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Ada Forwzy

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  1. Thank you for the answer! I think I tried like everything - avatar menu -> "avatar health", clearing cache, reinstalling FireStorm. So it just started to bother me if it is something dangerous - like some hackers or something. But it seems it's normal, haha.
  2. Phew... Those answers actually gave me a relief. I thought it could be something dangerous Recently, I did clear cache and even did clear reinstallation of FireStorm. I guess it could be because of internet connection. I saw this only on my avatar though. Thank you for the answer! Yeah, I guess it can't be helped. At first I tried to reattaching stuff but it didn't help. And also I tried everything in that menu "Avatar Health" - it did actually nothing. But it helps when avatar gets stuck in some animations! And than I cleared cache, reinstalled FireStorm, but it came back So I thought it could be something bad (I hear about hackers in SL almost everyday!). Thank you for the answer! Thank you for the answer! I never tried tping a couple times but maybe it is some solution to it
  3. Hello, From time to time I see that my avatar gets kind of deformed like on this pic: https://gyazo.com/b11880bcb58645b7e0b6b4233d156223 Relogging helps but after I teleport to another place it sometimes comes back (sometimes not - I know, it's weird). I use Maitreya Body and Catwa Head I wonder why it happens and if there is any solution to this.
  4. Hello, From time to time I see that my avatar gets kind of deformed like on this pic: https://gyazo.com/b11880bcb58645b7e0b6b4233d156223 Relogging helps but after I teleport to another place it sometimes comes back (sometimes not - I know, it's weird). I use Maitreya Body and Catwa Head I wonder why it happens and if there is any solution to this.
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