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Everything posted by Sorciaa

  1. those are the fountains. I tried to de-render but it seemed to not help much, dropping the draw distance way down so that half of the sim did help but eh. I have been looking at other plots but I am kinda picky about the land facing, Soo I may send an IM to the land lady and see if she can do something.
  2. I have had those items up for quite a while, the lag meter going constant red has only been int he last few days. I talked with my neighbor and they said pretty much the same thing. They were wondering if LL was having a problem as well. Thanks for having a look as well. I still don't really understand what causes " lag " on a sim. it does not " feel " laggy but friends have said its taking longer for things to load and of course my lag meter burning red all the time now.
  3. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vanilla Skies/75/213/31 this is my plot
  4. here is what I am getting on my property https://gyazo.com/9d93e6538f01154560e2185ddd2555cf
  5. if it is the fountains, will derendering them fix it or should I look at other options ?
  6. I will try that, I think its set at 256 now. I did crash a few days ago and had to reset all my firestorm settings so that may be part of it.. Also the neighbors set up some fountains and I notice it spikes up when I look at them. then again, my FPS went up to the mid 30s from the mid teens after the crash so it might not be a bad thing.
  7. I have noticed these last few days, when I am at my home plot my meter is red and high red, like its always loading something. When I am at another sim, its low green, unless someone is loading into the sim. When I click the meter, it will say all is normal and green. I don't seem to detect any new lag and the frame rate has not dropped that I can tell. Can this be a problem? I have a week of rent left and I dont want to pay another month if the sim I am on is going to be a lag fest.
  8. yeah, I use that to see whats new in the last few days but if you find something you might like, you have no idea when it was made. I think it would be a good idea to show an upload date then maybe edit dates if the item is changed
  9. any item, it was only a general question
  10. Is there anyway to find this out? I am always seeing something I may want but then, if there are no reviews I got no idea if it was uploaded a few months ago, or back in 1976. If there isn't a way to find this out, I think there should be.
  11. I will check them out. thank you!
  12. Anyone make something like this? I am seeing ones that are either zipped down, none that are both. Something either with both a zipped and unzipped version, or a clickie version would be good. Thanks!
  13. get a good CPU cooler if you are going top try and OC your CPU as well.
  14. OK, i saw a houseboat pop up and in a rush to nab it, i put in a bunch of numbers for a name, can I change this ?
  15. Woh, after many and many refreshes, what pops up.. a HOUSEBOAT!
  16. I predict it will be the second Tuesday of next week.👅
  17. yeah, its the lindin home from the premium account. Id like one of the new houses when they are out, just not sure how id go about it.
  18. Kinda a dumb question but id like to get one of the larger plots with the new houses at some point, how exactly do I do this when they are available? thanks.
  19. If I have not heard from ya in 2 months.. off ya go. I try to get people the benefit of the doubt that they are really looking for a friend or if they are just looking to add another name to their list, or little black book One of my big pet peeves is people who are " friends " who cant, for some reason ever manage to say Hi. I do it for the 1st week or so after making a new " friend ". If they cant manage to do the same after a week or so, I simply stop. In all honestly, id rather have 10 people I talk to all the time then 100 I don't.
  20. that was the one I was looking at, I watched the vid but it did not explain editing it to much
  21. I just picked up 1/4 of a sim. it had everything I was looking for except it is grass textured. I asked the manager and they can not change the texture so I am looking for something I can use. the few things I have seen dont explain if the ground can be raised or lowered and still work as I dont want it totally flat, or the textures to blocky, or it to have a massive amount of lag, any one have some suggestions ?
  22. ok, its what I was thinking, i could never find a solid answer to it.
  23. This is just a general question, but what is causing some frame rates to be so low? is it purely the fact that all of the content is user created and simply not optimized ? I am wondering as I seem to get similar framerates regardless of the PC i use. for instance I have a laptop that I think Cesar had when he crossed the Rubicon and a well equipped desktop and I seem to get between 20 and 30 FPS on a semi crowded sim and anywhere from 80 to 100 at my semi empty home. I understand the rubberbanding is simply a server/bandwith issue and not so much graphics.
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