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sandi Mexicola

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Posts posted by sandi Mexicola

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    Assuming you use Windows (I use Linux myself), open cmd or Powershell, and ping a server. 
    Just enter:
    ping secondlife.com
    ping google.com
    ping (this is the IP address of secondlife.com)

    You will see a list of ping times (latency) and other info. See the image below which I found using Google:


    The longer you let the ping run, the more accurate the number representing the average packet loss becomes. 

    See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/ping for a comprehensive list of options and whathot for ping in Windows.

    Sweet!  Thank you for that awesome reply! :) 

  2. Yes, Chic Aeon, you are right, shrinking is resizing! :)  

    Where I noticed losing DOF is when I set it up so it looks right in FS, but then when i take a large picture (6144x3766) ... it seems lost in the large picture.  So I try to remember to over-blur for that reason.  If i forget, I just edit in PS and throw some gaussian blur on the background! :)


  3. Your videos are much fancier than mine!  :) 

    I used to make SL videos a long time ago, under my original account name arthurx Titanium.  There are a number of reasons I do not make SL videos anymore.  One is lack of disk space.  Another is the strain that processing videos puts on my computer.  I am trying to get a few more years of use out of my computer before I need to replace some key components.  Also, my download rate is too slow, if any other avatars would happen to tp in, I would not be able to rez them in time to avoid ruining a shoot.  And finally, there is so much to learn about one of my favorite SL hobbies, photography, that I think I only have time to learn one or the other.  

    Here are links to my top 3 videos (by view count).  They are all what I would call "music videos" and the styles of each are different...


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  4. 4 minutes ago, Noel Loordes said:

    Weird... I'll try more.

    Thanks for the hint with the HUD; By any chance, is it a commercial one or self-written?

    I wrote, and am still writing the HUD.  It is not really sellable as the setup is complicated ((gotta install growl and change the settings on that, for one thing)).  And the menu structure is not something a sane person would easily understand!  :P   However, if you are interested, contact me in-world, or in here, or somehow, and I would not mind setting you up with one and teaching you the basics of how it works.  That might help you, and it would help me too, as you might find bugs I haven't found yet. :)

  5. I use Firestorm with Growl on windows 10.  When Firestorm is minimized or in the background, Growl and Firestorm work together just fine to let me know about a variety of events, especially instant messages.

    As for local chat, I have a HUD I can turn on if no one is talking. The HUD will listen and send me an instant message if someone says something.  Firestorm tells growl which then notifies me that "somebody said something."  ((Don't worry, I don't monitor the local chat that way when people are chatting, as that, I hear, is too laggy.))

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    55 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    We need a "hugs" reaction for posts, and we need to be able to combine it with laughter reaction.

    Anyway, hugs. And lol, re. dog avatar.  (Hint: if he didn't try to sniff your behind before running across your naked body, he wasn't a real dog.)

    Anyway, I may be telling you stuff you already know, but the moon, and the sun, and the stars have been screwed up in SL because of the roll out of the Environment Enhancement Project (EEP), which will do marvelous things to your ability to customize the sky and celestial objects, adjust lighting, and feed your pets. Except that none of the main viewers support it yet. That's why the stars now appear like dead black tennis balls in the night sky under most Windlight settings. There is a beta EEP viewer available, but I have no idea where to get it. I also have no idea when a fully EEP-capable version of Firestorm will become available (when I asked in the FS support group in-world, I got a cryptic shrug and a "That's LL for you!").

    For the moment, I just try to avoid having too much of the night sky in my pics.

    Maybe someone who knows more will come along and enlighten both of us!

    Here is where to get the beta EEP viewers... ((and just about everything else beta viewers(as separate downloads/programs)))... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers .   WARNING: afaik, the only beta EEP viewer is the LL default viewer, with a little extra ((EEP functionality)) added on.  Almost nothing in this universe...

    Well, I will avoid commenting on how I feel when running the LL default viewer... and just say that you need to basically run a version of that if you want to run an EEP beta.  Most FS users I know refuse to do this.  I, however, have.  :)


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  7. I know this can be a real problem for me too.  There are a number of settings and debug settings I use to mitigate situations like this though.  

    I have some of these settings in my Quick Preferences, as modifications to Debug settings:

    • "FSResetCameraOnMovement" - I change this to FALSE.  
    • "AvatarRotateThresholdSlow" - I change this to 1.
    • "ClickOnAvatarKeepsCamera" - change to TRUE.

    I have some other settings in Preferences that I normally keep all the time:

    • "Turn avatar towards camera position on reset view" - unchecked
    • "Turn avatar towards a selected object" - unchecked

    I enable Movelock, which maybe helps if someone bumps me.

    And finally, if you happen to be using Firestorm, this option is built in under the top menu item "World/Photo and Video/Cameratools" on the first tab, "Cam Controls 1".  Clicking the eyeball with the downward arrow remembers your camera position exactly.  And clicking on the eyeball with the up-arrow puts your camera back into the position you saved, as long as you are within view distance of that spot.  



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