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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. It sounds like you're using wear to add clothing and other stuff to your avatar. Always use "ADD", when attaching items and clothing. This should stop the issue, you are having
  2. Gone BOM with my M4 Venus Head Skin .:.*{ S.G }*.:. TRILLY - M4 Venus Head - MID (Nude)* .:.*{ S.G }*.:. TRILLY - MID - Skin for Mesh Bodies)* Eyes AG. Serene Eyes - Mint - M (System Eyes) *Used the M4 Venus, and the Maitreya's colour pickers to tint the head and body skins darker
  3. @Nando Yip Parts of the wall actually came from the JasX Creative Commons Mesh Set - Generic Static Content, the ceiling and other wall parts, are just prims, with wood and log textures.
  4. No naughty bits visable, so, hopefully, this should be ok to post
  5. Ever get the feeling you're being watched? 🤔
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