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Everything posted by Teomi

  1. I removed the applier skin. choosing the desired tone and clicking the native skin in hud Maitreya. Or replace it with another applier. But you always need to choose the necessary skin tone to your head skin tone. Or as already written here, by choosing BOM.
  2. alas, now instead of 50 linden for quests. you get half of only 25 linden. this is not yet written in the rules of the game, but they are already actually paying such an amount
  3. Thanks for your reply and information. I am aware of the reboot of the regions. Usually a message appears stating that after so many seconds there will be a restart. Wednesday and Thursday European time, there were no messages and the land simply disappeared before our eyes. And it was cut off for a long time, and it stood for a couple of days as separate islands. Today everything seems to be in place)
  4. For several days now, the lands in the game around Linden Realms, The Search for Magellan, disappear, they seem to be cut off, and thus it is impossible to proceed to the next stage of the quest or collecting crystals. When you arrive at the estate from Portal Park, at first all the lands seem to be visible / then disappear, and you ended up on an island. like others? too so? or is it just me? https://prnt.sc/10cxsqc
  5. A strange way of posing the question in this topic ... there are many games on the Internet where you need to create an avatar and give it a name to your liking .. Our beloved SL is no exception, this is either a game, or an incognito life, or a fantasy, or intrigue, but in any case, SL provides for the confidentiality of your data. we choose our role in which we want to play, and we are here the way who likes, but mostly confidential for other inhabitants of this world. Smart people will not post their data on a public post either in real life or on the Internet or in the game environment. In my opinion, those who wish to * show themselves with reality * are at great risk. Or are you eager to show your super & alpha ego? look what I am .. do as I do, why are you hiding ... or are you too curious and want to provoke everyone to open their faces and their data?)) will not work
  6. Очень грустно, когда уходит прекрасный человек и замечательный сотрудник, вторая жизнь, которую мы так любим. Спасибо за вашу потрясающую работу, чтобы насладиться второй жизнью нашего потрясающего виртуального мира! Мы надеемся, что вы оставили достойных преемников и нам не нужно беспокоиться о будущем виртуального мира Second Life и нас самих в нем. Желаю прекрасного отдыха на пенсии. мы всегда будем помнить вас добрым словом ♥
  7. Thanks. possibly it is the good translator. but it doesn't translate texts of my interlocutors for me (((that is there is no back translation I ask the founder to give the instruction as to me to get the transfer of the text which is written in the general chat? your translator translates only my text
  8. probably because of Metamonics Translators I have a problem at an entrance to shops in the world of SL: DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1"><title>http://www.google.com?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&hl=lv&client=ig&text=BEBA <body style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; color: #000; padding:20px; font-size:18px;" onload="e=document.getElementById('captcha');if(e){e.focus();}"> <div style="max-width:400px;"> <hr noshade size="1" style="color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc;"><br> To continue, please type the characters below:<br><br> <**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://www.google.com?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&hl=lv&client=ig&text=BEBA type="hidden" name="id" value="8835057234413457397"><input type="text prompt please that it is necessary to do with this problem?
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