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Posts posted by Leia36

  1. Hey Val :)

    Yes I know, this would be a nice to have but I am unsure of what form it would be in and how portable it would be. Both of us have been looking and the closest we could find was a slow dance for 2 guys and a girl. We need a dance for 2 girls and a guy. I have thought of a Hud, problem is finding one that is modifiable and then finding the anim. I will ask a few friends to and If I find a good one I will post it here Thanks and happy Friday lol :D

  2. Yes I have experienced that myself recently, there was a skin I wanted modified with a permanent tattoo layer and a lighter shade. The creator charged me nothing extra for his time which surprised me. It took him at a while to deliver but it was worth it. Now I understand why a bit better. Thank you :)

  3. Not sure if wrong is the correct word. The OP and the posts I wrote were/are aimed at enticing a debate about something I am/was trying to fathom from the more experienced SLers such as yourself. I may have gotten the terminology wrong, but I was lumping all land purchases under one common term.

    The quote you quoted was a part of the argument I was using to illustrate my point. ie: that services that bridge the gap between RL and SL mostly never get charged out at RL prices, the one exception is land (server usage) which always does.

  4. Yes I get that RL isn't SL hence the OP. I guess I am struggling to conceptualize the dynamics of the SL economy and trying to find an explanation for the high tier costs.  In some respects a few creators have made decent money, bloodlines comes to mind. However I would like a glimpse of where SL is going, I do think a "real" 3D interface is a few years away at least, and perhaps then things may change, or another platform come into being.

    Question, if more people could make real money here easier, would SL then be a bigger & richer experience?

  5. I'll give you an example, I answered a classifieds ad about three months ago, the poster wanted a custom logo for his shop. I am a graphic artist (amongst other things) in RL and I answered his ad. Usually a logo such as he wanted would take around 8 hours from concept to completion in various formats. I calculated my normal rates and the price I would charge in RL would be close on 65000L and that's bargain basement rates, he wanted to pay me 1200L ..lol

    Point is a logo is a logo here or in RL. The above is only an example I am sure others have had there own experience. I am curious about how others feel, the OP is not a challenge to anyone's rice bowl.

  6. The only RL price here is land, every other item or commodity is deflated in value. In other words the servers are worth more than the people's time spent creating and its the people that make SL, not the servers, just look at open sim.

    Its the dynamic of the SL economy that stagnates it. The value for money spent vs time spent creating. Would selling RL goods and services help SL grow?

    The exchange rate is a function of the confidence the market has in the entity that is SL, would bringing it closer to dollar parity hurt or help SL and how is that accomplished?

    Do all these factors mesh into the equation and what other factors do you see as contributing to SL's "State of the Nation"

  7. In our relationship we have the following hierarchy of importance concerning RL/SL/RP

    1Real Life
    2Second Life
    3Role Play

    This governs our behavior and makes things easier when the inevitable disputes arise.

    The 1st life tab of my profile reads

    "30's, female, EU timezone. Master gets to know my RL, not many others."

    The small number of people who have my RL know quite a bit. Its quite simple, that's what everyone else needs to know about me, and until I know you well, that's all you are going to get. What I do here is my business and I enjoy being free to explore the people and interests I choose here with out it impacting on my RL.

    Most of us here in this thread are I feel in agreement that the prevalence of younger RL people who have grown up with a more conventional social media full disclosure type expectation of everything online. It is almost a vestige of teenage insecurity, and I can understand it.

    In D/s it is a bit different, there because of various factors most people expect disclosure and verification of age and gender before almost any interaction takes place (Not talking about RP, but about a more RL/SL relationship) Having been through this process I understand now why. It allows us more trust and trust is vital in D/s, it is as simple as that.

  8. Here are my thoughts, not that you will likely return to read them

    • You do only live once, SL is a medium where humans interact and your addiction for the feelings engendered will become evident in whatever medium you choose. In RL your traits might lead you down those same dark paths you mentioned, I do hope that in the end you realize this before it is too late.
    • Stories such as yours are another reason why I am absolutely determined to keep my children in reality, based in reality. Virtual worlds can wait for them until they are mature enough to realize that while they are virtual, the feelings are real.
    • Balance is possible, there are tens of thousands of us in SL that manage it perfectly fine, you might be right in saying you cannot achieve that balance. Just look at this post and you will see what is possible.

    Your demons will follow you wherever you go, conquering them is your challenge. Good luck




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  9. It is a problem for me to. My AV has numerous huds and attachments that are not detachable due to RLV restrictions. I do my bit, I delete scripts in hair clothes, jewelry and shoes and I still weigh in at  hefty 288. There is not much more I can do to reduce it.

    We have had this debate at the hub. One of the other managers called me out in local chat. I went home, stripped my AV of everything that could be removed and the number was still 130 odd. When we got into it and discussed it objectively I was backed by the sim owner, she pointed out that the scripts in her build far outweighed anything the AVs were wearing and were the real cause of the horrendous lagg

  10. I don't see SL going anywhere but forwards. The number of new account sign ups daily are the real life's blood of SL. There are new sims being deployed every week, one look at the land section shows an active "real estate" economy. The measure of any economy. SL is equivalent to a city in terms of scale and I don't see LL pulling the plug on something that is viable and probably pays the bills at LL.

    There was a lively debate on the gor forums recently about moving citys and continents lock & stock to virtual highways. This was met with considerable resistance, one of the main factors being a lack of traffic and non transferable inventory contents.

    Then there is the perceived usage of SL. In the early 2000s I remember reading an article about how virtual worlds will be used. The authour of the article got it wrong, he was convinced that virtual worlds would be used mainly for RL shopping, kinda like a 3D amazon or ebay. That never quite got off the ground however as we all know RL events do happen in SL. All you need to do is look at the baby post. As long as we sit increasingly cut off from one another in RL, then jumping inworld for whatever reason will become a reasonable alternative to other modes of interaction.

    The format and interface may change, I see in the future a time when available bandwidth allows true 3D content along the lines of 'avatar'. For my money that's the next big thing that will come to SL. Its up to LL to embrace the future however. A close second is catering for other senses in the interface, touch and smell come to mind, particularly touch. Further forwards is some sort of direct interface with the mind however that's probably far down the road.

    In conclusion SL will move forwards as the tech gets better, I simply don't see LL binning a cash cow as profitable as SL probably is.

  11. 1 Female

    2 Yes, there are many sims that practice discrimination based on gender. Try going to a gay sim of the opposite sex for example, although to be fair, there are more than two sexes in SL Generally? yes there can be, but there are plenty of places where everyone is treated the same, depends on the group/sim is the right answer.

    3 Same limitations I have found in RL, little different with the exception of some peoples achaic 1940s expectations of what is appropriate for my gender. RL is a bit easier that way.

    4 Less sexist but not much, you will probably find that that is geographically and socio-economically linked.

  12. The redzone creator was tracked and punished, he spent time in prison RL and was banned under law from going near SL for 2 years


    That said If you look on the left of the page under recent comments it seems that IP tracking is alive and well, even available on MP.

    A good point from another thread is that you very well might have 2 people in the same house on SL, why should both be punished for one person's idiot behavior?

    Also there was one person who was fighting this, Forceme Silverspar. She had a list of violators on her blog page but sadly she pulled her blog a few months ago.

  13. 16 wrote:

    best to talk to other people who rent and then decide


    We have been renting for 5 months now, no problems, lovely sized and situated plot,  plenty of prims and total privacy when we want it. The cost is very reasonable.

  14. Edfred Jungsten wrote:


    2. Make the sandbox "Payment info on file" access only so that visiting residents have some accountability for their actions.


    All good points except for this one. You exclude too many people who are entirely innocent, who have for whatever reason never used their payment info. Also do you think that because a person has used their payment info it is going to stop them griefing?

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