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Rob Huntsman

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Posts posted by Rob Huntsman

  1. You're creating your avatar all wrong. You should start off with a shape you ideally LIKE. Then go from there.. and take suggestions from the creators note card.


    If you're trying to wing shapes/looks on your own expect to be wasting a lot of L.


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  2. 2 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:


    Yep, parcels in the Horizons regions (and some other areas of the Mainland, as previous posters have noted) have a double prim allowance.  This also makes their asking prices quite high.  Horizons parcels start at around $L40,000.

    The owner of any region can apply a "prim bonus factor" to parts of her region.  You can find private estate regions where the estate owner has done this, so you don't have to be on Mainland to see the phenomenon.  You can see whether a bonus factor has been used by looking at About Land, in the Objects tab.

    When some land in a region is given more prims by means of the bonus factor, other parts of the region have to pay the price.  In effect, the region owner takes prims away from some of the land to apply them to other parts of the land.

    Well setting up a homestead region is even more expensive about 100k+..Would make more sense just to sell more of these Double prim regions instead of very rarely... 

    Like I'm fine paying the 40k one time then upgrading to premium, the problem is they're not selling more right now just all 351 regions now.

  3. I noticed some of the mainland for sale you can own 1024 acres that you can own with DOUBLE the prims at 702.


    Whereas most of these parcels only offer 351 amount of prims for 1024 acres of land.


    Why is there a imbalance for 1024 acres land... And why isn't this mentioned for premium members trying to buy land. If this is the case then "Area" isn't as important people would rather care more about Parcel Capacity in firestorm search...

  4. 9 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


    The bolded part I didn't quite understand. What did you mean? Apart from handling drawcalls, I doubt there's much video-stuff going on our CPU. Let alone actual rendering. :) On a VM, just for lolz, I installed Intel's OpenCL emulator once, to be run on your CPU. It was literally like a hundred times slower than what graphics card can do with true OpenCL support. 😍 

    SL requires alot of ram to run, For example if you got around 5-8k ram you wont rez stuff as frequently on your viewer and could resort to crashing. Normally if you wanna PVP in SL you need atleast two sticks of ram and be around 16k, or you're gonna have issues moving.

    The thing with processors for SL you need to have it also current which is odd. For example, I got another buddy that can play Fortnite, and Battlefield. However, when it comes to gaming on SL his processor strangely can't handle it because its old. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Digit Gears said:


    ["Is SL a video game?!" topics aside, at it's core, it's a video game, running on decade old game engine]


    I play decade old video games. Old video games actually run better then SL. However I think Linden Labs could actually benefit alot if they only hired a few Video Game Designers. To understand how video game engines work, and how they need to be compatible with graphic cards using its CORES. For example weaker graphic cards tend to have 700 cores, whereas stronger graphic cards have 4k.. Nasa creating a new graphics card using 8k cores. Linden Labs needs to not be using our rams or processors to generate the graphics or it overheats the PC's.  

  6. 23 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    Just thought I'd point out that even Linden Lab calls Second Life a "Game" - found this while surfing' just this morning (and note that it is a paid-for advert):


    Oh, and yes, this is an old thread, deal with it.

    Yeah, some people can't figure out "Virtual World" is actually a game Genre. For example, Minecraft is the same video game Genre as Second life. However, you can make money on this game apparently.


  7. 3 hours ago, animats said:

    There's Drivers of SL. An event every week.

    There are many motorcycle clubs in SL. They even have "ride leaders". But I never see those guys on mainland roads. I expected they'd have group runs, like RL bikers, but in over 2000km of SL driving, I've never seen a club run go by.

    I just checked that group out... Seems more for people advertising for their vehicles/club events. Saw like one race for 300l...Assuming first. You can make way better L doing jousting/horse archery events in Medi-Fantasy Events & Information. Waterhorse tournaments using the  Unity Jousting meter tend to have prizes around 6500L first, 4500L 2nd and like 3000l third or by Joining Gorean Tournament Guild for similar prizes for tarn racing they do once every 2 weeks. Although, if you find any decent urban groups throwing L away I'll gladly check it out.

    Theres also Tharl Racers of Gor. But they're using breedables so I never really got into it.

  8. If only there was groups hosting events for Motorcycles such as races. People would care more about this.

    However, there isn't any. Only "vehicles" I'd say worth buying are horses, Tharlarians (Raptor mounts), or tarns(Giant eagles) where all the competition to win L is at.

    So for people wanting to do vehicles scripts should look at the Animals to compete in Jousting & Racing events..

  9. I wouldn't entirely blame mesh avatars, after all most games have animated skeletons. I'd more blame LL not supporting 4k resolution, or updating their graphics engine. Letting their creators improve the graphics for their game.  For example, I know a great variety of creators releasing quality textures that the game isn't even designed for. So when you look at these textures you're gonna lag. 

    It's honestly getting to the point LL might as well make a Second life 2 or  just wait until SL becomes unplayable with our computers.

  10. 1 hour ago, Steronum said:

    Hi, I provide hosting for websites, including professional email. Can I advertise and rent these services on Second Life if the price is in L$?

    If your website is redirecting to your market place for transactions to take place, I don't think there would be a issue. If anything you're just promoting your market place already. Creators tend use a website called Flickr to show photo's for their merch. Although, people should be on Instagram too make more money.  >.>

  11. 1 hour ago, Bree Giffen said:

    Why not have a mobile viewer that only shows one avatar? By default it would only show your avatar but a top down map will show your surroundings and you could select another avatar to view. There would be a chat interface much like mobile messaging and player inventory would also be available to change clothes and things. You move around and teleport with the map. Maybe you could also select a single object (like a chair) on the map and view it. It could encourage users to go into the desktop SL for the full experience.  Would this be possible to develop?

    They'd first have to fix the viewer for SL to run properly on computers. The only reason why things look nice in SL is because of the creators. However, due to creators "Exploiting" on making textures look nicer = Lag. I couldn't even imagine this issue on a smartphones... However, they'd need to tackle that issue first before even attempting SL going mobile for weaker graphics card, and ram.

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  12. 7 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

    But even then, the creators are confined to a certain texture quality. So you won't see 4K textures at all, and one creator told me they had to find a work around, by layering, to achieve this within that constraint. Which does take a huge hit on your GPU, because you have to load in these hefty textures. Whereas other games, you don't have those constraints and rendering is so much better. So to say that the graphics are Highly Realistic, is rather false. There are mods in Skyrim and Fallout 4, with better texture and model quality.

    Yeah, the creators are getting smart to make their stuff look better but at a cost of lag. I really don't think it's the creators fault. Linden labs at some point needs to just fix their viewer build to support 4k.

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  13. 22 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

    When exactly was this article written?  There are or were probably other "virtual worlds" games. That have much more advanced and more sophisticated graphics systems, than SL.

    By Alex Williams Updated July 08, 2019 so quite recently.

    I think hes just rewarding the creation spot to Second life because of the fact it's one of they only products that let you upload your own mesh. A lot of the creators on second life do some pretty impressive work. However, I don't think SL can get any other type of praise than that. The viewer still runs pretty bad where high pop areas expect your GPU 80-90%. Then when idle can be anywhere between 40-70 when using.

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  14. 27 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    totally depends..
    in general you don't visit a family beach in full sm atire..as you also dont visit church with a p-a visibly hanging out of the front of your pants...
    If i like to see those things i go to the designated places, not the grocery store.


    Monitoring how people do their picks is too extreme if they're only visiting a sim. Not many are going to hide this "pick" you dislike.

    Although, the Viewer should provide Adult Region Picks only to be viewed by people WISHING to access/view that kind of content. So people could just keep their viewer set to General if not wanting to see Moderate/Adult region picks.

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  15. 8 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:


    Even Active Worlds as old and dated as it is is far better than building with nothing but cubes in Minecraft. And you can host your own 'worlds' on your own pc that come in... wait for it... different sizes!

    I've been in virtual worlds and building in them for 25 years. Long before MMOs ever started allowing building, much less allowing any and all players to upload content. I do know wtf I am talking about.

    That's the only reason why Lifewire said 

    • "Best for Creation: Second Life at Secondlife.com, “Highly realistic graphics that make each of its wide collection of vibrant and imaginative destinations a captivating experience.”"

    Other then that whats king is Minecraft for the Virtual World genre. Also, actually long ago you could do the same thing on Second life for hosting your own sims. But Linden Labs went autist saying people were stealing its property.... Thus OpenSim and Second Life Divide was born. Honestly, I'd go play Opensim for free land, and supporting C# coding. However, the marketplace over there is unsupported, and no way really to make a buck on Opensim. Opensim, should honestly make its own Virtual World product instead of piggy backing off SL because it's not helping what their trying to do at all. It's like SL and Opensim have completely different goals, but Opensim has way better ideas for the audience and not getting supported.

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