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Posts posted by danababy69

  1. 13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    It's already been posted but again from the Official Adult Content FAQ...

    Adult activity on Moderate land must be conducted "behind closed doors," meaning that you must make every reasonable effort to ensure that the parcel is private. This means:

    Allow only a group or specific individuals access to the parcel. If it is group-access only, the group must not be freely open to join.

    Hide avatars (turn off avatar visibility) for the parcel.

    Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers.


    The walls of your home are visible barriers.  This has been discussed multiple times.  Perhaps they should add that tidbit for clarification.

    Technically, if you read what is allowed and where, I can have an escort business on my Moderate land as long as I follow the above stipulations, do not advertise nor have my business searchable.



    okay, am not talkin about inside, am talkin about outside decor.. they have animesh dolls now, say you wanted to setup lewdly posed animesh dolls? mind you this is also in accordance with Diamonds point, about  pornographic art on ground level not havin action taken. where then is the line drawn between what the animesh dolls are doin versus what the avatars are doin.. am sayin the M ratin does not satisfy the needs for everyone, and that as a consumer, of a product, that you pay for, why would you continue to pay for some'n that is not goin to offer you what you want, why should you be forced somewhere else, away from civilisation?? that's awfully antisocial, like bein told 'heathen!! take your lewd and lascivious conduct to a commercial island!!' you're not welcome on the mainland

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  2. 26 minutes ago, diamond Marchant said:

    If you have a Belli skybox, turn off visibility, and turn on a 15 sec orb, I would be shocked if Governance would act on any AR from somebody camming in. I know for a fact they will not act on obvious porn "art", publicly visible at ground level.

    so you believe AR is entirely 100% free from abuse? the system is perfect?.. no damage can be done? it hasnt been abused before by people who plainly just want to watch the world burn, because they dont care about, other people?? no sense in discussion!! the system is perfect!! ladies and gentlemen, you heard it hear first!!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    This might be why every single adult place I go to is on a Private island and not Zindra.  The Island costs $209 a month.  Your own covenant.  Terraform all you'd like.  You can also rent on an adult commercial island.  

    Even if you could get full region in Zindra, LL would only be getting $166 per month.  They really have no incentive to add more mainland adult regions as far as I can see.

    that's fine and dandy, but what is the point of payin for a service that is not goin to guarantee me, safety, in the dwellin provided for me, by the paid service? if i am to change who i am to suit everyone else, to protect other's delicate sensibilities, why am i not afforded the same protections?.. LL wants to say you are to do this and this in compliance with closed doors, but i wouldnt need closed doors, if i had an adult region. am not askin to run around nekkit, or flaunt me sexual exploits, but what if i choose to decor me land in lewd statues, or grotesque violent scenes? why am i forced into a moderate zone, unable to maximise me freedom of self expression, in area that doesnt allow the full security measures necessary to facilitate the 'closed doors' policy in the first place.. i have to modify who i am, to suit others.. it's censorship.. it's not like i joined an HOA.. am not askin for anythin more than to simply have the freedom to be me, in any way i so choose, in the Linden offered land, they offer in their paid subscriptions.. i want safety, to know that at any point in time, am not gonna be needlessly prosecuted for materials deemed unworthy, of the land ratin, in an area am not able to fully hide me parcel.. which is effectually preventative to any outdoor decor i might want to put up that may be in someway shape or form suggestive in nature, why should i have to fork out the extra quid, to be given land i cannot do with as i wish? why should i be forced into commercial territory? that's pretty much sayin to your adult userbase, 'this town aint big enough for the two of us, and am not goin anywhere' *forceful chest poke* 'buddy'

  4. this is no way, shape, or form, some deep science that needs solvin.. it's plain as day, the sims with the highest traffic per capita, beyond any shadow of any doubt is adult sims..

    increased availability would definitely decrease price. a cost/demand scenario is what you're lookin it.

    availability of Adult regions, are about more than the ability to engage in sex, avoidin nosy neighbours and so on.. it is about the guaranteed protection, and privacy of your area, to do and be anythin without the fear of grey areas you could be held accountable to.. the limit of what you can do with an M sim versus what you can do, with an adult one really is the difference between bein reported for a phallic water fountain outside, and not

  5. 5 hours ago, Hunny Bunny said:

    This is why I maintain that adding more adult land in Second Life would bring forth numerous benefits. It would establish distinct boundaries between areas where adult content is allowed and regions with more general content. This clear demarcation would reduce ambiguity and potential misunderstandings, creating a safer and more comfortable environment for all users.

    Residents on adult land would enjoy heightened privacy and freedom to express themselves without the burden of excessive security measures. They could freely engage in adult activities without fear of unintentional infractions that might lead to reports or conflicts with neighbors.

    The creation of dedicated adult regions would cater specifically to users who prefer adult content, providing spaces where like-minded individuals and communities can come together. This sense of community would undoubtedly lead to higher satisfaction and engagement as people find and connect with others who share their interests and preferences.

    Having these adult regions clearly defined would enable improved enforcement of guidelines, ensuring that adult content remains confined to its designated spaces. This could potentially help in mitigating griefing issues, as the content would be restricted to appropriate areas with willing participants, reducing the misuse of platform rules to target specific individuals.

    Expanding adult spaces benefits not only those who engage in adult activities but also those who prefer not to participate in such content. By creating more dedicated adult regions, individuals who choose to engage in adult activities would be relocated away from those who don't have an interest in them. This separation allows for a more tailored approach to user preferences, offering zones for general, moderate, and adult content based on individual needs.

    Having a one-size-fits-all approach may not be truly beneficial, considering the diverse interests and preferences of Second Life users. Instead, having distinct zones for different content types ensures that everyone can find a space that aligns with their comfort level and desired experiences.

    The current situation highlights an imbalance, with a surplus of abandoned general and moderate land across the grid while adult space remains scarce and disproportionately overpriced. Therefore, the demand for more adult land becomes evident to address this discrepancy and provide a better balance between the different content categories.


    this is by far the most rational and logical thing, anyone has said on the topic, if you can disagree with anythin said here, you are advocatin for confusion, chaos, and a world where all that exists is grey areas, that could or could not lead to you bein unjustly prosecuted for adult activity.. this whole 'sterilise the world to suit me, cus i'm so infantile, i cant live in a world, that contains that which makes me uncomfortable, so rules must be put in place that punish the collective, and satisfy only me' issue would be sorted as well, with the adult rated sims and regions, the Adult ratin itself would serve as the warnin, that 'hey, unless you want to see adult material do not venture beyond this point as this is an adult activity protected area'.. the M ratin, is not safe, is not protected, the 'behind closed doors' thing only works in instances where people know how to utilise all the security measures offered, noobs who want to get freaky are not gonna know how to utilise all the security measures necessary to protect themselves against a peeper who reports them for adult activity in an M rated sim. the grey area is too vast, we need clear  concise rules, areas dedicated specifically for this and that, so that people who want it, can find it, and people who dont can avoid it.. it's pretty cut and dry.. and simple.. if you want your sterile world, where there is less adult activity visible, then you need the adult regions, dedicated to house the safe and protected adult activity.. M is entirely too much a grey area.. that's all to say that the A ratin doesnt only cover sexual content it covers a vast array of other content that would not be permitted on an M or G rated sim.. the list of potentials, that could get you in trouble start to grow, the more you lookit, what can be done in an A rated sim and what can be done in an M rated sim.. the idea is to grant homes to those who engage in adult activity, so that your entire userbase is represented, and not marginalised, and are able to be themselves, and engage in the thingers that allow them to maximally express who they are  in a safe and protected environment free of of the fetters of conviction via this medium.. people come here to live vicariously through an avatars. it  is called Second Life, you can live an entire second life here.. it's a safe place to live out fantasies you otherwise would never live out in RL because of the vast dangers such actions and consequences would have in the real world.. if i want to sleep with half the world, i can do so here, and not worry about STD's, UTI's, pregnancy, etc. if i want to be godzilla and destroy a city i can, and never actually harm anyone in the process, if i want to play a bank robber, i can do so without ever actually robbin a bank, it is the perfect hyperbolic existence.. there is nothin you cannot do, or be.. why are we tryin to limit or stifle this, by sterilisin the world of adult regions, that would ultimately make it safer for all it's users anyways

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  6. 1 hour ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    SJW is quite the pejorative and obvious slur. I certainly hope that wasn't used in any public conversation here in the forums.

    sooo, SJW is not explicitly a pejorative, SJW's were originally self proclaimed SJW's.. it has been used as one because the sort who engage in SJW-like behaviours tend to have a rules for thee and not for me attitude, hence why people turned into pejorative meant to harm... it's all about your frame of reference.. the social justice movement originated in the Atheism plus community, and people called themselves SJW long before, it were a pejorative, it's up to the interpreter to determine whether or not is a pejorative or slur.. to the people who use as a pejorative, it is meant to classify a type of individual, who wants to be a protected class, but calls it equality, again 'rules for thee, not for me', to those who used it long before it were a pejorative, it means those who stand up for social justice.. if you are offended by it, you are part of the problem.. as words are simply words and only have the meanin you assign to them.. Now,  that does not give people free pass to act like arseholes, it's just a lesson as old as time, sticks and stones may break me bones, but words will never hurt me.. words have power, only because you believe in the power they have and they gravity they carry, if you stop carin what other people think about you, it all of a sudden doesnt matter what anyone says about you.. you can call me anythin you like, i dont give a good toss one, because words are words, and i dunno you.. who are you to me?? the idea of not offendin someone is about respectin them, but that doesnt mean they should be offended by petty insults especially if it werent even directed at them.. if you recognise that person is tryin to belittle someone, that should immediately detract from their point, and plainly it's okay to disregard their point, since they want to sink to the level of insults.. but to give the insult power, by bein offended means you have surrendered control over your own emotions to someone who doesnt eeven have your emotional interest at heart, and why would you do that unless you wanted to be hurt or offended?? 

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    same .. long gone now.

    The issue here isn't that "hey" or "hi, how are you?" are misunderstood, its that culturally in SL those greetings tends to be short hand for "do you fancy humping avatars"



    that i can understand, but again it's best to let people have enough rope to hang themselves than it is to hang them before they've even committed a crime, i've amassed many loyal frands on SL, people i would trust with me life.. by not shuttin down conversations, because of how i wanted to be addressed or spoken to.. if you let people be themselves, you will either find out, that they're not who you want with you, and leave them, or you will keep them, and they will love you, for acceptin them as they are, and not askin them to speak, or be a specific way to be with you, and from there, they will be willin to do nearly anythin, that you want. and it's because you dont expect it, dont ask for it, dont hold them to some unrealistic standard.. and they appreciate that immensely, it vastly more social, to let people be them, even if you dont agree with them. me current SL partner and i, cannot agree on one thing politically, other than governments tend to suck, otherwise we are perfect diametric opposites in that regard, however, i dont ask her to be anythin other than her, i don tell her to speak, like she believes what i beleive to interact with me... it is why you, understand goin into the situation that is giant grabbag of wtf, you dunnu who youre talkin to, what they believe, what they think, where they're from,  not every 'hey' is the 'lets screw' hey, just like not everyone on SL, despite the vast user base bein horn dogs, is tryin to get in your knickers

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    It's really an example of a "cultural" difference that is accessible to western English speakers.

    Gor is also an entirely valid target for criticism, however people might want to explore a wider selection of fan fiction RP genres before deciding Gor is as bad as it gets (oh hi there, omegaverse). Next to newer fashionable stuff, Gor is genial dance for old farts holding royal court .. yes master 1 2 3 Kneel 1 2 3 elaborately make coffee 1 2 3 ... 

    That set piece nature of it makes it so there is always a correct thing to be doing and a correct way to respond. Which sounds boring as hell, till you realize that makes even small indiscretions an adventure. Other (even G rated) role-plays function around the exact same artificial dynamic of strong rules that exist only to be broken.

    In SL this is an example of a intentionally enforced dynamic providing a base rule-set that overcomes everyone rolling up and not wanting to say a word.

    In the context of such roleplays, lurking is rude, where as without such context, lurking with an avatar is second nature.

    am initially from the UK me self, and still perfectly understand that 'Hey' is not inherently rude from it's outset, and as this thing as the world wide web exists, unitin different cultures and understandins, havin been on either it or SL long enough, would give someone ample discernment, between 'hey' as in the rude lad gettin your attention at the pub, and a 'hey' full of affection, and curiosity. me point bein to handwave it entirely as cultural difference, is to remove some accountability from someone, who interacts with different cultures via the SL medium, and since SL doesnt really display your ethnicity nor culture above your head, it is wise to go in with the idea, that you are indeed interactin with a grabbag, and to approach everyone as though, they are in good faith, until they prove otherwise, designatin 'hey' immediately to it's 'rude' connotation, without bein aware of where you are, minglin with other cultures is invitin a world of trouble onto yourself, for bein quick to judge without all teh facts

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  9. Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

    I can't imagine anything more dull.  Plus they always put the females in that one pose, whatever it's called.  Kneeling in subjugation.

    aye, it's static and stagnant, it's ironically(as it relates to the first person i were respondin to) more anti-social than 'hey' -- and aye.. almost immediate nadu pose in Gorean RP for lasses.. whilst, if that is what you want, that's okay, to rule or be ruled.. but, to get back on topic on a day to day basis, i'd argue more conversation's are started with 'hey' than, not.. and it's again more anti-social to tell people how to interact with you, than to just interact with whomever regardless of whether they say 'hey' or not

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  10. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    One solution is to become Gorean or something similar, so you can demand to be addressed in any manner customary with your Alpha status!


    right?  an almost absolute role play scenario where you are always what you want to be, and are adressed so,  then you sit unchallenged.

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  11. 6 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    I hate it when anyone greets me with "Hey!". It's very anti-social.

    "Hey!" (in my part of the world) is an imported aggressive shouty loud call word (from Scandinavian "Hei!" origins) which would only commonly be used to shout out to someone far away to gain their urgent attention. Similar to our own native "Oi!" word too.

    Instead of "Hey!", please use "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon" or "Good evening" when in close proximity to someone you wish to greet. Much more polite and it doesn't sound like a lazy single syllable grunt either.

    whilst i agree that words 'hey/oi' can be construed as rude, single syllable grunts, almost primitive, that does not grant us the permissions to enforce any kind of rule that states 'you must only address me, these ways' cus from there, what are you goin to do to enforce it? the expectation alone is self-entitlement at it's worst. people are who they are, why do you get to be an authority, on how they conduct themselves, communicate or otherwise? whilst it may be a ghastly form of communication, it is the right of whomever, to be as ghastly and unsavoury, provided they've not violated any rights, freedoms, laws, contractual obligations, and in SL's case TOS.. sooo, you can hate it all day, but you've no right to expect anyone to greet you a specific way, without yourself, violatin their basic right to speak, as they please.. now you are free to ignore them, and not acknowledge them, if that is as you see fit, you've no obligation to respond to 'hey/oi' but you also dont have the right to tell people they cant use 'hey/oi' it is outside of your control, and people are who they are, and speak how they speak, and you need to either not talk to those people, so you can avoid it, oor accept it, cus it's not goin anywhere any time soon. also, 'hey' is usually someone reachin out, that kinda implies the opposite of anti-social

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    So what do you think will happen when we quit "hiding" sex in SL? I think you are kidding yourself if you think it will attract mature, respectful people.  Not that I'm against it but you can't have it both ways.

    so earlier, i suggested a sin for salvation type scenario, initially, jsut like if you legalised all drugs, there would be an absolute spike in activity, but once everyone is desenstised, has lived it, been it, done it, or figured out half the women cant be arsed, arent interested, or wont do what they're askin, they will get it out their system and be done with it... am not sayin advertise it, am not sayin shove it down anyone's throats, am just sayin, it wouldnt hurt a thing, to let people know they can be themselves, no matter how freaky nor kinky, it couldnt hurt to let people know you can find intimacy here, it couldnt hurt to let people know that SL is more than just remote workin and event managin site, cus when you lookit the main page for SL that is what they sell it as.. i mean really, why is it so wrong to inform the public that there is a safe place to try out your fantasies with other consentin adults? am not sayin make it the main fearutre, am not sayin post pornographic images, am not sayin sell it as cyber sex or, some debaucherous and depraved porno simulator.. am just sayin, relationships, sex, and so much more make up the better part of SL.. when most people think of SL, they think of the relationships they've established with people, and the money they've sank in, and that's at the non-creator level.. most of the relaitonships that occur in SL, started with a sexual experience, because it is so easy and readily available to have sex here, it's STD and pregnancy risk free, it has the appeal of endless gold on those premises.. yet, the same people who spend all that money in SL on those sex items, at those sex sims, are the same people who are left out, in general SL activity, even though the bulk of SL income is from its sex work, be it the furniture the sims, the BDSM movements, the, the people themselves.. the rentals on land alone make them a killin.. their vast user base is horny people.. you stop appealin to your user base, you lose your user base

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  13. 1 minute ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    Well because typically 69 means you are into or at least are not offended by sexual things.  It's not anything like you deserve but If I was a Horney 30 year old I'd probably hit on someone with your name than Mary Poppins or at least start with someone with a name that indicates they like adult content.  Sorry if you don't agree but it's human nature.

    then their idea would be based on a faulty assumption. they prejudged me based on their symbolic idea, of what 69 means to them, whilst i recognise, that it carries sexual connotations for some, for me however the meanin is imminently more personal than the symbolic representations of sex.. and really, if some'n as simple as 69 at the end'a me name can trigger that response, and those response occurred in vast numbers would that not still illustrate the ubiquity?

    • Haha 1
  14. Just now, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    You don't think part of the reason why you get propositioned for sex could be because of your name and the adult groups you have in your profile.  I have never been propositioned for sex or anything while shopping and really rarely get hit on at all.  I actually get hit on more now that I have a partner than I ever did while single.  Not saying that doesn't mean everyone else is not getting hit on or it's not an indication of adult activity but not all of us have this experience.  

    what's me name got to do with it? that's as bad as sayin 'look what youre wearin, you deserve it' ffs.. whilst me groups may have some'n to do with it, that does not however account for the other's it happens to like me SL mum, me SL sisters(who has no adult groups in their profile), me SL partner, some of me own SL kids.. and whilst i am but a small sample of the example of this happenin, i know loads others have the same thinger

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  15. 1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I don't think it's hidden away, or that LL is "ashamed" of sexual activity here. I think it's just not advertised. Most people in the world, you know, think sexuality is more of a private matter, and so they are catering to the majority.

    whilst i can agree that sex ought to be private, SL adult sims have sex viewed very much publicly, and they do cover it up, they hush it up like it's some dark secret meant only for the initiated.. like freemasonry, as an outsider, it looks like one thing, but once your initiated, you're in on all the dark secrets, and sex in SL is very much treated like that

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  16. 1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

    It's bad when you can't even sit out on the beach at this one sim I like to frequent, watching the moon and the waves, cozy by the campfire....and then these guys come by...bothering me...

    I'm gonna start sending out notice alerts...you know those sim-wide messages you can send to the entire estate:

    "AMBER ALERT: Horny naked man roaming the beach at coordinates 79,66.22, heading north/northwest toward the residential area".

    LOL I would love for the guy to see the message.

    But really, do we need more of this?  Advertising SL as a place where sex is prominent will only increase it.

    at first yes, there will be a spike of people like that, but when they all see, that half the women cant be arsed, or wont engage in certain activities with them.. when they realise they cant get it, they'll die off and move on with their lives.. it's a sin for salvation kinda thinger, you let them have their fill of it, so they can get it out their system, and they'll go about their lives--- but we're not talkin about strictly advertisin, refer to what i said one page ago, it's  about removin the stigma around sex, and not penalisin people for engagin in sex related activity.. the majority user base is, participatin in sex, when you refuse to represent your user base, you will lose them.. people here for the sexual aspects will altogether leave, if they feel they have no presence, no say, no voice, no freedom to be them, but in the dark recesses of some corner of SL... SL is an outlet, and a healthy one for people, who have niche desires they cant exactly play out in RL, it's safe here as well, you can block a troublesome person, the idea is to let people know that they are free to be them, since that is why they come here

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  17. 1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    This has happened to me countless times in Guild Wars 2.

    Pitiful pickup lines are everywhere online. Just internet things.

    that's kinda me point, @Scylla Rhiadra comment suggested i were holdin some part of an elephant, base on the idea of the  ubiquity of sex in SL i point out.. as it's not just an SL only related phenomena , but also an internet culture one as well


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  18. 4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I think we've established which part of the elephant you've got hold of . . .


    i've not got ahold of anythin, just know what the traffic stats show when you do searches, and the amount of times i've been propositioned for sex, in A, M, and G rated sims reach absurd numbers.. you can argue it all you want, but i can be out shoppin, and will get propositioned for sex, i can put on me profile 'not interested in sex' and will still get propositioned, it's pretty self evident, if you cant see it, you've willfully put blinders on

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  19. @Bagnu it's in the traffic data, it's the shoppin data, it's the profiles of some. Adult sims generate traffic in the tens-hudreds of thousands, a vast gap between that, and the M and G rated sims.. whilst some M rated sims do generate a wealth of traffic, the populations that filter into Adult rated sims, are near exponentially more, so much so, that a well known scheme to attract people to your newly started club, is to have it on adult land, cus people are horny, the maths speak for themselves.. next time you do an SL search for a key word, filter it down to places, and lookit the traffic of adult sims under that keyword, then lookit the traffic of sims with an M or G ratin, under that keyword

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  20. we're gettin off topic.. the implications of a 'community' bein called negative is the idea, that there, is a group/clique/membership type thinger, and the exclusivity and inclusivity of it, can for the better or the worse, impact how someone perceives it, like in Coffee's instance: 'toxic'-- however to be back on task, we need to stop stigmatisin sex on SL as it is the majority of what takes place on here, to deny that, is to deny the truth of SL

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  21. @Sammy Huntsman the real complaint is, people come to SL to be free, if you are bein kept in the basement, because your parents are ashamed of you, you're hardly free.. and in this scenario, the people and their sexual nature are what is bein kept in the basement, from the eyes, of who? not the users, cus the users already know what goes on here..  and LL is of course the ashamed parent, lockin you

    away in the basement. me only question after that, is 'mummy, i sustain, and take care of you, why do you lock me away?'

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  22. sooo, am pretty sure, no one is sayin to shove sex into people's face against their will, no one is suggestin, that it's the first thinger you see when you arrive in SL, however SL is an adult user platform.. adult activities take place on here  90% of the user base is comin here for adult content, it's plain when you see the traffic to adult sims, the amount of adult furniture bought, and the amount of people who literally join for the sex aspect of the platform, we're not sayin, to parade it, we're not sayin to glorify or glamourise it, we're simply sayin, stop denyin, the adult component of SL and acknowledge it is what it is.. we are talkin about the stigma that is associated with sex, and adult content.. when your user base is vast majority here to engage in adult content, take part in the adult scene, it damages the platform, when you deny and disavow thingers like this, for no other reason than your constituents, are not bein represented.. with a user base this large, nearly all gunnin for the adult content aspects, it seems like you are ashamed of your user base, by coverin up the fact that's what they're here for, if you paint colours over the truth all you want, it doesnt change the underlyin facts that make up the truth, only the way it's perceived 

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