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Mother Mystic

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Everything posted by Mother Mystic

  1. Didn't mean to start a massive chain of reactions :3 It's okay you guys ❤️ I didn't mind my post moved.
  2. Just a few days ago I was going through this exact same scenario with a flexi hair I had purchased, but I trashed it thinking it was poorly made. No other things in my whole inventory were "disappearing" but that specific hair. Now I have to re-buy because noo redelivery. Joy.
  3. I do and you've just saved a lazy person's day. ❤️ I am soo not leaving my house erratically sim-hopping again. Thank you. ❤️
  4. These are truly gorgeous. There's a certain "balance" to the design that makes it hard for me to take my eyes off of them. :3
  5. Heya. -hope this is the right place to post my request- Would there be such a thing or a scanner that allows you to see traffic on other regions, not on the sim you are on? I'm only asking because I want to know when certain RP sims have people in so I don't hop around endlessly when they're empty. ^^ P.S.: I'm super lazy and like to stay on my home sim and brush my virtual Ragdoll until some RP sim picks up ^^
  6. The cat in my picture is my spirit animal. :3 mrow
  7. Oh hii. :3 I'm the one that was asking about the arm. ❤️ Sorry if I goofed around. I've seen numerous posts here about people looking for stuff so .. I naturally thought it had to be avatar-related? But if I made a boo boo xcuse me :3
  8. OMG. I cannot believe the smoothness of movement in those articulations ❤️ I'll certainly be rampaging their store.
  9. Heya. Flood me with all the cyber limbs/prosthetics/augmentations, please. ^^ I currently own Eliavah's Brute arm and Omnis's Black Widow but I'm looking to buy more.
  10. Heya. I'm looking for more brands that make new flexi hairs with a smooth look like }.PS.{ , HAJ. or fabrixsquare. Thanks xx
  11. It is. You are my savior -again- Thank you :***
  12. Hii. Does anybody have any idea what these shoes are called or who made them? I've tried looking everywhere but I can't seem to find anything. These are the only shots I have of them so the angle is a bit weird. ^^
  13. I have everything at ultra as it can be seen in the screenshot hehe Running a beast. settings are not a biggie. That's exactly why I wanted the most complex skin. So I can marvel at it all day long
  14. League Sadie pale tone and Izzie's Mole applier. 😍 I love it and the fact that it was even advertised in the Catwa Mainstore helped me decide as well. hehe
  15. 👑Thank you so so much for taking the time to detail everything!! I'll share here the result once I decide on a skin ^^
  16. Hii. This question has been probably asked a lot but I wanted to be very specific on the topic. I am looking for stores with the best Milky/Pale/Light Beige skins with very realistic complexities (skin pores, cleavage shadows, moles etc.) So far I have tried: 7 deadly skins - decent, but not as complex as I have in mind. Pumec - very good faces, not enough pores/moles/shadows on the body Mila - Very good body skins, too much blush on the face *Ys&Ys* - comes closest to what I have in mind. What else is out there? ^^ ~p.s. I am wearing Catya/Maitreya.
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