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Evah Baxton

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Everything posted by Evah Baxton

  1. Voice and video will be mastered within the next 5 years or so. There will be no way to prove whether an internet communication is human or not. Since the newest AI appears to be breaking the uncanny valley in ways (and speeds) never imagined, do you think it will change the way you interact in SL?
  2. I have 1 alt that I use for script testing. I don't feel at home in my alt. I have a difficult enough time with that. I assume people really enjoy their alts. I love that. It shouldn't be considered bad in my opinion.
  3. I am going to assume that PBR was enabled for me by downloading the latest SL viewer, setting graphics to ultra, and checking out Winter Wonderland. PBR is more wintery looking. The water looks like ice. The lights reflect through the rocks. The light reflects off the snow. It's an improvement for sure. Hoping for more updates to make it more accessible.
  4. "It sets the world on fire. Feeling the fever taking over." They knew nothing after all. They know not what they do.
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