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Everything posted by MizzFuzzyMoran

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: So, if you were LL at this point, who's the target customer and why would they come? theirs alot of peeple leeving facebook who woud liek sl
  2. heck i no my babys daddy has 427 alts becuase he made me tipe a spraedsheet withall there names and passwords
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: MizzFuzzyMoran wrote: loser? fat and ugly? socially awkward? handicapped? tongue-tied confronted by the opposite sex? /me clutches his pearls How dare you refer to me as tongue-tied when confronted by the opposite sex? :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres i delibrately said sex not gender
  4. i think that the ads should say things like loser? fat and ugly? socially awkward? handicapped? tongue-tied confronted by the opposite sex? come to second life where none of these things matter and you can get laid if you can cut and paste dialogue from women's magazines
  5. its easeir if you type fast and dont sy much
  6. i think i have some bitcoins so how do i buy stuff here with them wen all the stuff in the markteplace wants linden dollers
  7. My babys daddy said it was usaully becuase the computer got to hot because of fluff in the fan and told me i shoud vacumm my old computer but wen i did a bit fell off and it wont work no more My babys daddy shoud no thes things becuase he went to collage and has a cirtifecate in intermeediate tehcnology
  8. if it is a diffrent veiwer it will do diffrent things wont it if it didnt do diffrent things what woud be the point of a diffrent veiwer
  9. o andwhat is it with these forums with loads of adverts for foreing escort services and a bannersaying their are 20000 chinese women want me to contact them
  10. i am 21and almost married but i havetime in myhands becuase i am 46 weeks pregnant which means i have just 4 to go so i singed upfor secondlife but itwont start on my laptop so i thout i would see if their was peeple in the forums i coud talk to pleese add me but dont be annoyd if i dont anser becuase my real life is more important than a game.
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