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Everything posted by roughplay

  1. Greetings Peter Muzzle from EXMACHINA shop need a scripter for his new (Version 3) male meshbody. When you have the experience, please contact him at facebook as Peter Muzzle or in SL as Ramses Meredith. Picture shows version 2 of the avatar. Has much evolved in look for version 3. Thank you
  2. The many nice people that left forever because of a growing amount of stupid and evil morons.
  3. Maybe more infos could be found to get in touch.
  4. Do you have her nick? Or is it Bambi resident? I prepare a magic show in SL. Some tricks I made myself...but for some I have no idea how to make them. And I know they existed. Can contact me in SL as roughplay resident called Rick 😉
  5. Longer ago we had the "Great Magic Show" with many special made magic items for great show. Most could be bought in the creators shop too. But today? Are there any shops hidden in the shadows that still some nice trickitems for magical shows? Outfits...deco...? Remember him? Has anyone contact to him?
  6. Problem solved...it worked after some more time again as expected and could buy L$ using my account USD... Was once of the problems that sometimes appear and then all is fine half an hour later. Next time I wait longer till I try again.
  7. I wanted to buy L$ for better conditions but after some days it never happened. So I stopped the transaction and had now the USD in my US$ account balance (21$). Now wanted to use this 21$ to buy L$ with for a not so good condition. But does not work. System does not like to use my 21$, instead want to use payment method paypal or others only. There is no option visible to use the USD from the account balance... What can I do?
  8. When I want go premium I would do...but like most of the users I do not want. The only I miss is the sandboxes.
  9. For some months I used the core charities sandbox to create my items. Now only a small rest remains and surrounded by eyekilling flickering. Useless.I checked free sandboxes and could not find one that is really usable when you like to create a more complex item or a bigger one. On most are so many griefers you will not like to start any creation.Are there still usable bigger sandboxes that are not only for the paying SL users?It would be great when Lindens open some of their sandboxes for the public. Most of them are all the time empty.
  10. For some months I used the core charities sandbox to create my items. Now only a small rest remains and surrounded by eyekilling flickering. Useless. I checked free sandboxes and could not find one that is really usable when you like to create a more complex item or a bigger one. On most are so many griefers you will not like to start any creation. Are there still usable bigger sandboxes that are not only for the paying SL users? It would be great when Lindens open some of their sandboxes for the public. Most of them are all the time empty.
  11. As far as I know is that problem more complicated because that stalker followed him to FB too and is kind of blackmailing and accusing him for things he never had done. But more Ces should tell ya. It is not a inworld stalker that as avatar follows him on sims. This is more an activity behind Ces back to harm him.
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