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Everything posted by LouiseDeBlois

  1. Ahhh, so the blender file is correct, but the amount of triangles i am allowing is to low/high? What would be the suggested amount?
  2. Where is "Backface culling"? Sorry ahah, I am what one would call a blender noob
  3. The issue is, whatever side you look at, the faces which are infront, turn invisible, only reveling those behind. so if i went behind this, the faces facing me will turn invisible, while the sides in the images will be shown again... in short, i can only see the inside of the faces.... no idea how to flip/fix this
  4. Blender file: What it appears like on sl: (tinted to be shown easier) What have i been doing wrong? Is it a issue with uploading? The bow itself was mirrored in blender.... always had this issue :(
  5. http://www.partycloud.fm/ Is a free to use DJ kit with a range of music, but i am wondering if there is anyway i can link it to secondlife... As this will be very useful for me as i wish to start dj'ing.
  6. ((hopefully this is on the right section on the fourms, if not, i shall kindly move it x)) Hi there, I want to start selling custom profile picutres, or images for banners and logos, an example is in my profile picture which you can see on the fourm post. I would post more examples up. But, I will be working to grow my list of finished designs. Prices are also cheap, once done, you own the full image, i only keep the "VOID" issue, to add to my portfolio. You do not pay until the image is done, and you are happy with it. I ask for a list of things you want before hand. Style, colour scheme, wording, texture, size and so on. Prices vary on amount of time needed: Profile images: Around 500L (full rights) (Void kept for portfolio) banners: Around 700L (full rights, for your store, or sim.) Logos: Around 400L (Full rights) Offers: Full bundle, logo and banner, for stores and item boxes 700L (full rights) Profiler: 4 Profile images, 1300L, but you can request a new profile image any time, free, front, one time payment after first image. (Tokens will be kept, until all 4 are used) Logo master: 4 logos, depending on requested. 1000L (token system) =============================================================== Want more? profile coverage: Already got a profile image made by me? want it changed slightly (As in, not a whole new image) 100L for a quick fix 200L for a bigger fix/change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send a private message, or send a message on this fourm post.
  7. Hi there, I am looking for a butterfly knife which comes with the animations you would normally see, nothing for combat, just visual effect. As we know a buttefly knife can be used for some neat hand tricks, yet I seem to be unable to find any on the marketplace :(
  8. Hey there, may i ask about what you are wearing? Are you wearing mesh? Prim hair? Prim clothing? Have you had these items for some time? What was the last thing you brought and wore before all this happened? Also, try cache clearing, trying other viewers etc. This may be of some use, but it would be best to know what items are doing this, mesh, prim, etc. Along with the quetions I ask. Ahah, sorry for being so demanding
  9. This is a very hard thing to find out sadly, I may watch this fourm as I do want some better eye brows, but from what i know, if you wanted a tattoo layer, you would need to get the best one to match your skin colour sadly, prim eyebrows would look..... weird in my opinion plus I have never seen them. Only thing I can recomend, is contact the skin maker you use if you can get a custom edit of the skin, so you can have your eyebrows changed, there may be a fee, may not, whom knows.
  10. Thanks! Some nice stuff there also, which could be mixed with the previous post as well luckily But I reaaaalllly need a store which is more... hmmm.... Hyper and not to "Revealing" anything baggy (Like those shorts in one of your links) etc. Very hard to find it seems on the market or in world sadly Stuff like... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/gO-overalls-brown/3635396 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/POMF-Baggy-Socks-DEMO/5076447
  11. It has some stuff which is cute, mostly the "Bunny" hoodie/dress, which I could maybe use with something else I own already. Sadly it is very hard to find the "Baggy, hyper, cute" combo on the market place these days, but thanks for the link anyhows, I could purchase the hoodie, but i think i will need to look at other places also.
  12. Hmmmm had a look, but yes they seem sexy cute, thank you but i im not really looking for a sexy side ahah, more ruffled, hyper, baggy etc
  13. Hey there, I am wondering if any stores exist where I can purchase clothing (Mostly mesh) within the "Cute" factor, and not "mature" cute so to say, more... Ruffled, baggy, playful, hyper clothing. So far the only outfit I have is a baggy set of overalls, baggy socks and long arm warmers, but I would like to know of some stores, or item combinations which could fit perfectly together. Thanks for reading and hope anyone can help. Yours faithfully - Mio
  14. Hm,,,, what about this script? This one seems to work better as it does not do a weird movement after it is clicked. /*//( v7-D Simple Hinge Action )--//*/ /*//-- Works At ANY Angle --//*/ /*//-- NOTES: works in ANY single prim door, linked or un-linked works in multi-prim doors NOT linked to a larger structure Never needs reset (even after moving/rotating) //*/ /*//-- REQUIREMENTS: Root should either be a cylinder (to represent a hinge) or half cut prim; I suggest Box, pathcut start=.125, end=.625 //*/ /*//-- CAVEAT: Single prim doors are limited to 5m width Treats current position as closed when reset //*/ /*//-- USERS MODIFY HERE v --//*/ integer gIntSwing = 90; /*//-- use -# to reverse the direction of swing, eg. -90; --//*/ rotation gRotSwing; default{ state_entry(){ gRotSwing = llEuler2Rot( <0.0, 0.0, (float)gIntSwing * DEG_TO_RAD> ); } touch_end( integer vIntNul ){ llSetLocalRot( (gRotSwing = (ZERO_ROTATION / gRotSwing)) * llGetLocalRot() ); } } /*//-- IF Redistributing as-is: Please leave script full permissions & include all comments so that others may learn and use //*/
  15. Hi there, I am looking for a oven door script, I have used a smooth rotation door script, but the door when clicked rotates clockwise, and not towards me. In short, I want the oven door to well... open like a oven door and not a normal hinged door you find on houses. If that makes sense.. Oven | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_____________) | ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() <---- Oven door. I have used this script: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Smooth_Rotating_Door
  16. Hi there one and all, I found a lovely product online, but sadly it was for something else, I really want to find the parts to create the image on the shop listing itself, hair, outfit, excluding the ears and tails as i already have them.... here is the link to the product... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Doki-Kit-Multi-Tail/4855757 Thanks a bunch xxxx - mio
  17. Alrighty, I am a fan of the hit video game "Borderlands 2" and I am looking for a custom mesh outfit. What do i want with it? (update, the textures DONT need to look cartoony, can be textured as you please (As long as the colours are the same) Tiny tina's outfit, here, have a link~ http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/268/4/c/tiny_tina_by_kse25-d5fv5os.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbteb1s7nq1rqtaw5o1_500.jpg Pretty much the mesh items which would include anything excluding the hair (as i can buy it in store), socks, and facial items. I will pay L of course, in request that it stays CUSTOM, meaning it will not be listed on store (I will still pay a fair price from its creation) If possible, I would like "C,M,T" rights, as I do wish to send this to multiple accounts (My holy alts), but i dont mind if whomever does this wants to keep it "C,M" (even though i would prefer full perm, and no, i wont list it) So feel free to reply to the thread, ill get back to you as soon as i can, thanks a bunch for reading all this, peace x
  18. http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/547386301/Kashiwazaki-SenaBoku-wa-Tomodachi-ga-Sukunai-1298-Blonde-curly-Cosplay-Wig-artificial-real-hair-Free-shipping.jpg Sorry eheh, pasted only half the link
  19. Hi, I have been working on my avatar for quiet some time now, but I can never seem to find the right hair which I desire. So I am looking for custom work on mesh hair, either rigged or un-rigged, as long as it fits the images I have (Which will be posted later, as I am in college at this time) Can anyone create mesh hair, as i am dying to find the hair, even tried myself... got no where eheh http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/547386301/Kashiwazaki-SenaBoku-wa-Tomodachi-ga-Sukunai-1298-Blond... But black, not pitch black of course eheh, oh, and the back of the hair is long, half way down the back i believe, may be a bit longer. The pay will be up to whom makes it. Extra pay if there is multiple colours PR a colour hud.
  20. Hey, I am looking for a job as a model inside of secondlife, I have a range of alts whom's apperences alter between one another, yet I mostly stick with my main, starter avatar. I have been in second life for around a year and 2 months, so I have some clothing which can be of use. I do not mind pay, because if i am given L to purchase clothing, or if i get clothing for free, I wont have any needs for payment, plus, I rather work for "free" as I would be enjoying the experence in a whole. I can work with mesh and prim, and I dont mind what you wish for me to model in, adverts, clothing, furni, shop listings, mags, I just really want to get out there, have fun, and enjoy the whole experience with others. I already have a well made skin, "HD" as they say, and as before, some clothing, a range of hair. I even have an "anime" avatar if it comes to that kind of modeling. I wish to explore a range as i said, and i have no restrictions on what of. (PG, mature, 18+) etc I will get some images up when I can, as I am in college. Speaking of which, i am in GMT, in the UK. My time can be mixed, sometimes im free, sometimes i get around a hour or two a day, it varies depending if i can any coursework (essays) from my college, yet I will make sure to use any spare time to enjoy the wonders of modeling -smiles-
  21. Hi, I have been working on my avatar for quiet some time now, but I can never seem to find the right hair which I desire. So I am looking for custom work on mesh hair, either rigged or un-rigged, as long as it fits the images I have (Which will be posted later, as I am in college at this time) Can anyone create mesh hair, as i am dying to find the hair, even tried myself... got no where eheh http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/547386301/Kashiwazaki-SenaBoku-wa-Tomodachi-ga-Sukunai-1298-Blonde-curly-Cosplay-Wig-artificial-real-hair-Free-shipping.jpg But black, not pitch black of course eheh, oh, and the back of the hair is long, half way down the back i believe, may be a bit longer.
  22. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer-Basic-Mode/chat-delay-etc-Network-connection-issues-affecting-users-outside/td-p/1981071 This is another linked fourm, but i thought I would also shove it here to help get the message along, and hopefully get more support for this matter.
  23. Will this be fixing the intense chat delays and prim movement for other regions outside of the US? As many people are getting this issue.
  24. I am still getting the same issue to date, along with that, some terrible chat delays when sending messages, this seems to be whenever the maintence took place. So i cam unable to enjoy secondlife without wearing anything from my inv, plus when i talk, i sound like I am talking in some weird code. ahahah
  25. See, its a pain as it is not outside. I have contacted support 2 times explaining the situation, saying I'm not the only one and its seems like a massive issue... But, all I get it. I need premium to receive help. This is stupid as they don't get the message in anyway what so ever
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