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Athyssa Seafarer

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  1. The report on this information would be very interesting concerning Digital Identities. I hope you add a link to its release when completed! 1. 15.5 years...... We've come a long way baby!!!! πŸ₯³ 2. 42-60 hours a week - I lean towards the opinion, that many of us who are retired spend more time daily in SL. We enjoy many things that we cannot now experience or would like to try. With creativity never ending, we find new places to explore, new activities we find we like, and meet people from different parts of the world to talk about our Country, sharing our thoughts with one another. Having the time to spend in conversations can be an eye opener on many topics! 3. Over the years, all the changes to the avatars have been numerous. I cannot state the amount of time spent on my avatar as it may change any given day. I am constantly updating and changing my looks with new skins, new shapes, new hair and make-up. It is a never ending experience I enjoy in SL. 4. The relationships that develop in SL can carry over into Real Life and I have met quite a few friends from SL in RL. My closest friends and family are in SL and we hang out, shop, go dancing, play games and meet new people. They know me and they tell me their real identity, over time of course. I think most people who truly enjoy and have invested time in SL eventually do show their real identity. 5. Just my opinion, but griefing and stalking would be the worst. πŸ˜ͺ Some people get upset and take out their frustration by trying to crash a Sim, club, store or parcel. There are some people that enjoy simply being destructive, as they view SL as a "game". ...There are horror stories of people who have experienced stalkers. From SL to RL and the person won't let go and continues to stalk the avatar and person in RL. I myself have had to advise a friend to contact the police to make a report and also report to Linden Labs the police report number and information so both parties are involved on any activity. πŸ˜‰ Over the years, I must say that I have grown, changed and see many things in different ways now because of SL. Learning so much more of the world from all the people I have met. I've been humbled, I've learned some patience. In SL if you don't like something you can go to a different area, you can go listen to different music, find different friends and get to know them, you do not have to stay in something that bothers you. There are so many different groups, oganizations and communities that one can discover and become a part of for the sake of simply learning new ideas. There are churches, counseling communities, support communities for help in RL. There are so many aspects to SL it would be impossible for me to cover all of them. In all, SL has been a positive experience in my life. I've created, I have a store, I've tried to help others along the way and so many others have taught me many things.... it has been a long winding road! It has changed me personally and I am very grateful for those people that have shared with me their lives by becoming part of mine. There are times we've cried, there are times we laugh, and through it all, we care for one another as we've become family. I wouldn't change a thing and good or bad, I am always learning. Warmest regards and best of luck on your discoveries! Athyssa β™₯
  2. Again though, Patch is there a Time frame for the new content?
  3. That exactly answers my questions about Linden Labs and the Relay for Life event! It is better to donate privately to your choice of charity rather than create for an "event" that you do not benefit from. However, I am still very curious IF Linden Labs is taking the Tax Break from "giving" to this Charity!!
  4. Thank you Juan for your input. However, since each and every resident/citizen of SL uses real money to buy Lindens. We can also receive $US dollars in my case, for selling items in SL. This interaction involves Monetary Funds. I am asking who receives the Tax Deductible receipts from the American Cancer Society?
  5. Having had several members of my family succumb to Cancer as well as friends who have been lost to this relentless, debilitating life taking disease; I have looked for ways to help others and have looked for charities that I feel help patients as well as those who are supporting patients! Over the past few decades, I have seen the "Relay for Life" organization become the one charity that seems to get the most attention by having a yearly event even in Second Life. I have several questions about this "charity" within Second Life. Having been contacted and prompted to "Help" with the relay for life by "Giving"( paying Lindens to the donation boxes ) stating that it helps cancer patients. It has not been outlined as to WHOM this event really helps? A breakdown of the funds and the tax exemptions. Does a Creator receive a Tax Deduction receipt for all the "funds" they raise from their "Donation" ? Do we, as Second Life citizens also receive the Tax Deductible receipt for our personal taxes? Does the Company Linden Labs itself receive the Tax Deduction? Being that this event is made up of different smaller events in hopes of receiving donations for Relay for Life, ultimately these funds are suppose to be given to the American Cancer Society, but I have little faith in the stewardship of Relay for Life. I am asking for the designers and creators, owners and those who support Linden labs everyday by paying for any item that is bought in Second Life. Respectfully, Alaintha
  6. We are are my parcel, my friend has been added to the security panel. This has not been an issue until yesterday. Today, the same thing. I can see my friend on the radar, but nothing next to me.
  7. Hi and I know yesterday there was an issue of avatars not being seen at all or as orange clouds. Today Thurs. 2, 2023 my friend is completely invisible. No dot, no no name tag but can be seen on radar. I have looked at settings and preferences but I'm not finding the answer to this issue. Has anyone else had this happen to them? How do I fix this? Assuming it is something on my end. It seems odd since the status lists it as resolved. Any help is appreciated! Thank you β™₯
  8. Jennifer, from what I've been told, Google translate mutilates languages a LOT! I've used it as well but now have to look for a page to translate that specific language as to make sure the information is correct! I would be happy just finding a decent reliable translator that works with SL.
  9. Having been out of touch with the Hostess and DJ required items to make the job easier, is there a new Translator that works in local chat for Hosts & Hostesses in clubs? The last one I ever used is no longer supported ( again its been years πŸ˜” ). If someone has any opinions on a good one for many languages I would very much appreciate any help now!!! Thank you!
  10. Over the years, as SL has grown, bringing in all walks of life and expectations, those that view SL more than just a "Game" feel the need for AR's regarding our groups, clubs, events," griefing " and those that find pleasure in making mischief/drama for other SL citizens! The ankle biters who try to copy bot, hack accounts, crash sims for enjoyment just because they think they can. Those people, I believe, need to be reported. Those that use accounts to spam "click bait" in group discussions need to be reported, as so many groups now do not allow "Group Chat" simply because of this issue. Group chat can be informative, fun, helpful and when an owner restricts group chat because of this reason, it limits our ability to get questions answered that maybe answered from another group member rather than bothering the creators themselves. SL also has their share of Stalkers. Relationships in SL are numerous ! As relationships change with growth, some people find it hard to let the other person go or they choose to make SL a problem for the other party. Some people do not know about the steps Linden Labs takes when a "stalker" takes it to another level. Linden labs will work with the Police when a person becomes violent, disruptive and threatening to not only the person of their interest but those around that person. AR's NEED to be taken seriously and not simply used for those who get irritated from another avatar. We always have a choice! We can leave the area, we can Block, we can install Security orbs and we can let those near to us be aware of the actions of some avatars and use the Banning Rights to keep those "Problem Avatars" out of their space or club! I for one use AR's when I feel the avatar that is in question repeatedly disrupts chat, clubs/events or places dangerous click bait into chat groups.... we need to use common sense when sending Abuse Reports is what it comes down to. After all, this is OUR Second Life! More than a "game" to us, we need to educate those who have not yet discovered what SL can be to others!
  11. Hi Annabell, Tag Dancing is a Ball Room dancing style where a man may tap the shoulder of the gentleman of a Couple dancing to cut in and begin dancing with the woman. Encounters promotes Tag Dancing as a fun way to meet new people! Don't forget the Themed events!! The weekends are Always Fun!!! Prizes are given for costumes and "Sizzling Sundays" are a special treatβ™₯ Men must wear formal attire and the ladies are urged to wear lingerie !!! Show off your feminine side, wear all the lace and satin you want and show off those stockings you've been hiding!!! I personally love Sizziling Sundays β™₯ I hope to see you there Annabell!
  12. Encounters is looking for YOU! Contact CailinMarie about becoming a DJ Host/Hostess at Encounters β™₯ A fantastic club to work at. Tag Dancing, Themed Dance events and people that Support you!!
  13. While LL feels they are being quite generous giving Premium members a weekly stipend of $300L and a choice of homes we can call our Safe place, anything more would be far beyond what is Needed! I agree with most here, we pay to receive the few premium differences we are after to help us in SL, least of our concerns have been the housing limitations; that is until the creative powers that be, were allowed to bring to premium members an awakening!!! New domiciles! Neighborhoods, marinas, campgrounds, faerie vales and not only new designs but new areas for the types of homes members want to live in! WOW... I have to say, when I saw the Victorian neighborhoods, the different houses... I had to have one! I walked around the block, I looked at other homes, I looked at how others chose to decorate and color their homes........ so there you have it!!!! Now here we are.... premium members that once wouldn't bother with LL's "free" home.... are now taking notice! As they have now created the PARADE Of HOMES for Belliseria, showing Homes in Flickr on display as to how they are decorated, landscaped, furnished... ultimately Linden Labs has created the situation for themselves! There is barely enough prim allowance to furnish your home with seating, a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, childrens, guest room, or laundry room and then you have the yard! Given the yard is small, it is enough for a nice quaint hot tub or sauna, an extended deck for a bar-b-q area or if you like nature... a garden area for animals and flowers. That is unless there is a Homeowners Regulation Book that you must abide by when designing any home or yard that is owned by Linden labs. I do hope that LL gets the hint and realizes that... Yes... we will spend money, buy more low prim furniture and landscape items to decorate our "homes" but dear lord, we do need a healthy increase in our prim limit to do so.... I am sure there are a number of people and overachievers that cannot wait to compete for the Parade of Homes Award !!!!
  14. Thank you all! I get to keep trying then... it's like being at a Casino!! lol
  15. 🀨 What must I do to change the LL home I currently have? Steps? We want to try the Victorian House.... Any assistance is happily appreciated!! πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ Alaintha β™₯
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