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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Yes, it makes perfect sense. In general, "desensitization" is how things got so.."extreme" in the first place.
  2. It depends, are we talking "skirt steak", "meat flaps", "meat curtains", or just "camel toes"?
  3. Wrong, because there IS an alternative. Don't agree and don't use the service. In addition to "not using the service", don't users in some countries have the right to have their data deleted, etc. if they don't agree to the terms? (Similar to the "right to be forgotten".)
  4. Ok. I failed to read that into it. 🙂 Understood - and that's why I asked Brodiac what I asked (he's in a different time zone, but of course I would not fault him if my questions seemed annoying). To "understand" why it was "a problem". 🙂 I do hope you see the general point I'm trying to make though, that sometimes if someone has "a problem" with something in Second Life, it's ok. There's not much that can be done about it, if whatever caused "the problem" for them was following the rules, beyond their control, etc. I personally try to read too much into some of the complaints, as if "adults need to make Mature land more acceptable for child avatars". (Some general sense of entitlement.)
  5. Yes but - if I am "real" in Second Life: -Can I eat? Will I starve if I don't? -Can other avatars actually "hurt" me? Will I feel pain? -Will I need L$ to survive? (Will I possibly need to do things against my principles to earn L$?) -Where will I go when the Region I am on is rebooting? Will I cease to exist, or will I be moved to some hellscape of n00bs? -If I am "collared", will I be able to take off my collar? Or will others be able to control me, make me perform humiliating acts? -Will I "live forever" (until Second Life goes out of business)? -Will I "age"? If I made the (very poor IMO) decision to be a "child avatar", will I be the constant victim of horrible, horrible pedos? -If I last chose to be an avatar "not my true gender", will I be stuck in that avatar's gender? Letting the user in these cases "use all their inventory" seems like cheating to me, then they could basically "solve any problem" that comes up. I think it would be a lot more fun if they are helpless, essentially in a hellish landscape of Second Life - but "real".
  6. That's a good one! Can I kill and eat things to survive? (See the horrible scenario in "Rick and Morty" where Summer abandoned her friend in her "pocket universe", and what her friend had to do in order to survive.)
  7. The Amazon app on my iPhone lets me buy things from Amazon inside the app without leaving the app..
  8. Ok then, for the sake of argument: - It would seem that the issue may be whether or not nudity is "expected". (If nudity is "advertised", then child avatars should know better unless they "miss the signs".) - "Expected" is somewhat a "squishy term". For example: I think that I've seen a few complaints about seeing naked avatars specifically "while shopping"; however, many users may think it just fine to undress before changing to new outfits while shopping. If on "M" land and nobody says "don't do that" (get naked while shopping), and you see occasional avatars doing it, then..doesn't it become "expected" (normalized)?
  9. Yep. Often referred to as 'rage quitting', which is only 50% accurate given a day or so. I was referring more to those who suddenly start calling everyone else liars, writing in all caps, cursing, demanding changes (ok, that's quite common), etc. Yes, "rage" but something inside them "pops" and it is very concerning all of a sudden. They don't always "quit" so far as we know, but you often don't hear back from them.
  10. That's fine, at least you see I was referring to Brodiac's objection of things in "Mature" land. How about instead of a "Strip Club", a "Clothing Optional Community"? Is that closer to the reality of "Mature" land? Let's assume that it is, for the sake of discussion: 1. Assumption: "Mature" land is essentially a "Clothing Optional Community". 2. Some "have a problem" with it. That's it - just because some "have a problem" with it, doesn't mean something needs to be changed. I hope that is a more fair and apt analogy!
  11. It's OK, your next thread will be more interesting! 🙂
  12. Precisely so. If there's something important enough that I might need to know (in this case, barely, if my Dinky Demon really is seen as a child instead of an adult cat) then I'll soon find out on the forum and can look it up if I need to. I guess if everyone took that attitude though... there might be a problem. If people REALLY don't like the TOS changes, they can agree to them first, then find out what they are, then quit Second Life and delete their accounts. Unless "protesting" feels really, really good of course. All this feels like an exercise in "protesting" and "venting". I heard "venting" is important. Ever seen anyone "pop" on the Forums because apparently they waited too long to "vent"? It's not pretty.
  13. Ok, I guess a "real answer" is called for. Since the OP's question is a scenario that one may expect in a real-life RPG, I would: - Throw something at the GM - Stand up and leave the room - Tell my friends how silly the GM is, and not to play with them
  14. Brodiac said his biggest issue is with inappropriate attire in G rated regions. You use the example of him going to a strip club but that's not really a good example IMO. It's more like he's going to a mall and finding it filled with people dressed to be performing in a strip club. Big different! In my reply, I am not referring to the "biggest" problem (the "second" statement in Brodiac's quote), I am referring to the "first" statement in Brodiac's quote: My examples of going to a "strip club" were in reference to that ("M"), not the "biggest problem" ("G").
  15. I like anime, but am not interested in those at all. No thanks, but I see your explanation above. For an old fart like me, the "well portal" in Inuyashe is just fine.
  16. Where's that term "isekaied" come from? I am not familiar with it. It sounds more like what happens in TRON than anything else I am familiar with. Or maybe "The Magicians". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magicians_(American_TV_series) ETA: I see you just answered my question, I was too slow asking.
  17. I'm reminded of "The Only Gay In the Village".
  18. Classic! Popularized by the "Punk" scene (Wendy O. Williams).
  19. There's an idea - never, ever log into Second Life ("in world") without checking the Forum first to make sure there are no new "deal breaker" changes.
  20. Now I can't get the "Hardo Gay" gesture "Hooooooo!!!" out of my head. It was quite popular back in the day.
  21. I think social media and the Internet as a whole encourages it! Literally... controversy creates traffic creates advertising revenue. Internet 101. I start to think one of LL's original mistakes is using the phrase, "Your World, Your Imagination". It implies "no rules, I can do whatever I want" and gives people something to point at whenever a rules comes up they do not like.
  22. "But it's NOT FAIR". Sid, are people in YOUR country also so "entitled" as those who use the "not fair" argument? I thought maybe it's a cultural thing. Or, possibly Second Life provides a platform where people feel safe to complain, no matter how silly.
  23. And why are you repeating yourself in every thread about this subject that pops up? eh.... you get the picture. I think they both like using immature arguments, maybe?
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