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BrunoPhil Beaumont

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Everything posted by BrunoPhil Beaumont

  1. Of course everyone is supposed to catch perfectly your needs and hence that we all have got what you need ! What do you call "best" DJ's by the way ? You let nothing be known in your ad : another useless one...
  2. How can we access your place just to have a look ? Where's the TP ? Pfffff..... Where is good sense nowadays ....
  3. Hello ! Just one word : WOW ! It's been time since I've been searching a place like yours ! Sincerely, I couldn't think that such a fine one could still exist in SL nowadays ! Of course, there are some crowded places in SL... I won't name them, but they'll recognize themselves : people there are very polite, but you get annnoyed sooner than expected because they have so much little interest for their audience that they don't care about streaming boring jazz of the 30's all night long ! Now, really, you seemed to make a great job. Such a nice piece of romantic place.... I'm convinced I can be an active part of your musical animation, as far as pop / rock / soul / vocal jazz / sweet r&b / classical-pop crossover is concerned, and I'd like to ! I couldn't join you through your employment application tonight because not all links were working in the notecard, this is the only reason why you didn't receive my application ! :-) But I do hope we can meet in a near future and start a fruitful collaboration ... my only reward will be audience's pleasure really. My extensive 87,500 mp3s library (lots of genres of music) allows me to take requests. But I don't voice and my hours are European, say : from 12:am SLT to 14 am SLT during week-time and somewhat later during week-ends. Looking to hearing from you soon, Cheers ! Bruno
  4. I notice with regrets that as always, money is the main topic in ads such as this one, and not what is supposed to be the most important : music, ambiance, hours etc... Owners : will there be a time when you share best practices ? I'm afraid that without this, your ads will remain like carverns with no echo... which is your problem after all... Cheers! Bruno
  5. Okay... No problem at all. Thanks for the lesson, if I can say. Let's talk again about this when you have acquired 50% of my musical culture, but that's not a big deal, and certainly not the talk of the day. I reckon that there are more serious matters on this planet... Surprisingly, I quite do agree with you when you assert that no one has the key to music : it's just a matter of personal taste. Except that (and I hope you'll grant me this) listening to the same kind of music (which, above all, is not really fitted to your taste) can lead to serious brain injuries LOL Nota Bene : I'm somewhat surprised that for a self-proclamated "cool" girl, managing a so-called "cool" place, you accept that people are banned from there without a warning and for no reason but thought crime. If this is being cool, so please forgive me, but I'm not. And btw, there's a couple of things I don't appreciate that much, in your place... like the "making love" (porno ??) anims, among people who do not necessarily want to share this activity. Another proof of your good taste, maybe ? Farewell Edit : BTW, how did you figure out that I was talking about your place ? Nothing in my says points out that my experience had taken place in such or such place... nothing ! I wonder how you did figure this out LOL
  6. If only I could have the chance of finding a "normal" place playing romantic music ...or Pop/rock ... or anything else... I'd come back to my first love. Tonight, I had to listen to one hour of ethnic music from the pacific isles and one hour of zulu music... One or two tracks is OK, but not the whole night long... Decidedly, even hippies have changed ! In the good way ? This has yet to be determined. Let it be known I love mainly things that I best know. Music from Pacific isles and south Africa are not really my cup of tea....(especially when streamed all night long). Well, to say the least, I'm still free. But no more ethnic places for me please, it's a real pain ! I'm ready to study all other propositions.... Reminder : I take ZERO. And I don't voice either. Not that I have a naughty voice... But where's the point in voicing ? SL is not RL...I'm the best that you could have if you have a romantic place... that's it. Choose your way...
  7. If only I could have the chance of finding a "normal" place playing romantic music ...or Pop/rock ... or anything else... I'd come back to my first love. Tonight, I had to listen to one hour of ethnic music from the pacific isles and one hour of zulu music... One or two tracks is OK, but not the whole night long... Decidedly, even hippies have changed ! In the good way ? This has yet to be determined. Let it be known I love mainly things that I best know. Music from Pacific isles and south Africa are not really my cup of tea....(especially when streamed all night long). Well, to say the least, I'm still free. But no more ethnic places for me please, it's a real pain ! I'm ready to study all other propositions....
  8. I thank you for your advice, Sedi, and I'll follow it ! Indeed, I'm looking forward to visiting and haunting places where people are serious but don't behave too seriously ! :-))) and what's more, love to listen to great music of the 60's, 70's and 80's, whatever the genre of music... Friendly greetings !
  9. I couldn't say better, DJCryonic... Lots of those figure out everyone will run after the business like a dog after a piece of meat... And what's bad, it often works...
  10. Je suis banni de tous les grands clubs de SL alors je connais le problo ! Tout le monde croit que c'est injustifié mais chacun juge avec son propre point de vue... En tout cas, une fois que le mal est fait, soit tu contactes les proprios (en te renseignant au sujet de l'endroit via la recherche de SL) ou bien des membres du staff de l'endroit que tu aurais pu sauvegarder si tu sauvegardes tes IM et le chat (ce que je fais depuis le début mais ca sert à rien à part alimenter ma nostalgie, parfois... bref ! :-)), soit tu fais comme tout le monde : tu crée un 2ème avatar, puis un 3ème, puis un 4ème... T'es pas limité dans ce domaine.
  11. Have you ever wished DJs were not so "professional" ? (<= blame clubs for that !) and wouldn't let others hear their Daffy-ducky voice ? Especially when they pretend to be geniuses ? Well... Me too. I hate DJs who don't make music a priority and I run away when it's so. I'm looking for a venue with cool people, who are pleased to hear eclectic but yet quality music. A small club for fun but with no business ambition would fit me well (I hate it when SL mimics RL...). I can be a dedicated and faithful person within a friendly small environment. Preferred times : European ones : 12:30 to 14:30 SLT. Salary is not negotiable : I take zero. My name here is my SL name, should you elect to contact me. See you soon ! :-) Edit : btw : don't ask me to stream **bleep** of the moment ! I don't like gangsta "music" and i don't like hip-hop, rap, and bull**bleep** and so-called "men" with guns and necklaces that are too heavy for them to bear..
  12. Thanks for your reply. What I'd like to do is not displaying songs details in a ballroom or something like that... I just want to display songs details from my own stream wherever I am in SL, hence the fact that I need a good working individual solution, not a display board! :-)
  13. Hello everyone, I used to utilize an object called "DJ HEADPHONES" when DJaying (it was an object to wear together with a hud), so that all songs thatd I was streaming had their title and artist names displayed over my avatar... Unfortunately, this doesn't want to work anymore, although all parameters are OK and I'm renting the same stream I used to... So I searched for a replacement DJ headphones, but I can't find one which is having same functionnalities... Have you got one that you could suggest me ? I warmly thank you for any piece of advice you could give me... all the best, BrunoPhil
  14. Moi ! J'veux bien ! Si tu es la fée-llation ! :-)))
  15. T'es un original, toi ! Rezzer un piano droit dans son home dans SL : c'est pas banal ! LOL Normalement, ce qu'on rezze dans un home de SL, c'est plutôt un sex-bed, non ? (ou bien je me gourre ?) Pas tant que c a...
  16. Je suis POUR le retour des ados dans SL ! Y'a une raison très simple : je préfère quand ils glandent à faire leur trucs dans leur chambre, plutôt que de venir nous polluer le salon avec leurs conn... ies d'émissions télé + radio (je ne nommerai pas NRJ évidemment !!!). Alors, vive le retour des ados dans SL ! Qu'ils arrêtent de nous pourrir RL !! LOL
  17. Je crois qu'en tout bien, tout honneur, et sans manquer de respect, il faudrait songer à aller en classe pour y apprendre la conjugaison, les pluriels, et tout le reste, plutôt que de p..er plus haut que son c.l. dans SL.. Maintenant, pour parler de business (de celui que tu ambitionnes en tout cas), hé ben c'est pas gagné... J'y connais rien, au sujet de gagner du fric dans SL.. ce que je peux dire, c'est que pour y avoir vu l'évolution depuis 2007 (hé oui, 6 ans), c'est pas folichon et c'est plus la folie des grands jours. On s'y fait copieusement ch..r maintenant (enfin, j'ai l'impression !) et puis même quand tu veux proposer tes services gratos, c'est pas gagné d'avance ! Bref : si tu veux investir ton argent de poche, libre à toi. Mais sache que jamais en 6 ans, je n'ai songé sérieusement à louer quoi que ce soit pour y mettre un sex-bed ou des photos hideuses que qui que ce soit ne voudrait même pas avoir dans son garage... C'était juste pour te donner mon vécu par rapport à SL, maintenant, t'en fais ce que tu en veux... ciao
  18. En même temps, on choppera pas de boutons d'ados, comme ca ! LOL
  19. Je confirme ce que dit la Miss plus haut (pour être dans SL depuis 2007, j'en connais un rayon) Si tu veux te faire un salaire pour RL grace à SL, alors mieux vaut changer ton fusil d'épaule. Ca va pas le faire... Quant à un 'salaire' pour acheter des babioles ou améliorer ton avatar, c'est vrai que ce qui est le plus demandé, c'est scripteur, designer..... Tu vois, je vais te dire un petit truc : moi-même, je suis dj ! hé ben même en étant passionné et en faisant les trucs GRATOS (pour satisfaire mon plaisir et celui des autres), et encore, c'est pas tout à fait gratos pour toi, car tu dois payer pour avoir ton stream audio à toi ! T'es pas sur de trouver un truc ... on dirait que si c'est gratos, c'est nul ! C'est le contraire. Mais pour revenir à ta question : hors du script ou du design (maisons, 'lands', fringues....) point de salut ! J'espère t'avoir aidé et que tu réussiras malgré tout ! Mais même pour le fun, parce que tu aimes ca, et gratos : c'est pas facile !
  20. A quand votre passage à "l'amour est dans le pré", vous deux ? Hmmm ?
  21. When it comes to pay a bit to earn some money, it's strange how bosses talk in terms of "family"... ROFL
  22. Soon, they'll want DJs with their own place, audience, group, bringing dollars for free to them ... having DJs will cost NOTHING to them but it will enable them to earn some money... Enough of this SL predicting the RL as it will look like in say.... Ohh ! It's really looking like that right NOW !
  23. QUOTE If you like working in a supportive, respectful, and appreciative environment, keeping 100% of your tips UNQUOTE This means you'll be a slave, executing what is requested from you, and that not only you will have to like it but also that you will have to PAY for it... if you're into DJ'ing, for instance, it will cost you more to work (paying your stream !) than doing nothing ! Great example given by this "strange" world... LOL
  24. Bon ... sans être méchant ni polémique... Ce lieu... C'est le Mali, non ? :-))))))))))
  25. Je viens de poster dans votre formulaire... Pour rejoindre les commentaires précédents, il est certain que vous aurez davantage de réponses dans la partie du Forum anglophone, avec plus de déchets aussi (c'est la contrepartie ! - quoique je n'affirme pas la prédominance des frenchies dans SL question intelligence ou élégance, bref ! ... Il y a et il faut de tout pour faire un monde, comme on dit :-)).
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