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Posts posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. Don't temp it, whoever the cretin is who keeps picking these names will crawl out from their cupboard at linden lab with another list of ridiculous surnames rather than normal-ish interesting ones for once.

    In fact, that will never happen so here's a potential (likely) list of what to expect on the next run...







    I really want the last name "Shu", its simple, effective, not at all fancy, but I can do so much with it.

  2. Okay, resurrecting this for a second as I have an update.

    The product in question is attached using temp attach via an experience when someone enters the sim.

    The issue i described does not happen if you use the standard llAttachToAvatar.

    But if you use temp attach, it does.

    I can't use normal attach really as the person who I am making this for wants the product to temp attach.

    Here is what I found so far...


    When using temp attach, the product registers the user data via a key pair value.

    Then the user data remains persistent for around 2-3 hours. But, once the user goes offline and around 2 hours have passed, the user can come back online and find that their experience key data has been entirely wiped.

    But, if you use llAttachToAvatar instead of temp, the data persists in the key pair value database, regardless of how long the user is offline.

    This is weird.

    Could it be a conflict with llAttachToAvatarTemp? Causing the key pair value to be temporary also? Probably not but, I am at a loss on where to go or what to do.

    I can say with near 100% certainty that its when temp attach is used as all testing using normal attach doesn't replicate this issue.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    ..Should this "skills" information be "public" (available outside the viewer)?

    Why not, people create public design profiles all the time, what is the difference. You could keep it just "in viewer" if you wanted to but, it wouldn't exactly contain identifying personal information beyond perhaps, what language you speak.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    It was nuked when Linden Lab returned from their foray into Web based profiles - a casualty of listening to people who pretended to know its usefulness (and pretending it had no use).

    One of several in the change.

    I mean, we can live without it, but it def had its use. It was a good way of letting people know your skillset rather than having to type it up in your profile.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi, so not an LSL based query but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask in here.

    Does anyone have experience with PDO?

    I am updating my server files from MYSQLI to PDO and im doing pretty well.....except that no data is inserting into the database in the else section and im not entirely sure where I went wrong.

    The $column variable is set by the data incoming and is correct as I want this function to work for more than one set of data.

    Can anyone help?

        $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT uuid, $column, ban FROM UserData WHERE uuid =  '$uuid'");
        $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        //If row is valid
            //Return data
            echo "exists,".$user.",".$data.",".$ban;
            //Create new entry
            $stmt=$pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO UserData (uuid, name, $column) VALUES ($uuid, $name, $stats)");
            $stmt->execute([$uuid, $name, $stats]);
            //Check if the insertion was successful
                echo "Insertion successful";
                echo "Insertion failed";


  6. 1 hour ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    I will add a debug setting to allow changing it. In the mean time, edit skins/default/xui/en-us/fonts.xml and change the font file name for ”Monospace” for another (available on your system, or simply RobotoMono-Regular.ttf, which is distributed with the viewer). You may also change that font's size at the bottom of the fonts.xml file (font_size name=”Monospace” block) for something else (I'd recommend 8.0 for RobotoMono-Regular.ttf).

    Of course, you will get less lines in the script editor with such a bigger font... E.g.:

    	<font name=”Monospace”
    	 comment=”Name of monospace font”>
    	<font_size name=”Monospace”
    	 comment=”Size for monospaced font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)”
    	 size=”8.0” />

    Thank you for that! much appreciated!

  7. 20 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    What triggers "new character creation" in the script?

    Does it do that if no data exists in the experience? Is that checked every time the HUD is worn, even in non-experience enabled land?

    Do a query check using a header, so as an example......


    The actually code I use is

    key expQuery=llReadKeyValue((string)llGetOwner()+queryHeader);

  8. Anyone ever had an issue with an experience key randomly loosing data?

    Im working on a hud for someone that has been working fine for weeks and suddenly in the last 24 hours, even though no code changes have been made to the experience / data server code. The experience now creates a character, saves the data and then loads and runs fine for a few hours before that data vanishes and the next time you attach the hud, it creates a new character. Iv been over the code in the data server event and nothing has been changed.

    Could this be an issue with the sim or server where this data is stored?

  9. Have just returned to using the viewer after a long long time and I have a question regarding the script editor.

    Is there a way to change the horrific font used in the script editor to something a little less intense? It's a bit...much.....on the eye and is putting me off doing any scripting work while using it. I can't see any option in the viewer but maybe I missed it? I get the feel the font is going for but it's a weirdly shaped condensed font that doesn't really make reading through scripts any fun. Even with the UI size increased for the viewer its visually unsettling.


    Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 19.36.39.png

  10. 5 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    It's not strictly the scripting user group but most attendees are particularly interested in scripts. Even when other server-side topics (performance, bugs, plans, etc), they're usually most evident in scripts, so "scripting" gets most of the attention.

    But maybe not so much "ease of life" although I'm not quite sure what that would mean. To me, LinksetData has most affected my "ease of life" as a scripter recently. And link sound. But I'm guessing something else is intended.

    Question for you, I saw llStopLinkSound but, we can instruct links to play sounds? I know Iv just returned to scripting after maybe 16-18 months away from SL but, I don't remember us having or can find llPlayLinkSound xD


    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, primerib1 said:

    Well, Lab Gab episodes usually are about things that affect the widest swath of SL users.

    Can't deny that us scripters are very ... 'niche' 😄

    Pantera Polnocy (sp?) have been diligently recording technical meetings. Check out her vids!

    Not that niche. There are quite a lot of us really, and more starting each day. I know quite a few mesh developers for instance that have started learning to script so they can better enhance their products. And, thank you! I will. But I stand by what I said earlier, if you are going to have a Lab Gab for SL....then add 3 more minutes to the video to talk about what's coming up for scripting.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Rider Linden said:

    Arizona does. That's because if they had an extra hour of daylight things would catch on fire.

    The scripting and simulator user group is at Noon SLT on Tuesdays.

    Super, thanks! Are we allowed to query what "ease of life" features are coming for scripters. One thing that annoys me about these Lab Gab episodes and other similar things is that scripters are ALWAYS left out. We get promises of ease of life features and then everything but that is covered. I actually want to know what's in the pipeline like every other community in SL gets to know.

  13. Tbh, I see a lot of people in this thread complaining about the fee increases but here is the question...

    How else could LL lower land prices and continue making a profit when the costs of things just keep going up? Personally id rather not see in world advertising xD. "Raid shadow legends" before you enter a sim.

    SL might be our world but its a business first and foremost with overheads, staff and other costs.

    The more they lower land prices the more the have to increase elsewhere to make up the difference.

    I still can't afford to own a full sim tbh as it's still a lot of money. I really want them to re work the concept of sims a little and create an in-between sim of say.....35 avatars, 10k prims and then if they really want to be dickish about it, make it a PP only thing.

    • Like 2
  14. Okay so, I'm based in the UK.

    According to the user group page its 12pm to 1pm PT which is 8pm - 9pm GMT/UTC

    However, on the SL Public Calendar, which is google based, and I assume shows start times in my own time zone. It says, 7pm to 8pm.

    Which is it?

    • Thanks 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:

    hell I’ve seen adult avatars dressing like little girls and there profile is full of sexual innuendos…. but they are adult and I guess that’s ok I guess…

    I actually think that might be an ACTUAL violation of TOS, someone will correct me if im wrong. Child avatars are allowed in SL and even on adult sims,, but engaging in any adult activity is strictly forbidden. If I saw someone with a child av and their profile was full of sexual related things, I would probably report it to be on the safe side.

    • Like 2
  16. As someone who used an anime avatar, lemme weigh in.

    So, I see it as nothing other than an avatar that looks the way I want it to look and represents my own interest in Japanese animation, that’s it. Iv never once looked at any anime avatar and thought “errmahgurd is a TOS violation”. It’s an anime avatar, people like anime, so people want to create anime avatars. You shouldn’t read too much into it, unless you see something that warrants investigation and at that point report it to LL. There’s a whole community of anime lovers that you are tarring with a very nasty brush here and that isn’t acceptable. The fact you focused on this makes me more worried about you than any friend I have that likes using an anime avatar.

    When you say about questionable creators, I know who you are referring to and Iv seen the supposed video that’s floated around. And, given it’s not even that persons main account, nor a known associated alt and the only evidence people give is “their voice sounds similar”. It’s woolly evidence at best. You should be careful what accusations you levy around as, that person could be completely innocent, or not. I have yet to see solid evidence to the contrary, but wouldn’t want to say one way or the other. But, I wouldn’t outright accuse them as that kind of thing CAN ruin an innocent persons life.

    Food for thought.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  17. Some neat updates, but I wish they had covered some of these supposed improvements to scripting they keep promising. It's all kinds of neat mentioning the things they did, but again scripters were ignored. I get that we aren't as flashy as other areas but still, I want updates, I want to know what these quality of life scripting improvements are going to be.

    Also, was there a point to us submitting questions? Yes, they gave a lot of info, but from what I have read through in regards to what people were asking, it doesn't sound like our questions were really needed or used.

    • Like 1
  18. 16 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       If you're a land baron with a dozen or more regions with no intention of lowering the rent for the increased strain on the majority of your tenants' means of acquiring L$ to pay to you - sure! 

       If you're a mere mortal who can't quite understand why a virtual region costs as much as the rent for your first apartment, $20 this way or that probably won't make you consider becoming a large scale virtual land owner. I'd think. 

    It would have to be in the region of 150 and below before I bought one. 209 is so much better than it was but it would have to be cheaper with a cheaper setup fee, times are hard xD

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