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Everything posted by Zennessa

  1. I truly love this idea! I thought of something similar to this awhile back but never got anything going. I would love to house the “home office” of this on my sim if we decide to do it. Everyone would have access to it, it’s a public sim anyway. Kinda like a meeting place if needed to discuss our next theme, etc. sooo @Orwar get this going and start a new thread with our first theme! Also, we need a name for the magazine. Am am I getting ahead of myself? I always do that...
  2. Dancing with my better half as we listen to a friend play.
  3. It took me awhile to realize it actually but once i did i ended up with 2 free items!
  4. I should also be sleeping but it seems i'm already so late with this!
  5. I get it! And those prices don't help any....
  6. This isn't even close to half of it. How in the world am i going to explain this to David when the credit card bill comes in? Thanks a lot @LittleMe Jewell 🤨
  7. I needed some new jeans so went shopping for a few things.
  8. Home from work a bit early so i stopped in at Shady's to watch the last few minutes of a friends performance.
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