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Posts posted by animats

  1. 7 hours ago, NiranV Dean said:

    I'm not impressed yet. The video really doesn't show much of what you are saying the Viewer is doing.

    The framerate (in your video) is absolutely not even 30 FPS, that's more like 15 FPS.

    Loading from server is not shown here either, this is a fully cached scene and while some cache improvements would be nice they aren't exactly world moving.

    The only major difference i see there is the shadows seemingly being either prebaked or independent of camera (e.g world spaced rather than camera spaced) which gets around the ugly "crawling" and constantly changing shadow corners. Which i wish was something SL would do.

    Live, it runs about 55 FPS on an AMD Ryzen 5 with an NVidia 3070. Linux 20.04 LTS. The video capture isn't full speed, because Kazaam, the capture program, can't keep up.

    Shadows are not prebaked. Sun only, though. Shadow crawling was a problem in an earlier version of Rend3, but has been fixed.

    Asset loading from server isn't full speed yet. Using a JPEG 2000 decoder from Rust is currently a problem, and the decoder is currently a command-line decoder running in subprocesses. That's a temporary solution. Here's what startup currently looks like with loading delays visible: http://www.animats.com/sl/misc/accessmalltest.mp4 That's an early test, not final. As you get closer to objects, their loading priority increases and the priority queue is updated, so you get the high-detail version fast as you approach something. There was an LL attempt to do that in the SL viewer years ago, but it was abandoned.


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  2. Zindra was supposed to look futuristic. Curb-level street lights, planes of light as traffic lights, monorails. The safe hubs match that.


    Nelsonia safe hub, off the north coast of Zindra. Not bad, but isolated.



    This teleport board doesn't work. Nothing useful happens when you click. Many of the destinations listed no longer even exist. So new users are stuck here, on an island, with no idea of where to go.



    New users can get help here. No, they can't. This sign brings up a dead link.

    And LL wonders why new user retention is a problem.

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  3. It's come up at Creator User Group a few times in the last year.

    A solution has to be backwards compatible, not increasing the LI of existing objects. Otherwise, when deployed, some people will have their parcels go over limit and objects will be returned. There's already been one change like that, with "old" and "new" LOD accounting. Give a prim torus a material and watch the LOD increase as it changes to new accounting. Adding a "newer" LOD accounting is not a popular idea.

    There's also the issue that the LI accounting is tuned to the way the viewers draw, using OpenGL. Someday the viewers will switch to Vulkan, which has totally different relative costs. (No "draw call" cost.). Speeding up the viewers (which is actually being worked on by LL, after a long hiatus) is more productive than messing with the LI accounting.

    Avatars have their own problems. Avatar LODs don't work, because every attachment has the LOD distances of the main avatar. If you don't do it that way, the avatar starts coming apart at distance due to much existing clothing having terrible or non-existent lower LODs. 20,000 triangle shoes are common. You can try this by putting purchased mesh clothing on an an animesh character. The LODs will usually be terrible, clothing parts will disappear at distance, and the LIs will be huge. Which is why avatar complexity is such a problem.

    (There's clothing with proper LODs made for animesh - Meli Imako and Duck Girl make some. It's rare.)

  4. 4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    There are tons of avatars in your Library folder.  Choose one.

    Yes. Especially if you got stuck with the male default, "70s disco guy with radio". The female default, "dress and big floppy hat with purse and small dog" is not as bad.

    Go to Firestorm Help Island or New Resident Services (which you can find via "Search" in the "Content" menu) for better avatar and clothing options. Their stuff is all free. Don't spend money on expensive avatars and clothing until you have the clothing options figured out.

    Clothes shopping in SL is about as complicated as shopping in real life. Really good looks are possible, but take some work to achieve.

    • Thanks 1
  5. The most efficient way would be to construct a string of lights with all the bulbs on the same face, but at different places in UV space. Then set up texture animation in UV space to scroll some long narrow texture past all the faces. Texture animation is nice for this because there's no script load - the viewer does all the work.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    As much as ~I would love to see this be a thing, if this would be so popular, why aren't there many private regions providing this? Or maybe there are? I can't say I've looked extensively.

    Like many of the best parts of SL, it's a niche that someone undertook to do well. Others include the Blake Sea area, the Fruit Islands, the City-State of New Babbage, and the Confederation of Democratic Simulators.

  7. If you want themed region in an adult area, check out Aurora Town. It's most of the Paceglen region of Zindra. They rent houses. Not too expensive. The residential sections look much like Belli. There's also a commercial district. If someone built what you wanted, it would probably look like this.

    (Aurora Town used to be larger, but they seem to have downsized. They had a private monorail system and more commercial buildings. Now the area is surrounded by vacant lots with rental boxes from the usual landlord.)


  8. 10 hours ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

    Would it be possible to use blockchain technology to secure content creators' IP rights and users content across multiple virtual worlds?

    In theory, yes. I've written about this before. But NFT land is so full of flakes and scammers that I wouldn't want to be involved with that.

    I'm all in favor of building better 3D metaverses. What I want to see is something as general as Second Life, as open as Open Simulator, as good looking as a modern AAA title, and with a frame rate high enough for VR headgear. I fear that all the NFT scams, when they collapse, will give the metaverse concept such a bad name it will be years before anyone tries to solve the hard problems.

    I get three views of the Metaverse. First, the SL view, from people who spend time in something that pretty much does what the metaverse is supposed to do. It's just too sluggish and too hard to use. Second, the Reddit view, which is dominated by the "make money fast" crowd. Third, the game developer view, where there are long discussions about how Epic gets all that detail with Nanite and why the Spatial OS approach to big seamless worlds didn't work out. And, on the game dev side, the big unanswered question - how do we make the metaverse fun?

    This, of course, is SL's problem. The world itself just sits there. We have to make our own fun. For a sizable fraction of the population, that either takes up too much time or is beyond their abilities. Even if developers get the technology up to the Reader Player One level, will we just be wandering through a big empty world that looks better than SL and has less lag?

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  9. I didn't discover all that. Most items in that list were done by someone else in some vehicle script, although not all together. But few creators gave out details.

    Here are my vehicle scripts for my motorcycles. They've been available there for years. License is GPL, so you can use them in any free vehicle. No support, though. For commercialization, we have to talk.

    I want vehicles in SL to Just Work. If you can't travel around, there's no point in having a big seamless world.


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  10. 5 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I have found that it is often helpful to reacquire PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA after you have entered a new region.

    Yes. After a vehicle's region crossing is complete, with the vehicle and all avatars in the new region, it helps to do all of the following:

    • Check that you have all the needed perms and re-acquire them if necessary.
    • Set camera.
    • Set animations.
    • Set sounds.

    Also useful:

    • When the vehicle crosses (CHANGED_REGION event), turn off physics to force a hard stop.
    • Wait for all avatars to arrive. (Typical delay, about 50-100ms, but can be longer in overloaded sims.)
    • Turn physics back on.
    • Set velocity vector to velocity saved when physics was turned off.

    And even:

    • When vehicle root coords go outside 0..256, set a hover height to avoid sinkage. (No more sinking into the road at badly constructed region crossings.)
    • At end of region crossing, turn off hover mode.

    And also:

    • Check for path which will cross two region boundaries in a short period and slow down vehicle.

    And finally:

    • If avatars don't arrive within 15-30 seconds, turn vehicle off.

    And in the Firestorm viewer:

    • Set Preferences->Move & View -> Movement  -> Region crossing movement prediction -> Stop when error gets too large

    With all this, region crossings are either successes, or the immersion breaking total fail where the avatar failed to cross and is stuck. Which is why I keep bringing up the total fail case at Server User Group. Can't work around that from LSL.

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  11. 19 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

    The ledgers of most "reputable" crypto exchanges are now under the eye of the IRS. RL identifying info must be attached to exchange accounts if you want to buy/sell/trade.

    Yes.IRS: "$3.5 B Cryptocurrency Seized in 2020". The IRS has the cryptocurrency thing figured out.

    Even people who tried really hard to remain anonymous and avoided using "reputable" exchanges have been caught.

    Answering "no" to that question and being in an IRS database as having a crypto account somewhere is going to be detected.


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  12. 51 minutes ago, AnthonyLovett said:

    Why would it be that I see my chosen animation normally, i.e. lying down on a couch, but my partner sees only me standing up when he lies down. This happens despite relogging, clearing cache, standing up then trying again... I use Firestorm (latest version), he uses SL Viewer (latest version) but this has never happened before.

    Something is badly wrong, and it's not your fault. File a JIRA. Give the "about" info from the viewer for both viewers. Mention how many times you've seen this. Can you reproduce it on request?

    Scripts should have no effect on this.

    Anyone else seeing this?

    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Rowan Afterthought said:

    I'm trying to avoid using loops to run through list entries when comparing two lists. Since I need to compare a few lists at once in sequence.
    I'd love to find a function that says "If List A has any entry from list B return true."

    There's a built-in sort, llListSort. So you can sort both lists and then do a sequential match.

    How much data is involved? What you're trying to do here is beat O(N^2). You can do this, and get down to O(N log N). But for small N, it may not be worth it. If you have 10 items in each list, just do the nested loops. If you have 1000, start working on the heavy machinery in LSL. if you have 10,000, connect to an external server with a database and tell it to do a join.

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