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Posts posted by SaraCarena

  1. So you can see from those graphs that your memory is maxed out more than your cpu, though leaving task manager running for longer and moving your av around will show a lot of peaks an troughs in cpu.

    Have you tried setting windows for best performance? Saves quite a bit of memory.


    To adjust all visual effects for best performance:

    1. Open Performance Information and Tools by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type Performance Information and Tools, and then, in the list of results, click Performance Information and Tools.

    2. Click Adjust visual effects If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

    3. Click the Visual Effects tab, click Adjust for best performance, and then click OK



    Disabling voice in preferences saves on memory if you`re not using it and disabling avatar physics can help with fps

  2. Perrie Juran wrote:

    The thing is that someone needs to take the lead.  Even if the tutorials are not produced by LL, they could still be more aggressive in promoting them.  LL should be taking the lead.


    As usefull as this thread is for people who actually see it, which won`t be many compared to the number of users in sl, creators and merchants could take a lead by putting poly count and draw weight on inworld ads and the details section of market place listings, along with a description of why higher draw weight = more lag for everyone.

    I know I`d be more interested in a creators product range if it had that info than if it didn`t.

  3. Totally agree that 2more gigs of ram would be a big help, your processor isn`t too bad and exceeds the recomended specs for sl.

    I`ve got 8gigs of ram and all viewers use about 3.7 gigs on my win 7.1 system.

    There`s a good guide to using open hardware to see what resources your comp`s using here;


    Provided by Ohjiro Watanabe a regular contributor here.

    Also if you start firestorm without logging in and click the help/ about button it`ll show what graphics card you have. Copy and pasting that info here could be useful.

    Good luck :smileyhappy:


    Edit: Think you might have got graphics cards and memory sticks a bit confused. Normally you would only have 1 graphic card. In most systems you can have between 1 and 4 memory sticks.

  4. Welcome to the forums :smileyhappy:

    Could you start your viewer, don`t log in, click the "help" button (top left on screen) and copy and paste the info in the "about" section here.

    While your av is standing still your comp will be under less stress than when it`s moving around. There could be a lot of reasons for these crashes. E.G. a friend of mine cured 80% of her crashes by getting a base cooler for her lappie.

    The help/about info might help ppl to help you better.

  5. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    ..... had gotten "out of sync" with its neighbors but it was fixable with region restarts.....

    Ahh, ok, thats something I`ve not heard of before. The regions either side of the crossing did look healthy from a casual look at the statistics bar.

    I`ll shop around for an out of sync radar so I can do an emergency u-turn:smileywink:

  6. Thanks for the tip :smileyhappy: , not sure I can use the minimap in the way you describe coz I`m on sl viewer atm.

    I banged my head against that crossing for a while including using the kart in inventory library, some of the results were hillarious but 100% fail.

    Anyway I added it to this jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7964#comment-458586

    Not sure if I`m just being unlucky recently in the number of bad crossings or there are actually more of them, shrugs.

  7. Editing shape only works if your shape is modify. LL have been working on a fix for setting your avatar on the ground more satisfactorily. There`s a test viewer out now that lets you right click your avatar and select/adjust hover.


    The project hoverheight viewer.

    I`m not sure if all regions have the server code to support the hover adjust but over the next few weeks they should. If the hover function is greyed out it means the server code isn`t running on that region.

    • Like 2
  8. Looks like the Firestorm jellybabies are slightly different from the sl viewer ones. I`m not keen on the jellybabies or 2d sprites so I have imposters turned off most of the time and I`ll turn down the eye candy graphics and go as low as 12 fps before I think about turning imposters on. I`ve seen the "bug" that leaves some above limit av`s invisible, for me that could be a usable feature, with nametags off too you could just pretend they`re not even there. Would it be doable to have an option between sprites and invisible in Firestorm, sl viewer or both?


    I`m totaly not into judging users by their av draw weight, I like places with lots of cool looking av`s but it`s not too hard to come up with a low DW outfit for for busy sims. I`ve started labelling outfits with their DW and have a few at 18-20k that look fine.

  9. Penny Patton wrote:


     TWO avatars can put more strain on your computer than a fully detailed sim can with your draw distance cranked to the maximum.






    That`s quite scary, out of interest what`s the conversion factor between LI and draw weight, 100k DW would be roughly what LI? I`d guess that many more users think about LI coz it`s there when they buy furniture or own land while av draw weight/render cost is buried away in the advanced menu where probly not a lot of users even look or understand what it`s for.

    Personally think it would be better if it was renamed to maybe "Avatar Land Impact" or "My Lag Factor" and placed on a toolbar button that`s there by default so everyone is aware of it.

    Great post and very useful info, deffo be spending 15 minutes every time I log in to trim a few points off my outfits although it`s a bit daunting for people like me who don`t really know a lot about how textures and meshes work.

  10. BilliJo Aldrin wrote:

    This is my first time buying anything more than a bottom of the line computer, and i want to do it right.....

     Totally understand that so it makes sense to get as much info and opinion as possible so you feel confident about clicking that cart button.

    The only problem with the system you quoted is that it`s very unbalanced for sl. More cpu than you need and not enough gpu.

    I`m not in the U.S. but had a quick look on Neweggs gaming pc configurator for intel and AMD ( AMD processors are widely regarded as better bang for buck processors than intel)

    The configurators allow you to mix and match parts of a system


    A quick look there came up with an 8gig ram/Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz/Gtx 750Ti   @ $815 or

    8gig ram/AMD FX-4300 3.8GHz(4.0GHz Turbo) CPU/ GTX 750 Ti @ $725

    Bear in mind that on the AMD page you have to select a minimum 500 watt psu for the GTX 750Ti, on the intel page it`s already bundled.

    Both of those have plenty of cpu and a nice amount of gpu for sl. 8gig of ram is fine, no viewer uses more than 4 gig of ram.


    I`m not recomending you buy those, just giving suggestions on better balanced search options. Maybe search i5 or FX-4300 along with GTX 760 and GTX 960 to see if you can find anything there in your budget.

    Hope that helps and let us know how you get on:smileyhappy:

  11. I`ve ran sl with a 520, 650 and now a 770. x20 is usable but only low to mid graphics. A x50 will get you mid to high and ultra in some regions depending on how you trim some settings like draw distance etc. x70 will run ultra in a lot of situations but not all. Regions with lots of mesh heavy av`s (50+ and no av imposters) will bring high end cards to a crawl too.

    i5 processors run sl very well if you want to save some of your budget on the processor and add it to the graphics card. My i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz peaks at about 85% load but mostly runs sl at about 30% load.

    Good luck :smileyhappy:

  12. Penny Patton wrote:



    Hopefully these are all things LL has become aware of in hindsight and plans to address in their new virtual world.


    LL is going someway towards that in viewer develpment atm. An auto render feature based on ARC/ARW plus the option to know who is or isn`t fully rendering you was discussed at a recent TPV meeting.

    between 20.00 mins and 40.00 mins

    The debugs for auto render are already there in most viewers and exposed in the ui in Black Dragon viewer, the option to know isn`t.


    RenderAutoMuteByteLimit Maximum bytes of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 for no limit)

    RenderAutoMuteFunctions Developing feature to render some avatars using simple impostors or colored silhouettes. (Set to 7 for all functionality)

    RenderAutoMuteLogging Show extra information in viewer logs about avatar rendering costs

    RenderAutoMuteRenderWeightLimit Maximum render weight before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 to not use this limit)

    RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit Maximum surface area of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 to not use this limit)

    While it`s not a massive step it might make more users aware of the impact of high avatar render weights in busy places.


    There`s also recent news of how vram is being wasted by profile pics in the group chat, local chat and friendlist chui,


    Hopefully that gets fixed asap.

  13. Copying and pasting the the info in Help > About that Whirly mentoned to this forum might help other people to give you better advice.

    I`m pretty new to linux but have installed a few distributions in dual boot with windows 7 to see which suit me best. I`ve had the Grub bootloader not recognise my windows boot a couple of times in which case running "sudo update-grub" (without the quotes) from the terminal fixed it. If updating grub doesn`t fix mint booting you might get better advice quicker by posting on the mint or ubuntu forums.

    I`ve tried Linux Mint Qiana, Manjaro, Ubuntu and a few other distros. Ubuntu I didn`t like at all, Mint was very nice and intuitive to a long time windows user but for now I`ve settled on Manjaro cup of linux edition which comes with a lot of apps pre installed compared to basic manjaro.

    On my 64 bit Intel i5 nvidia graphics system with mint installation sl, firestorm, alchemy and singularity viewers all ran well apart from youtube videos not showing in world but I DID install the non free/proprietary drivers for mint before running any applications.

    As Whirly suggests I`d look at what drivers you have installed and try find out if there are better ones for your system.

  14. I`ve found the debugs in sl viewer which I think you`re referring to;


    RenderAutoMuteByteLimit Maximum bytes of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 for no limit)

    RenderAutoMuteFunctions Developing feature to render some avatars using simple impostors or colored silhouettes. (Set to 7 for all functionality)

    RenderAutoMuteLogging Show extra information in viewer logs about avatar rendering costs

    RenderAutoMuteRenderWeightLimit Maximum render weight before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 to not use this limit)

    RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit Maximum surface area of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 to not use this limit)


    They`re in Firestorm, Alchemy and exposed in the ui in Black Dragon too, but I get av imposters in the form of coloured silhouettes rather than they disappear completely. Not keen on sihlouettes or 2d sprites and like as many 3d av`s on screen as possible but I`m interested to know how to make them disappear completely.

  15. arton Rotaru wrote:

    ......... If I remember correctly there has been Linden talk recently, about auto de-rendering heavy avatars along with a message like, 5 out of 10 avatars see a simplified version of your avatar. To make people aware that they aren't as pretty for everyone, as they think they are.  :matte-motes-smitten:

    Yes auto de-rendering within settable limits based on arc/arw plus the option to see how many nearby avatars are or are not rendering your avatar is in development and was discussed at TPV meeting 19/12/14.

    between 20.00 mins and 40.00 mins

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