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BrunoPhil Beaumont

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Everything posted by BrunoPhil Beaumont

  1. Bonjour, T'as essayé de rechercher dans ton inventaire avec le mot "worn" ? En faisant ça, tu vas voir uniquement ce que ton avie porte... Je ne suis pas expert, mais il se pourrait que ton avie porte un truc invisible mais qui impacte néanmoins ton apparence... (?) Si tu vois un truc anormal (on sait jamais), cesse de le porter. Bonne chance dans ta recherche de solution !
  2. Seemingly, it's not a project around "punctuation"... :-)
  3. If I can add something... based on my own (humble) experience... I struggle a lot to "DJ"... Not that I pretend to be a "professional" ... but I had some successful experiences although based on a small scale... who needs to have hundreds of fans, anyway ? For their ego ? I'm just trying to do what I love to do, for no salary, because it's a pleasure to entertain, have fun, and I take my own pleasure from it, not to mention. I agree with the above when i read that some people take things so much seriously, that you have to fill in an application, send a CV and a motivation letter, sit for a recruitment interview, be charming to the venue boss (soon we might have to undergo a FBI or CIA investigation ?)... For no salary but the thanks of people you entertain (and the ego of some venue owners, that goes without saying). Soon, when one wants to have fun and entertain others, it's almost they will have to "prostitute" themselves so as they can hope to get a chance to be hired somewhere... I'm sad... so sad SL has become even worse than RL... and that ain't much saying.... Come on, owners and managers ! What do you want, exactly ? David Guetta or Martin Solveig, or DJ Tiesto, for 100 lindens for 2 hours time ? I have a feeling that what we all should do is ... ignore those who have an over-inflated ego and ridiculous requirements, I mean... and they would see.
  4. Hello Adrienne ! It's a bit amazing, but a few days ago, i just posted an offer which seems to correspond to your request ! :-) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Own-a-romantic-ballroom-where-you-d-like-to-have-nice-live-music/td-p/1788259 I'd just like to insist on 2 or 3 things : - I'm doing what I'm doing for FUN, just fun and not money ... fun doesn't mean lack of concern or of seriousness, on the contrary : I always respect people and bless them for being present and enjoy the atmosphere of the place. - I'm not keen on using mic, for plenty of reasons... some are in principle, some are practical. - I'm truly a music lover with experience as dj, and my extensive music library enables me to please people by taking special requests (what I love in fact). I'll visit your place soon and hope we can find a mutually enjoyable agreement ! :-) Cheers ! Bruno
  5. ...and You both, Perfect Spelling Correctors and Great Censors before the Almighty ... Could you do anything else than criticise and translate what TobeBryant wrote into French language for us, huh ? Time to realize you, anglo-saxons, are no longer the Navel of the world... and that you are not that much open to the world either...
  6. Sure, but just a few outlines would be helpful, for a gothic metal DJ not losing his time to have an interview with a disco club, for instance :-)
  7. Your ads are interesting, Heath... but there's one thing you never tell, that would interest DJs more : music style and DJ style wanted... and hours desired ... Cheers Bruno
  8. Ah yes : I forgot to say : I'm a true music lover ! I own a 77,000 mp3 tracks library. I do think that "romantic" tunes can be found in every genre and frankly speaking, I love everything but rap / hip hop and everything that's speed metal. I'm a tremendous fan of the 70s and the 80s, but I appreciate everything in-between rap and metal : soul, jazz vocals, jazz and swing, pop, rock, rock'n'roll, country, progressive rock, funk, disco... even opera and classical cross-over. This deserved to be said for you to have a little idea. Cheers, Bruno **edit** : I love both american music and european (not to say Brit...) music. Should you like to contact me, drop me a notecard or IM me inworld : BrunoPhil Beaumont
  9. >Hey man, at least, you made me laugh..... a new Jerry Zuckerberg for SL, hey ? hahha ! Stop dreaming and go to school !
  10. There I am ! I'll gladly be willing to help and do what I love ! I have an experience in this area and I'm a trustful and reliable person... I do think that a friendly climate and well-being in-world is the most important, so don't expect me to the the best on mic ! Music and climate are more important than the DJ's ego, aren't they ? I'm doing that for my pleasure (and others' one) so I'm not into tips and salary and silly things like that... I love to take special requests, please everyone and entertain a friendly climate which I consider is a MUST ! Important : I'm in European times, so don't cry if I have to decline American / aussies offers ! :-))) Cheers, Bruno
  11. I'm a mature and serious person... i love music and i love to share it with others in a very friendly climate... I can take requests, play several styles (soul, pop, rock, 80's, jazz, r'n'b, classical crossover..) I just enjoy doing that ... entertain people... I don' t voice, just stream and talk via IM's/general chat... I don't like DJ's who are always talking.. Music is important, not the DJ in itself ! :-)))) If you think I can bring additional interest to your place, I'd be happy to discuss with you.... IM me in-world : BrunoPhil Beaumont.. Cheers (nb : I have my own stream, and I'm available during European hours on evenings... it was worth mentioning it !)
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