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Everything posted by purrrkitten

  1. Sometimes right clicking and selecting edit and then waiting for a few seconds fixes it, sometimes it doesn't.
  2. So I logged into my house and there is floating green text that says "TRACKING! (deploy mode)". This is the first time it's been here and I haven't rezzed anything new in a couple of days. I zoomed into it and I think it's from a house on a neighboring parcel. Is there anything I can do to not see the text? It's really ugly lol.
  3. I accidentally pressed a series of keys while using firestorm and now there are these boxes around everyone's avis. How do I turn this feature off? lol 
  4. I don't think he is rezzing anything, he pretty much follows you. If you go far enough from him, it disappears. I stopped going there, not that I went there a lot in the first place, but yeah. I sent the owner a notecard and so have other people. I made the mistake of reacting to him the first time, so I always get a sign over my head lol.
  5. This has been going on for MONTHS?! He put a sign over my head yesterday and the day before lol.
  6. Why am I having this problem? Is anyone else having this problem too?
  7. Marigold Devin, Thank you so much!!! It worked!!
  8. My avatar and other things are blinking black since the new update. Looks like this: http://imgur.com/umnQbY5 It goes from looking like that and then back to the regular colors.
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