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Everything posted by UncommonTruth

  1. Welcome to SL! The forums are a great place to start, so you're off to a good beginning already :matte-motes-big-grin: This page has links to help learn the basics. Other than that, it's all just about who and what you want to be and do. Feel free to get a hold of me inworld, I'd be happy to help as well =)
  2. No redelivery terminals? :matte-motes-frown: I have had a few things in the past make themselves a new folder, and not bother to name it. Perhaps they hid in your inventory that way.. I hope you get it solved soon :matte-motes-confused:
  3. Was great to see the ones I saw at Hippiestock! Val, you left before I had a chance to tell you how stunning you looked. I'm so glad you posted pictures of your outfit, but even the photos just don't do it justice! I haven't made it to see your house yet Saraya, I'm hoping to catch you at home when I come snoop ^,^ I love ninjas! Cuteness! This wound up looking kind of like a portrait lol, which seemed to fit with a vanity theme, so I'm posting it :smileyvery-happy:
  4. Wow Gorgeous! I had to look and look again, I thought at first they were EXTREMELY well done morphs! Beautiful
  5. The grid status page is the only thing I could get to! I had a couple of threads bookmarked, which got me here lol.. I couldn't find a way off the status page :matte-motes-mad:
  6. The only thing I can think would be maybe try using a magic box first to send something to the MP to be listed, and then try again with the outbox. (Hopefully someone who knows rather than guesses will answer you soon lol)
  7. hmm, Have you restarted your viewer since the store's creation? It's been awhile since I saw the store creation page lol.
  8. Have you been up to the store setup tab and, set up?
  9. Hello all! Great photos! Adorable soldiers, libraries that require whips, snow queens and French barns, and Saraya and Burc both have new hair There's been a little of everything in here since I looked in! My first SL friend preformed his third live concert this past Saturday and asked if I'd take pictures for him, here I am waiting for it to start, and another picture to prove I wasn't just admiring myself the whole time :matte-motes-big-grin:
  10. :heart: sorry for whatever made you throw a fit. I'm glad to know I wasn't imagining the missing posts lol.
  11. Thank you, and wow great shots! Thanks for posting the slurl, definitely gonna go check that place out =D
  12. That link is a Pekka shape, not the skin. Pekka uses The Body Co skins a lot, it might be that you're both right, The Body Co skin on a Pekka shape. edited in case Pekka cares about their extra 'k' >.<
  13. Wow I can't believe it let me sign back in 0,0 The forum must be in a good mood today.. Thank you =) I rounded the edges in Gimp.. that was the only touchup, the other isn't touched at all, crossposted from my feed.
  14. Awesome shot! What a killer ava, love it ! Awwwwwww your kitty is so cute Raven ^.^ Everyone has posted some fantastic pictures, love coming in here and seeing what you're all up to =D Toonified by light settings..
  15. Wow at all the gorgeousness I've missed Can't wait to visit the sim links you girls have posted too =D
  16. Always right click the items and add, rather than wear. To be extra sure, give it a minute to rez before then going to the unwanted items and removing them. As for being banned, I have no idea, but I wouldn't think so as long as you don't have private parts dangling out all over the place lol.
  17. Thank you for your replies =) I did remember it saying the accounts were basically stripped, and told him as much, but he was excited at the possiblity of just getting the name back. Ah well, was worth asking. That second paragraph Knowl.. I'm pretty sure you were speaking english.. I can't even pretend to know what any of that is lol. I do get the talk to ya sometime soon bit though, so, talk to ya soon! =D
  18. I know I read a thread about this awhile back, and was just talking to a friend inworld about it.. Now I can't find the post! Can someone tell me if I'm imagining things, or if I really did read that you were able to buy back your old deactivated or banned account.
  19. :smileyvery-happy: love it! Annnd, ty for magicing me into the forum ! :smileylol:
  20. LOL Burc, what are you pouting about? You don't look very happy here You look good as a blonde! Ko~ Wow! I have no idea what the story there was, but it was heartwrenching! Wonderful wonderful job with it! That is the most beautiful mechima work I've seen ever. When did you become a horseman Neal? Your pics keep getting better and better ^,^ Val, everything you touch turns to class. I can't help but always look up to you and your sense of style and huge heart <3 Saraya the photo of you as a faun girl sitting under the tree is my alltime favorite of yours! stunning =D I know I'm missing people =\ I did finally get logged in but none of my buttons or smileys will work lol.. so .. I just love you all! *group hugs you all to pieces*
  21. Awwww cute :heart: Also, I can't drag my eyes off the corner of your chistmas tree in the background, can I ask where you got it?
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