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Ellie McGregor

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Everything posted by Ellie McGregor

  1. When I abandon it I can let you know but that rarely works. I have tried for houses people have said they were giving up and sat for up to two hours clicking, only to find the house still wasn't released, although it was abandoned. Its very unpredictable when homes are released after they are abandoned. If I were you I would be clicking away now because often people release homes for ages after a release x
  2. Grabbed a traditional in Permaglow with my alt. Not sure if I will keep it, but Permaglow is lovely. Lots of trees. Mines the one dead centre in the photo.
  3. Still loving my home and thanks to the moles for the beautiful landscaping in Bellisseria ❤️
  4. Another beautiful camper my alt picked up.This one is in Antelope Lake. Gorgeous, private and on slightly raised ground giving a lovely view from the stream and beyond.
  5. I did that once. Could have kicked myself. It's the sort of mistake you only do once. Good luck with picking up another x
  6. Thanks Patch, a good fair compromise. 🎅🎄🤶⛄🌨️
  7. Yes I get lots of little 'messages'. Some people would think you were crazy when you say that. I find them reassuring. At first I thought I was losing my mind but like you, my husband heard what I heard. Which was a relief as I really did think I was losing it. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. x
  8. These are gorgeous. I didn't get one because I have the blue one they had for a previous FLF but might pop back and get one of these as I prefer them.
  9. Life is never the same once your parents are gone. I miss mine so much, we were very close. They were sort of the hub of the family that held us all together. I don't see so much of my siblings since they are gone. I put a little bit of them into everything I do. I feel like they are always with me and I talk to them (not out loud). I lost my little girl some years ago and it's the same with her, she's always there. They never leave you. Hugs x
  10. Apologies if it was wrong to post it. I just like the song. I still haven't found the item inspite of the video. I'm still looking but I never found the first one so...
  11. I went inworld and had a look and the homes are traditional. There are a few plots where there are paths to a house and mailboxes but no house at the minute. I saw two like that.
  12. I don't think there will be more today. There have been 2 releases and I don't think there has ever been 3.
  13. Wandering along the trails on my horse amongst the campers in Orion Falls. Like the rest of Bellisseria it is beautiful here with lots of lovely little spots to stop and take a photo.
  14. Bellisseria + Foxbridge = Disbar flexible orgies! 😮😉
  15. The moles have been clever with the landscaping to give most campers a private feel to them. The trees are from the Looking Glass. I think they were in the Saturday sale recently. You'll find them here in a choice of colours but the orange is lovely for autumn. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon Dream/37/239/31
  16. My alt got a Coyote Canyon camper. Gonna keep 2 premiums as I love my house and probably will stay there but I want a holiday home too No water near me but its private and gorgeous.
  17. Maybe he is all packed up and nowhere to go? Give up his home and got his timing wrong and there were no new houses built. A jibe at us catchers who are often left homeless 😂 Seriously though I would love Victorian style homes. I love miniatures in RL and have two Victorian 12th scale houses. Also I love the type of American style home which features in this Miranda Lambert video.
  18. I would like campers on 1024 sqm parcels not extra LI on 512 parcels. Still, I love the trailer areas as they are but would just like a parcel the size of the house parcels because of the extra LI that goes with that.
  19. Out and about in Bellisseria, looking at other resident's Halloween decorations.
  20. You should be able to get one eventually. The Linden team have been very clever in the design with lots of little rivers and lakes throughout regions so that lots of the houses back on to water.
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