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Posts posted by SaraCarena

  1. "The "Statistics Bar" shows packet loss as a percentage. If it anything above 0% on a steady basis, go to top menu Edit > Preferences > Network > Maximum Bandwidth and try lowering the value to reduce packet loss. On the other hand, if you have a fast connection and can handle it, you can increase the bandwidth to download data faster."

    Quoted from;

    http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lag        Internet connection.

    As bandwidth only affects udp data AND with the considerable tweaking of http in viewer code over the last 9 months I personally haven`t seen any noticeable difference with having bw at 1500 or 10000, not that I`m saying max it. Interestingly, for the texture/mesh test on aditi (linked in previous post) the Lindens recomend setting bw to 10000.

    Has also been mentioned by a Linden that udp is being phased out so maybe we`ll all be able to forget about bw then :smileyhappy:

  2. The lag meter floater was broken in sl viewer sometime in April. Since firestorm code updates lag behind official sl viewer updates the broken lag meter has only appeared in firestorm since their last update. There is a jira about it.




    Now fixed in this sl viewer Second Life Maintenance Viewer version


    So will most likely be fixed in firestorm at their next update


  3. Rosele Maroon wrote:

    My graphic card restarts herself stopping SL


    Has the driver update cured that problem?

    Wireless connection isn`t ideal for sl but many people use it without big problems. You`re not getting packet loss which is good. Check what your bandwidth setting is, in sl viewer that`s preferences > setup. If it`s higher than 500 set it to 500 and see how that goes for a few days.

    Would also be useful to know the exact viewer that you`re using. So if you copy and paste that info here it` will look something like this. Second Life 3.7.14 (292638) Aug 4 2014 15:40:43 (Second Life Release)

  4. I can see the distortion around the eyes on your pics but not the other 2 and understand your frustration, I tend to just not look at flaws that bug me but that`s obviously not an option for you. Seeing as you`ve tried all the obvious fixes and many not so obvious ones, think I`d file a jira with as much detail as you can provide and a link to this thread. At least then a linden will see your issue, they probly won`t in this thread. Btw jiras for obviously fixable issues get filed all the time.

    Hope you find a fix :smileyhappy:

    Edit : Was in a bit of a rush, if you`re a bit nervy abou jira don`t be trivial ones get filed all the time(not that I think your issues trivial). This one made me laugh


  5. People who max their sl cache on ssd do report much better load times than conventional hardrive so it would be good for sims you visit regularly. With 12 gig of ram you could try a 4 gig ramdrive which is even quicker than ssd and free. You`re right that viewers only use 512meg of video ram atm but I`ve heard that LL are working on getting rid of that cap, no idea of the timeline though. Plus there are other performance enhancements that LL are working on such as http pipeline and CDN (content delivery network). You`re comps pretty good as is :smileyhappy:

  6. Nalates Urriah wrote:


    They are also testing a CDN system the has the promise of providing a BIG performance improvement. CDN = Content Deleivery Network. The system will make downloading textures much faster, especially for those outside the USA. Depending on timing, we may see the HTTP Pipelining come online at the same time thus provising a double bang in performance.

    Sounds like a BIG shiny to me:smileyhappy:

  7. Crim Mip wrote:


    The 650 or 660 graphics cards will both let you run in ultra with even higher draw distances. I have a 650 and run with everything on at 200m or more with no issues. FPS is usually up above 30.


    Is that a 650 ti? coz my gtx 650 won`t do that at most places in sl but agree that 650 is reasonable bang for buck, personally will go for x60 on next upgrade. Read lots about putting sl cache on ssd making a big improvement to rez speed.

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