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Everything posted by Rufferta

  1. You are all quite right, I should not have acted in haste and I am sorry. I thought I had finished most of my "stumbling around" in SL, but I guess I still have a lot to learn. I have edited the post, and flown over to the neighbor to IM them asking them if they could tone down the signage. I also figured out that if I re-orient my house a few degrees and put in a large tree I won't have to look at them. Oh well.
  2. About two weeks ago I bought a small parcel in what seemed like a quiet neighborhood. I just went back to do some landscaping and saw that over the water, my neighbor has put up two ugly signs. I'm still pretty much a newbie, but I know that this sort of thing is pretty much standard and probably nothing can be done. Unfortunately, I paid more than I should for the parcel and now probably won't be able to re-sell it. <MODERATOR: Sign Information removed> Any suggestions?
  3. I've been noticing more lag lately, and am wondering if there is any way to measure my "prim" footprint to make sure that I am not the cause. . Could it be the three houses I'm carrying in inventory? I don't want to walk around with a bald head, but would a generic avatar be better for sightseeing?
  4. Thank you all. It sounds as if I would have to fly at an altitude of over 5000 feet to avoid trespassing? Now I'll have to find my altimeter and magic feather.
  5. On flying: I just signed on, and I've been looking for land. I was using Worldmap to identify abandoned parcels for sale and flying from one to another, since the interface wouldn't teleport me. In one area I keep getting kicked offline midway. Also, some of the identified parcels appear to be underwater. Is this just lag, or am I inadvertently trespassing? On height limitations: I've looked at many of the parcels being auctioned off by the Lindens, and what many seem to have in common is that they are right next to some big ugly building that completely blocks the view. Are there any regions with height limitations? Any help would be appreciated.
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