hunt (Starts October 1st) Each week, the Second Life Destination Guide editorial team reviews dozens of new locations and events worth exploring. With all those beautiful destinations to check out, we thought we’d highlight a few of the entries that stood out to the editorial team. October is around the corner and this week we have officially dusted off our Haunted category, with a long list of new submissions we are slowly going through. Keep an eye on that category over the next few weeks and discover haunted destinations, spooky decor, and nightmares galore! But first, check out the SL Renaissance Festival, and send some Lindens to the pillory! SL Renaissance Festival The 1st annual SL Renaissance Festival features merchants, minstrels and entertainment, melees and jousts, and other activities in a 15th century build spanning four regions. Residents will be invited to take part in role-play, jousts, archery, and more. Some Lindens are also being sent to the pillory! The event runs from September 25th to October 4th in support of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. For more information, visit: slrenaissancefestival.com Visit in Second Life We featured Azisa's Islands of Love in this week's Destinations video, click over and learn more about Asiza, aka Toni Harper-Dunlap! Asiza’s Islands of Love Asiza’s Islands of Love is longtime SL Resident Asiza Wolf’s latest project: a series of floating islands, connected by bridges, featuring flyable dragons and steampunk ships, areas for quiet contemplation and meditation, a concert stage, and possibly the hottest Salsa Club in SL located inside an active volcano! Visit in Second Life And now here are some featured spots from our Haunted category: 'Tis Halloween at LeLoo's World! Beware, there's a chill in the air. Ghostly whispers riding the wind beckoning...ENTER IF YOU DARE! Bring your camera to capture the SCARE! Visit in Second Life All Hallows at Moochie Among the treacherous trees, the mouldering mist, the rattling ruins, and the wretched wailing winds, there are creepy corners and secluded shadows waiting for those who dare to venture into the darkness. Be strange, but don't be a stranger, and remember... if the wind calls at night, you must not listen. The wind is lonely and always looking for company. Halloween has arrived... Visit in Second Life Pine Valley Haunted Caverns Welcome to Pine Valley Haunted Caverns, a vortex of evil that spans the centuries. Covering two regions, the caverns are a labyrinth of caves that connect the evils that have been forced underground. The caverns also include hidden chambers for you to find. Happy hunting and beware, you can easily get lost. Visit in Second Life Halloweentown Ghosts, Witches, and Creatures of Fright, don’t miss the call of Halloweentown! A great haunted region where you can find all Halloween and fall-related items, from cute to terrifying! There is a shopping area, a haunted mansion, Dark Circus, and a magic portal that takes you to a maze, caves, graveyard, and much more. Explore, have fun, and try to stay alive! Visit in Second Life The Dead & Breakfast Inn The Dead & Breakfast Inn is a Victorian-themed ghost haunt where you'll surely rest in peace. You are invited to join the cursed, spooky, and haunting scavenger hunt. Thirteen quality gifts to be found! Visit in Second Life MadPea's Halls of Horror Interactive Hunt Discover spooky thrills and chills this October in MadPea's Halls of Horror Halloween Hunt and Market. An innocent night of trick or treating leads you to a mysterious mansion and a harrowing fight for your life. Will you escape the terrifying Halls of Horror or become the next bloody victim? Those that survive will win over 20 prizes from top SL designers and earn new achievements! The hunt runs from October 1st to November 2nd. Visit in Second Life Got a spot that you’d like listed in the Destination Guide? Make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form. Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  3. "Have you seen the sensual energy of Skip’s work? Skip Staheli is a name that every photographer in Second Life has heard of." Read more on the blog.
  4. "Quick overview of Lelutka’s new release Connor. Connor is a bombshell in the simplest term I can offer. This mesh head was made to perfection." Read more on the blog.
  5. Carried by the wind by Adam Cayden is today's Second Life pic of the day. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  6. "I have started decorating for fall so ALL THE PUMPKINS! How cute it this pumpkin from Hive (pose is built in)" Read more on the blog.
  7. "Another exciting round of Salem by prism is here and I for one could not be more excited! It opens Saturday 26th September!!!" Read more on Flickr.
  8. "I love the meaning of Solidarity as a “willingness to give psychological and/or material support when another person is in a difficult position or needs affection.” (Wikitionary). In times of uncertainty, sickness and solitude, let’s stay together in unity by giving a hand of compassion, kindness, generosity and love to all those who need it." Read more on the blog.
  9. "I decided to change the season around my home so I went and bought the autumn shade pack of the trees I already own and I will be slowly swopping out the summer planting to autumnal and I will admit I have a slight twinge of regret as I think I had the landscaping so perfect that to see it changing it making me wish I didn’t start." Read more on the blog.
  10. "Taking a wee break from the 'messy-mess' of decorating; as exciting as it all is with trying out all the paints, colours, effects and ideas and even though the paint is virtually odour-less ... I needed some air" Read more on the blog.
  11. "The heart of a home is in the kitchen. I spend most of my time in the kitchen cooking for my family. I love cooking while listening to music and my counters are just as cluttered as these." Read more on the blog.
  12. "Today I’m showing off more items from the arcade. It’s a helfty post and picture heavy so here is your early warning. As there are a lot of credits to get through I am making it a credit only post. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed setting it up." Read more on the blog.
  13. September 24th is Kiss Day - celebrate this symbol of love and affection - no social distancing needed in the Virtual World! Today's Second Life pic of the day is by Natasha Szaberwick. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  14. "From 2009 through through 2018, the University of Western Australia (UWA) was a name synonymous with patronage of the arts in Second Life." Read more on the blog.
  15. "Robert & Martha McFarren Own and curate this unique property currently exhibiting 3 talented artists. Reycharles, CybeleMoon, and Dhyezl Ravenhurst. I am going to focus on Rey Today." Read more on the blog.
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