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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "I actually love this photo! It has to be one of my favorite photos I’ve done lately. I stole some of my concept from Miggins. She did a photo like a year ago with a dinosaur and then she did photo with these babies with a chain and I was sorry I borrowed the idea. " Read more on the blog.
  2. "Avatar enhancements are a huge part of customizing and avatar and having some fun toys to play with! Check out this week’s Second Life 101 for a list of enhancements I use on the regular!" Read more on the blog.
  3. "Logged on for a few hours this afternoon and – yay – I finally got myself out of that noob avatar. Hard to believe I am already 300 days old or so. Anyway here I am now:" Read more on the blog.
  4. "It’s been six months since Patch Linden first announced the new release of Log Homes via the official Second Life forums. The first batch included 4, 828 new Linden Homes (over 230 regions) and since then the Moles have added thousands more new Linden Homes on the log homes continent." Read more on the blog.
  5. "STÖMOL, the feature-length science-fiction move produced entire in Second Life, has been awarded second place in the 2020 SUPERNOVA Digital Film Festival." Read more on the blog.
  6. "Slink, a popular virtual world brand for avatar enhancements, produces what's basically the Tesla for mesh bodies in Second Life -- not just sleek and stylish, but energy efficient and good for the environment. This is because their creator, Siddean Munro, painstakingly optimizes them to have the least number of triangles without hurting visual quality." Read more on the blog.
  7. Happy October 1st! Halloween season has officially begun and today's spooky Second Life pic of the day is by Manky Button. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  8. "This is my first item to be blogged from the many products submitted for the Out Shop Cancer Charity Event which takes place from 1 October until 31 October 2020. This is a grid wide and Marketplace shopping event benefiting Making Strides and the American Cancer Society." Read more on the blog.
  9. "That is right, the hunt is on and all the money is literally out of the bag and can be found throughout the Retreat and Basement Club. All you have to do is take that plunge into the dark and stormy abyss and land in the wet forest." Read more on the blog.
  10. "Well Hello there! I hope you have all been keeping well while I was taking my lil blog break? Awee you missed me?! OFC you did … Miss me no more because I have returned! And do I have some awesome to show you.. yes, I do!" Read more on the blog.
  11. "Live, Love, Laugh is MetteKenzo Nagy’s blog. She focuses on fashion and I was drawn to her work by her colorful, bright pictures. “Ooh Na-Na” really appealed because it was a successful example of turning a picture on its side. She didn’t do a full horizontal. " Read more on the blog.
  12. "Time for another one of my patented 15-minute Second Life avatar makeovers! I hope that you enjoy these transformation as much as I do." Read more on the blog.
  13. "For me, blogging and photography seems to come in waves….I can be not 100% happy with a few photos. I start to think about quitting blogging, maybe switching to decorating instead etc. Then I have a couple of days where I produce a few pictures in a row that I am super happy with and this is one of them." Read more on the blog.
  14. "Hey hey guys, I hope you are all doing well. I am doing marvelously. Today marks the 798th day on hormones. And well this thursday, I have to go for bloodwork to get my hormones increased." Read more on the blog.
  15. "A couple of days ago my husband looked at the screen and said “Freda got dark circles and eye bags. She works too much at the computer…”. And it’s true! I did not change anything with my avi and she looks tired just like real me." Read more on the blog.
  16. "What a week! If you follow me on twitter you’d have seen the epic adventures of Kirinyth vs Tech. If you don’t follow me, no worries I’m absolutely about to fill you in on all the details." Read more on the blog.
  17. "When it comes to mesh heads for male avatars, the situation is starting to get pretty decent with several brands offering multiple choices. Slink, for example, is now up to four male mesh head with their latest two releases, Marcus and Ethan." Read more on the blog.
  18. There is still a long road ahead. Today's Second Life pic of the day is by Aeon Jiminy. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  19. "The first publication of 360 GRADI Magazine is finally OUT! You can read it both in Italian and English and the HUD version will be available very soon inworld." Read more on the blog.
  20. "Today I am featuring more great Halloween themed items." Read more on the blog.
  21. "I hate when words fail to come and I don’t know what to write about. I sit here for hours looking at the screen and trying to put into words what I’m feeling or thinking, but then my mind goes blank and I feel overwhelmed with it all. The struggle is real this morning and I’ve been feeling overwhelmed but don’t know why. " Read more on the blog.
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