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Everything posted by CrowleyCorp

  1. That's an easy one to answer. I use firestorm like every other person in the grid. Wouldn't want people thinking this only affects the official Linden Lab viewer since only noobs use that.
  2. The "Run Scripts" option is not a region setting, it is a setting that every person can do in the pie menu to their own objects therefor your reason for supporting the removal of these region owner/manager rights is flawed.
  3. I am VERY UPSET that Linden Lab has taken away sim owners/managers ability to disable scripts in objects through the Region / Get Top Scripts window. Their reason is because no mod objects cannot have their scripts turned back on once deactivated in this way. The solution to this problem is NOT TO REMOVE THE RIGHTS OF REGION OWNERS/MANAGERS but to ENABLE THE ABILITY TO 'RUN SCRIPTS' IN NO MOD OBJECTS! Exceptions were made to the no modify permission to allow objects to be taken out of the inventory of objects (unboxing) and if the item taken out is no copy it is removed from the object inventory permanently with no way to put it back inside breaking the object, so why not make an exception for the 'run scripts' command????? I use the disable scripts ability frequently in my region to deactivate all scripts (after picking up no mod objects) and then turning them back on as needed. I call this nuking my region which needs to be done every so often since the region performance ends up in the toilet after time. Why is it that I can restart my region and the spare time goes from 7.0 or 8.0 to .001? Or from .001 to 4.0 or 5.0? This with no changes to objects in the region for weeks and only myself present. Is there some type of undisclosed 'load leveling' system that takes spare time from some regions and gives to others? Would this explain the random 5 point drop/raise in spare time after sim restarts? Who knows. All I know for sure is that there is something screwy going on with the spare time in my region and probably others as well and this 'UPDATE' that REMOVES SOME RIGHTS OF SIM OWNERS/MANAGERS destroys my ability to diagnose and cure my region performance.
  4. Linden Lab has killed SLVR. http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2016/07/second-life-ends-rift-support-ctrlaltstudio-steps-up/ Notice the unfounded perplexity that anyone would even assume SecondLife was and would be VR compatible. Well in response to your confusion I will say that after years of the Oculus Rift sitting on the main SecondLife webpage I really have no idea why I ever thought SecondLife was and would be VR capable. Silly me. Anyways its all irrelevent now. On the bright side at least someone at CtrlAltStudio cares about SecondLife still.
  5. I sure hope its soon since www.secondlife.com still has the Oculus sitting right there on their homepage. It's all well and good to hear words like "around the corner" and "soon" but as Oz linden said they still have one or two things to fix, and I think we all know how long it takes LL to fix a problem that doesn't affect currency. (a very long time if ever) I mean seriously, no copy objects that people spend good money on still disappear into limbo when people have rez failure due to lack of prims or no rez rights so I don't really find these reassurances comforting.
  6. Obvoiusly I find it ridiculous that some of you people blame ME for complaining that Linden Lab is falsely advertising that SecondLife works with the Oculus Rift. Here is my graphics card that Linden Labs 2014 Oculus Viewer wont recognize: CPU: Intel® Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (3997.73 MHz) Memory: 16326 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 64-bit (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 Oh and as for your comment, I never said I expected perfection. I expect that when Linden Lab says it is Oculus Rift capable that it will be. Not that it wont even recognize my, as i said, very common and very good graphics card. When the 'newest' release of their 'Oculus' viewer is from 2014, and we are now more than half way through 2016, that is just plain apathy.
  7. So I got my Oculus Consumer Release today after waiting 4 months....... Imagine my surprise when I found out that even though Linden Lab has been promoting Oculus for use with SL on their main page for a very long time now, their 'Oculus' viewer has not been updated since 2014, does not recognize my very good and very common graphics card, and doesn't even support the consumer release Oculus. Two words -- false advertising. Anyone else out there upset or is it just me?
  8. So I got my Oculus Consumer Release today after waiting 4 months....... Imagine my surprise when I found out that even though Linden Lab has been promoting Oculus for use with SL on their main page for a very long time now, their 'Oculus' viewer has not been updated since 2014, does not recognize my very good and very common graphics card, and doesn't even support the consumer release Oculus. Two words -- false advertising.
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