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Steele Griffith

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Everything posted by Steele Griffith

  1. Hi and thanks for reading this advertisement. Purgatory Night Club is currently looking for DJs of all genres, hosts, and hostesses. The club is an adult themed BDSMesque club with something for everyone. All adult avatars are welcome....human, furry, neko, etc ..........although we do ask that you are at least 90 days old when applying. So feel free to message Steele Griffith inworld for an application and to set up an interview. Thanks again for your time.
  2. If you need a station house dog/mascot feel free to send me a message *grins*
  3. Hmmm interesting post.... curious about it as Im always looking for new and exciting adventures....unfortunately cant see how to proceed to apply inworld. Good luck though as it sounds quite intrigueing
  4. Hiya all and thanks for reading this. Im a furry looking for work and seeing what I can find. Ive tried looking inworld but cant seem to find anything. I have experience in managerial, dancing, and hosting but would be interested in learning security and would love the chance to do bartending (even though i know its really unnecessary in SL). Im a hard worker and looking to find a venue that could use this fuzzbutt. Please feel free to message me here or inworld. Thanks for the time. Steele Griffith
  5. Hiya. Im usually around and looking to chat or what not....feel free to message me inworld. Steele griffith
  6. Damn sounds cool as I am from New Hampshire but really do prefer to be furry instead of human. However if any of your citizens are looking for a four legged friend let me know *smiles and wags her tail*
  7. I have a DSD dragoness and its awesome....even clickable in spots so lots of fun. There are mods too for various avatars that will give you a sweet looking dragon too.
  8. Hiya and thanks for reading this. My name is Steele Griffith and i am a furry who is having a hard time finding places to work. Sure there are some fur clubs i could apply to but I really want to branch out and see whats out there. I have experience in dancing, hosting, and even advertising management. I am a hard worker who would love to find the right place. Feel free to send me a message here or inworld. Thank you.
  9. Hiya and thanks for taking the time to read this post. I am currently looking for work as anything really...............except for as a DJ as i have no experience with that. I would really like a job in management ... i have experience in such a position in both SL and RL. However I would also be looking for work as a dancer, escort, security, bartender............really willing to interview for any position that doesnt mind a furry AV. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
  10. Hiya all and thanks for reading this. I am currently having a hard time looking for a business that allows furry employees. I enjoy dancing and hosting and willing to give examples of my emotes upon request. Also I have experience both SL and RL as management. Finally I am a quick learner that enjoys a challenge so feel free to give me a try as I dont believe you will be disappointed. Send me a message here or inworld at steele griffith. Thank you for your time.
  11. Hiya to all who read this. I am a furry looking for work inworld and I believe I could be an asset to any establishment. I am a long time member of SL with previous experience both RL and SL as a manager. I also enjoy dancing and consider myself talented at emoting. Finally I have experience as a hostess and believe I have what it takes to get the party going in any club :) Please feel free to contact me inworld Steele griffith. Thanks for your time.
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