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Posts posted by DjWhiteBoi

  1. Please do. I haven't lost much $ but reading everyone else's posts just saddens me and makes me furious!

    This has to be highly illegal. This has been going on for 2 weeks now. They are STEALING money. And the lack of responses by them makes it even worse and more sketchy.


    They should have at least one or two designated personnel checking the forums.


    They probably do.. and I bet you both of them are sitting back in their nice comfy office chair that has built in seat coolers and warmers in them. They have their feet propped up on their desks leaned back with their hands behind their heads, reading and laughing, smiling at eachother while they notice their linden piling up by the second.

    I hope they get caught before leaving the country.  And I hope they both drop the soap.

  2. I understand the gist of it. Well kind of. I mean if I were actually attempting it and following this video to a T I could do it


    But, I'm wanting to take it a step further and be al little more creative and do something like this

    EXAMPLE (wouldn't let me embed)

    How exactly do you do this?  And I'm not sure how much it matters but instead of having the background behind the text coming forward I would like to make it go from right to left like a slideshow and still keep the text jumping out at you.


    Could someone write up a step by step on how to do this please? Or at least give some detail if you don't want to do a full step by step.  Would really help me out and maybe some others out there as well.

  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:


    The one you posted looks like crap. old school clothing layer with bell bottoms cheap a$$ looking suit with no detail.. No one will make a mesh suit that has no detail. 




    READING really pays off. You should learn to do that.


    DjWhiteBoi wrote:

    If you could make it look very similar but better quality and in mesh that would be great.
    Also maybe a red fedora with black strip going around the center of the hat?


    This would be good for those events where we can dress up like pimps/gangstas for fun lol


    + red is AWESOME!

     There, I bolded the text, changed the color, made it italic, and even underlined it for you.  Can you read it now??


  4. Seems most places only play rock, 80s music or techno anymore.   


    I play the mainstream,new age, hip hop, rap, r n b


    I've DJed in the past and looking to start back up again soon.


    Recently got some DJ equipment in RL see HERE


    Please note I am still practicing on mixing and scratching etc.  But I can play music just fine like any other DJ in SL :matte-motes-wink-tongue:


    Not looking for a set schedule as it's summer and I am very spontaneous. But if I say there I will be there.  If you need a fill in anytime hit me up in world. I ALWAYS receive messages even offline immediately.



  5. I've heard there are apps/programs out there (outside of SL)  that can allow that functionality.  That will let you program keys to your keyboard like macro style  where by pressing the up arrow it can also press the space bar at the same time


    I've got a Razer Naga Mouse and I can program it to do that and all kinds of other neat tricks.  Look it up. But its like $50 to $80   Mainly a gaming mouse I just use it for short handing tasks like copy paste, typing my password.. etc etc   But yea if thats not in your budget look for a macro program/key binding software that's free on the web

  6. Sadly none are on the marketplace.  There is a cheapy old noob one HERE


    If you could make it look very similar but better quality and in mesh that would be great. Also maybe a red fedora with black strip going around the center of the hat?


    This would be good for those events where we can dress up like pimps/gangstas for fun lol


    + red is AWESOME!

  7. I heard the problem with payments coming through was due to the distrubution buggin out.  So if you had an item with a distribution you basically weren't getting paid til they fix this.

    So, I removed distribution for the item that keeps selling.  Sure enough in the middle of the night I got a sale.. and what do ya know I still did not get paid for it even tho it was delivered.

    JIRA reports do no good, they just tell me its on my end. And luckily I dont have many transactions to cross check unlike some of you who have countless sales that you have not been paid for.  This sucks.


    I guess we better call JG Wentworth. "" It's our money and we want it NOW!! ""


    LL can kiss my pixel a$$ I'm pi$$ed

  8. Hi there smart SLers.  I have a rather easy question for the builders out there. Tho I do not know the answer that is why I am here.


    I want to uploada line of text via an image into SL.  Example:  "Drop Me a Note"     I want to make just the line of text in photoshop with a transparent background.


    Is it possible to create a flat transparant box with the visible line of text across it?  I know how to create prims and make them transparant but I'm thinking it would hide my text picture (texture) that I put on it?


    What I'm trying to do is basically throw some text on a wall. Keeping the wall the same color/texture, just having a line of text on it in a specific spot.


    Hope you understand what I'm asking

  9. I'ved DJed briefly in the past and haven't done so in a good year now. But, I just ordered some RL DJ equipment so after I practice a bit I plan to be a live DJ in SL (one who mixes and scratches live)  I mainly play Rap, Hip Hop, and top 40 stuff (nothing too ghetto. Whatt!!?)   I like to club hop at times and do the contest events.  So if you like my style and or doing events hit me up.


    I've also got a nice beach house on my own lad (4,096 adult) So we can have wild house parties with me or you DJing.  I've got a greedy table and plan on getting a pool table and a bowling lane!


    I voice and am Southern. But it doesn't always come out. I've been practicing:matte-motes-nerdy:


    My Avi looks pretty good for a guy's work if I do say so myself.


    Wanna kick it with me, chat, hang, game, goof off on voice while having a few drinks? Hit me up anytime in world and even if I'm not on I'll still respond fairly quick like (usually)

  10. I have searched the MP for mens mesh torn and ripped jeans and there only seems to be a select few of them. Sadly they aren't really that good looking for my personal taste (no offense if a designer reads this)


    Throw more up on the MP please or let me know of a good pair I might of overlooked

    Thank you

  11. What's funny is I sometimes sell stuff on an alt on the MP.  And I have it set to 100% distribution to my main avi which is this one. It's been working fine for a good year or so now.  So I file a Jira

    They are telling me that there's no way to even set a 100% distribution that it must be a bug and that is why I am not receiving linden of those transactions because I have it set to 100% (which they say is not possible to do so)


    My main has ALWAYS received 100% of the sale of my alts' MP items.    So they obviously don't even know how their own system works and are just BSing their way through it.  To me that is unprofessional and they really should look for another job and get some people in to work on this ''project'' that actually knows what they are doing and what they are talking about. lol


    Just my 2 cents rant

  12. I want something that looks just like or similar to these here (click) but rigged mesh. Would be for male but unisex is fine too. As long as they aren't girly lol.  I don't want them to be any longer in height than those either.  Would prefer to wear with shorts


    Aparantley rigged is better and move correctly with your foot movements?  If that's so why are the merchants wasting their time with non rigged mesh ?


    Contact me in world or reply here thanks!

  13. JohnJR Romano wrote:

    I'll make your life easy ... it affects all orders for items that have 100% payment distribution to another account. ONLY items with 100% distribution are failing, and ALL items with 100% distribution are failing. On my shop account,this adds up to HUNDREDS of orders and TENS OF THOUSANDS of L$ ... do you seriously expect us to go through and list every single one of these? 

    This all the way.    What a mess!   



    Why fix something that isn't broken?  Jeeze why do they keep screwing us?

  14. I just got an email almost an hour ago from one of my old avis.  It said that so and so bought my item from the marketplace for $356L. Linden took their cut and my pay was zero.   So I logged in to said account and the item had a 100% distribution to the name that I'm posting with now.


    But I did not receive any linden from this sale.  I have the order number and everything. It said it was already delivered.


    I even went into my accounts transaction history and it is not even showing there that I have been paid.


    So where is the money? Why didn't I receive it? And what can I do to get it?

  15. I've been skimming the MP trying to find a specific feature on a Visitor Tracking System. 


    I'm wanting one that sends an email to you everytime someone comes on your land.  But I want it to only do that when I am offline.


    I've seen one that emails you at a specific time with the whole list of visitors that have visited during that time frame.. But I'm wanting one that emails you every single time and only does it when I'm not logged in to SL.


    Does anyone know off the top of their head a product that does this already before I ask in the WANTED section?


    This would be great for a quicker way to realize grifers are on your property.. or maybe even to keep tabs on a stalker ex gf or bf  lol

  16. Will the set up guide be free? Just the 1 on 1 time paid?  I DJed in SL before but just briefly.  I used Virtual DJ but didn't mix or anything sense I'm still noob but liked it cause it wasn't like an auto play with SAM.


    Are you familiar with setting up controllers like The SSX ?  Thinking of getting that to get started but not sure if I need any extra cables.. what type of speakers fit..  etc etc

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