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Asylum Habilis

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Everything posted by Asylum Habilis

  1. I saw that shop in the event, and skipped it for the same reasons listed by the OP. I just didn't say anything about it. I'm kind of new to mesh bodies, I've wasted more money than I'm willing to admit, I'm trying not to do that so much. That means either deeper investigation or just trying to spot what I need at a faster rate. Unless I'm really in love with something (which I won't fall in love with anything presented this rack-not-photos way) I'm just trying to see quickly if it fits or not. With the lag you get on the shopping sims right now I get frustrated and leave pretty quickly, deep investigation isn't really worth the time. If they wanted my money, they'd make things clear. If they don't, there are other vendors I'd like to get to. I have a decent expendable income and a small wardrobe (which has grown exponentially through well designed shops). I'm looking to buy. I reiterate, ready to spend my money, I walked away from this shop and I said nothing, I just shopped elsewhere. How many other shoppers did the same? Instead of arguing about it, take notes and pointers if you think they could apply to you. If you don't think they do, and maybe they really don't, that's fine too. I think it was pretty decent to bring this to someone's attention instead of just shrugging and moving on like I did.
  2. I work from home so during my workday I log in and like to either find a club with a stream I like that hands out random prizes (Club End of Days gives 1-10L every half hour to a random person) or find a camping chair. So far: Tiar Mainstore - use the board to teleport to Free, find camping and lucky chairs with cycling prizes. Camp times vary from 30 min for clothing to 3+ hours for gift cards M&M Style - 3 camping chairs for outfits, camp time 15 min. There's a wall of lucky letters for standard avis, and 4 lucky letters for mesh, changing every 10 min. There was another one where you dance for 55 min and you got a fatpack of bikinis, I can't remember the name. Anyone else know somewhere?
  3. I have found that with a dark omega and dark jeans I can hide what's happening in the crotch until I get a better solution.
  4. I'm having issues with the pants, not the body. The pants are formed in such a way that I have to hide my inner thigh or look like I have holes in the crotch of my pants. I'm perfectly happy with my maitreya and my shape, but when I demo pants, they expose the inner thigh. Even on supposed fitmesh which is why I'm demoing everything. I hide the inner thigh, I end up with a gap I don't like. I haven't been able to mod any demo pants to make them closer in the thighs, and don't want to buy some that I won't be able to get what I want. My shape and body are exactly what I want, but I don't want to be naked all the time. I'd welcome your suggestions in modding the pants, if you have any suggestions in that area.
  5. I'm wearing a maitreya and I love mesh clothing, but the thigh gaps! It looks so odd on my shape! I suppose my only answer really is omni pants but I haven't found any that really look like jeans, either way I'd welcome shopping suggestions. Hopefully somewhere I can get realistic looking pants that don't chop off my inner thighs.
  6. Hello! I'm Anna. My account is technically 10 years old, I made an account when I was waaaaay too young to have one and after a few months I was caught, grounded, and that was the end of my first time on SL. In real life, I work at a call center, an answering service, which I do from home, and that allows me to hang out during office hours. I'm also a concert photographer, mostly metal though I occasionally cover other stuff. No one super huge, the biggest shows I've covered are Ghost and the Garbage/Blondie tour. During my work hours, I usually hang out at club End of Days because I like their music. I enjoy talking to people, especially if you're patient when I'm slow to reply because I'm taking calls and my during-work PC has a slow graphics card. When I'm not working, I log into the better PC and go wherever the wind takes me. I love shopping and exploring, if you know any good places hit me up. I'm very much looking for girl friends, but I don't mind talking with men who are only interested in friendship. I've got a Maitreya body and a bento head, I don't look embarrassing. I'm working on improving my SL photography as well so I'd love some pointers.
  7. The Noelle LAQ is my very first non-standard head, I'm pretty happy with it.
  8. The dot was the answer, thank you so much!
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