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Everything posted by CynicismSells

  1. I wanna beeeee..... your SLEDGEHAMMER. #earworm
  2. I agree with making things work, but in order to I'd need to use the brick walls... and I didn't want to be in belli to close out my neighbors... the picket fence option feels more inviting... I dunno... I've never liked brick though, real life or SL.. to each their own I suppose.
  3. Shrubbery!!! One that looks nice... not too expensive. NOW GO! I'll probably abandon the home at some point... maybe tomorrow in hopes of getting something with less of a fortress feel. I mean... if I cant have the moat I certainly don't need the ramparts and battlements...
  4. Me too. It's a great way to work out aggression, mostly towards people who make decisions as permanent as brick walls... and a good excuse to drink cheap but icy cold beer #girlpower ... it wouldn't be so terrible if it was only the front corners... but the back of the lot? It's a cute hill back there... it totally messes with the flow... it's like boxing in a corner lot..
  5. I might have to... they're terrible. Seriously... in RL I'd bust out a trusty rusty sledgehammer and go to town.
  6. Is there a way to request these monstrosities be removed? They're on all 4 corners of my lot and they make it impossible to make the tootie white picket fence work I might toss the house back just because of these... ugh.
  7. Just scored a house a little bit ago... more landlocked than I'd like, but I'm going to hang on to it for a bit for the community aspect I think.
  8. Me, too iBrat... I was flying under the radar for a bit, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids :3
  9. Just ran across two houseboats, fyi... Good luck / congrats to whomever got them
  10. Seeing as how I'm manifesting waterfront traditional... a small tastefully lit christmas tree at the end of a quaint new england dock
  11. I'm just surprised to see the small-and-slow roll outs of houses as opposed to a grand-scale release. Don't get me wrong... I love that homes were finally getting an update, and it prompted me to finally go premium. I'm happy to wait for my perfect slice of SL... While most people I think are mature to accept that "it is what it is", it's interesting to see the sociological effects. Instead of fostering a sense of community building, the houses are putting fissures in the SL community, i.e. haves and have-nots, which in today's sociopolitical climate... well.. lets just say it's been interesting... And it'll be more interesting to see what happens should they need to add an additional continent. Will it be east belli vs. west belli?? Will newer communities created thrive over the ones who got their house early? Such a cool experiment...
  12. Eh, maybe. Chrome and Autorefresh aren't exactly hard to get? You could perhaps even the field by evicting alts for the time being, though? But I'm too libertarian to actually mean that.
  13. Aaaaand I should have kept the Bandit house... ugh... I'm such a dummy....
  14. I got one on bandit, but it wasn't waterfront... so back into the pond it went. I wants what I wants. 😅
  15. Dear SL Gods, Send me a traditional home on the waterfront, please and thank you. P.S. RL gods feel free to step in if SL gods fall short.
  16. Thanks 🍺 Time to play the refresh game I guess :3
  17. Quick question... just signed up for premium... how do I even see if Bellessarian Homes are available?
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