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Everything posted by ForbiddenFruitz

  1. I went with the GA.EG Bento Barbara Head and I like it. Still might go on to try Catwa and Lelutka's but for now i am happy.
  2. I am also on the hunt for a new Bento head and love all the great advice except the LAQ head idea which is what I have now, it has no add ons and they have had to continually update due to bad designing and now trying to find scripters to hire for help so was a very bad choice on my part. CSR told me the appliers to buy and then said it was the wrong appliers, its been a true nightmare and even the ones posting here have nothing but general "i like it" but no details because truth be told they don t know what they are doing and its extremely ugly with limit allowed changes in customizing. Yes i tried the demo first but they updated afterwards and the update was worse than the original. I went to GE AG I believe its called and tried the demo there and I like it a lot and all in one HUD which was very nice. My picture here is my LAQ head and took the shot of my chin, they have built in wrinkles that when turned off they still show under my lip so looks like i am drooling and they said they cant fix it and left me hanging, neck blender don't work and the HUD only works part of the time. I haven't decided yet which i will get now but after reading the great detailed posts here I plan to go to them all and try the different demos, thank you all for sharing this helps a lot.
  3. Sylvia Wasp I am happy to see someone speak up about the current issues of some of these designers. I had the same issue with the Gaia LAQ bento head. I went to the group, I went to CSR and the main designer. They said it must be the lighting as i stood there in the LAQ store so I say well its your lighting you tell me if its bad lighting. So then they say it must be your shape, its the LAQ shape #3 so that was made by you as well, Then I get well its the skin then, this is the head applier the LAQ CSR told me would fix all my head issues and it was also made by LAQ. So i spent 5000 on the head, 600 on head appliers and when they finally agreed they could not fix their own product they booted me from the support group that I wasn't even chatting in for any of it and of course the products aren't in the marketplace so not even allowed to leave a review of any kind. So the whole contact the designer or go to the group in my case was the worst thing i could have done, they agreed there product is broken and basically said i was out of luck on a fix.
  4. Forbidden Tropics ticket to paradise http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Farmington/180/117/27
  5. Sundays and Wednesday are OPen Mic Days, as in Lady for the karaoke in you. The Tropical sun invites you all to come share in a day of lovely voices coming to you live. Want to come and listen only, ears are always welcomed to take in the rhythm of the voices singing for all ears present. We thrive for a none greedy environment where the customer truly does come first and everyone can be personable and relaxed. Join us for Open Mic nights, Visit the Mall, Take a stroll to Khira's Customs to see the motorcycle of the week on sale today 1000L or put in your custom order, customer services in #1. Look for the Hidden Falls for a romantic setting on the beach. Adult SIM and we act like adults here in the Tropics.
  6. Walk the Forbidden Path for there you will find the mysteries that awaken the senses. Romantic Get Away, Live Music, Discussions, Shops and Crafts and so much more. Join us to the find the forbidden within you. <script id="overlay_tmpl" type="text/html">// <div id="<%= overlayId %>" class="_mp3rocket_overlay_style" style="left: <%= overlayLeft %>; top: <%= overlayTop %>; width: <%= overlayWidth %>; height: <%= overlayHeight %>"></div> // </script> <script id="overlay_tmpl" type="text/html">// <div id="<%= overlayId %>" class="_mp3rocket_overlay_style" style="left: <%= overlayLeft %>; top: <%= overlayTop %>; width: <%= overlayWidth %>; height: <%= overlayHeight %>"></div> // </script>
  7. Discussion Facilitators Wanted; builders, scripter’s, prim art, mesh, writers, poets, dreams and lovers, lifestylers, D/s and BDSM most welcomed, Bloodlines, roleplay and Lycans. Which only covers a small percentage of SL activities maybe you play Football or another sport. Maybe you have a collection of Sail Boats or others. I believe there is always the chance to learn and grow, to understand something different even if maybe you don’t agree or find it’s not your interest, taking time out just to have the knowledge. I have an adult establishment and I have a dream of more than the usual club, nude beach or local hangout which all of these I enjoy as well but I would like to see a community of different walks of life coming together to better understand and enjoy or secondlifes. If you have something to say than I want to hear it and advertising can happen to see if maybe others would as well. Looking for weekly but have spots available for a One time discussion/showing as well. With Wednesdays and Sundays set aside for discussions, teachings, craft ideas and craft shows, so if you feel you have something to offer than please by all means email me at passivepersuasions@gmail.com and I will answer you asap. Stop by inworld to see the lovely circled discussion/show area available at Forbidden Tropics listed in secondlife search under shopping. Come be a team member and thank you for your time, ForbiddenFruitz aka Eve <script id="overlay_tmpl" type="text/html">// <div id="<%= overlayId %>" class="_mp3rocket_overlay_style" style="left: <%= overlayLeft %>; top: <%= overlayTop %>; width: <%= overlayWidth %>; height: <%= overlayHeight %>"></div> // </script>
  8. Presents Khira's Customs, Don't miss the chance to view these custom bikes,imagine the engine vibrate between your thighs as you also Hear Live from Our own DJ Mac bringing you the best in music, requests. Come for the view including Tropical Dancers, Custom Bikes or come for the Wet T-Shirt Theme of the evening complete with contests and prizes. 6PM till 8PM SLT <script id="overlay_tmpl" type="text/html">// <div id="<%= overlayId %>" class="_mp3rocket_overlay_style" style="left: <%= overlayLeft %>; top: <%= overlayTop %>; width: <%= overlayWidth %>; height: <%= overlayHeight %>"></div> // </script>
  9. Manager/Event Cordinator Needed; Passive Persuasions Tropical Beach Club & Shopping Mall is fun in the sun where everyone leaves wet. Advertise several ways, we promote the club and ourselves as a hard working dedicated team. Outgoing and fun then come be a part of our team; we work for our tips and get out of it what we put into it. Contact ForbiddenFruitz
  10. Passive Persuasion Sunset Beach Club is looking to fill up its earlier shifts from 12PM SLT till 6PM SLT. We are looking for upbeat and energetic DJs, would be nice if you have followers and know how to advertise yourself. I will post and advertise every shift daily also and I do advertise the club with ad boards and sponsors, contests. If interested contact ForbiddenFruitz (Eve) in world for more information. <script id="overlay_tmpl" type="text/html">// <div id="<%= overlayId %>" class="_mp3rocket_overlay_style" style="left: <%= overlayLeft %>; top: <%= overlayTop %>; width: <%= overlayWidth %>; height: <%= overlayHeight %>"></div> // </script>
  11. If your look to be apart of our team you can contact me in world ForbiddenFruitz...shifts are filling up fast, working on DJ shifts 12pmto 6pm SLT now. Still have Hostess and Dancer shifts open most hours.
  12. Dancers/DJs/Hosts Needed; Passive Persuasions Beach Club is fun in the sun where everyone leaves wet, already have a strong and loyal staff team, we advertise, we promote the club and ourselves as a hard working dedicated team. Outgoing and fun? Then come be a part of our team. We work and advertise for our tips, we don’t hire paid DJs, this is a self sustaining club that has proven to be successful.
  13. Passive Persuasions, Successful new Beach Club looking to hire DJs for Wednesday shifts between 6pm and 10pm SLT. Looking to fill other shifts as well before 6pm. Need Dancers as well. We have a great base club, perfect location for traffic and staff that know how to promote and advertise for followers for more tips. If your also this type of person with the energy to go the extra length than please contact me ForbiddenFruitz for more information and an application.
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