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Posts posted by DjWhiteBoi

  1. I am affiliated with a great adult website and I'm looking for new ways to market.


    OBJECTIVE:  Get people to sign up.  It's 100% free and doesn't even require them to input any CC information. Just a verified email address.


    I will pay you 120L per person that you get to do this  **NOTE** only 1 signup is allowed per I.P. address so you can't just keep signing up with random email accounts to get 120L per signup.   However, you CAN change your I.P. address and make another account with a different email address and get credit :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  


    I will also give you a personalized tracking link that will give you credit for the sign up... show you how many people clicked your links and how many people made a free account etc etc


    Perfect way to make linden if you have high traffic to your property (as you can just place an ad) or you know lots of pervs =P


    Hit me up in world or Skype if interested!   DjWhiteBoi


    Also you will get 120L for signing up yourself through my link. And then 120L for each person you get to sign up under you. SO if you want a quick 120L or would like to make more linden then this is the job for you!

  2. I am affiliated with a great adult website and I'm looking for new ways to market.


    OBJECTIVE:  Get people to sign up.  It's 100% free and doesn't even require them to input any CC information. Just a verified email address.


    I will pay you 120L per person that you get to do this  **NOTE** only 1 signup is allowed per I.P. address so you can't just keep signing up with random email accounts to get 120L per signup.   However, you CAN change your I.P. address and make another account with a different email address and get credit :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  


    I will also give you a personalized tracking link that will give you credit for the sign up... show you how many people clicked your links and how many people made a free account etc etc


    Perfect way to make linden if you have high traffic to your property (as you can just place an ad) or you know lots of pervs =P


    Hit me up in world or Skype if interested!   DjWhiteBoi


    Also you will get 120L for signing up yourself through my link. And then 120L for each person you get to sign up under you. SO if you want a quick 120L or would like to make more linden then this is the job for you!

  3. Im using Phoenix and I guess somehow I accidently disabled where when you mouse over an avatar their name appears.


    I can't seem to find this option anywhere.. I've probably overlooked it a dozen times.. anyone know how to turn this option back on?



  4. I'm sure time spent on land.. how many avatars.. etc play a factor.. 

    But I'm curious about something and as to why our traffic rating keeps going up.


    I just started renting land with a friend. And we are the only 2 people ever on our land.   And each day our rating goes up a few hundred points..  this time it went up 500 points or so


    Why is that happening?  Not complaining if its a good thing.. lol but yea why is this?

  5. Can't seem to find anything on marketplace.  I also tried doing a search for just ''rez me''  and its a huge list..  so figured I'd ask the forum junkies to see if you know of anything right off the top of your heads?


    Basically just looking for a lil stick/wooden type of sign that just says Rez Me on it

  6. I'm looking for a few cam girls to implement a business idea into SL  If you are a female with a working webcam and would be interested feel free to  IM me. I'm on a lot and receive offline IMs to email.


    Sorry I can't be more specific (don't want anyone stealing our ideas) But I will give the full details in IM




    No experience required.  Must be older than 30 days. Fast learners may be considered.

  7. I'm needing a contest board scripted.


    I have a couple pre made scripts from another creator.  The scripts are open source and I have full perms on them.


    I just need them slightly adjusted.


    IM me in world if you think you can do this for me and how much you would charge (be reasonable, as it shouldn't be too difficult if you have experience in scripting)



  8. Before you yell at me and tell me to contact the creator...  I did.. a WEEK ago.. no response



    Anyways here's the problem:




    The board is recognizing the table.. cause it asks me to pay when I sit down..    But, when I pay it tells me I need to be sitting at the table (which I am)  lol


    I'm going to be pissed if this doesn't work. As it was 2,500 Linden:matte-motes-crying:


  9. Sorry to keep asking questions but this is getting annoying.  Searched the forums and in world for adult parcels for RENT and can't find a single one.  I'm looking for something in the 2k sqm range.  Dont care if its mainland, private, or anything. as long as its adult and a reasonable price.

    Where should I look?



  10. First, I'd like to say thanks to all the answers to my random questions on here:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:


    2nd,  I have an Oracul Basically-Boy AO/HUD.  However, I don't seem to have a help notecard.  And one of the animations I was wanting to change, I can't seem to find in the big list of animations inside of it.  It's the animation you do right when you're starting to run.  Ex. My animation is a forward front flip and I start running afterwards.  Would that be considered a ''takeoff'' or a ''pre run'' animation?  Curious, cause I'd like to shop around for one. And I checked all the running animations inside the HUD and still couldn't find it..


    Anyways, I did a search in-world for Orcaul. But it took me to a place named "Sinse AO"  that had a completely different HUD..  so that leads me with more questions.  Where do you get Oracul HUDS in world?

    And last, if I wanted a change to a more advanced AO HUD that had the option to change all the animations PLUS a dance HUD combo in one.. which ones would you recommend? 

  11. Just curious about ALL the diffrent kind of streaming software out there.  Seeing if I missed any.


    Virtual DJ (what I use now)



    iTunes (think you can only stream music?)


    Oh, and I haven't used SAM in forever..  do you just need SAM broadcaster? Or do you need an addon or anything?

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