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Posts posted by DjWhiteBoi

  1. I'm looking to make a hot sexy gesture (kind of naughty one) but I need a Female voice.  So, if you are a female and can help make a custom gesture feel free to IM me in world or also on Skype DjWhiteBoi.  Will pay $L1,200 as it's not really a long gesture.


    I'm also looking for an average looking female to do a video for me to help promote my RL business.  Also, kind of naughty and not long either. NO NUDITY is involved or anything of that nature.  Will pay $L5,000 for this


    Again, THIS IS NOT AN ESCORT JOB but is a quick and easy way to get you some lindens if you can do the job.



  2. A while back I stumbled across these and noticed that some good designers actually have vendors you can get to help sell their products and give you commissions for each item purchased.  But now that I'm actually looking for them I can't seem to find any.  Maybe I'm using the wrong keywords on the MP? I've searched for Vendors, Resell, Resale  and can't seem to find anything. 

  3. weirdhairSL.jpg


    There's constant dots all over my hair.. it looks worse than in the pic.  It's like static that just blinks all over my hair.  I thought it my be a graphics card problem or somethng. It did this on my last pc which was a decent pc and now this pc is a beast and it still does it.


    How do I get rid of that?




    EDIT:  No its not voice, Ive been around SL awhile now.. and kind of feel insulted that you would even say that lol  look at the hair itself.  not the big white dot. butt he little dots ON THE HAIR!


    **My graphics card is high end and was $400 or so. 16 gigs of RAM.   I can play on fully maxed out settings so I know this isnt a graphics card issue



    Firestorm 4.3.1 (31155) Dec  2 2012 00:45:37 (Firestorm-Release) with Havok support
    Release Notes

    You are at 462,585.0, 303,824.0, 79.4 in Pira Targa located at sim9836.agni.lindenlab.com (
    Second Life RC LeTigre
    Error fetching server release notes URL.

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3410.04 MHz)
    Memory: 16340 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 670/PCIe/SSE2

    Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0697
    OpenGL Version: 4.2.0

    RestrainedLove API: (disabled)
    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0d zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
    Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
    Voice Server Version: Vivox 2.1.3010.6270

    Settings mode: Firestorm
    Viewer Skin: starlight (original_orange)
    Font Used: Deja Vu (96)
    Draw distance: 424
    Bandwidth: 3000
    LOD factor: 4
    Built with MSVC version 1600
    Packets Lost: 129/1 (0.0%)

  4. Did they change how the web tab works on your profile?  I remember that before, if you set a predetermined URL in the web tab then everytime someone in world clicked your profile and hit the web tab, they would automatically see that URL that you had set.


    Now it seems they have to click the web tab and THEN hit the LOAD button to view it?  Or is it still possible to set it the old way?



  5. I just love dancing and trying out all the animations and seeing others.  I applaud all the creators in this game.  Wish I had access to mocap to make my own (I've tried some programs but they just didn't come off as ''natural'' movements lol)

    Anyways,  what are some other good places to get dancing animations from other than Henmations and Akeyo?  I want to get a good collection of hip hop, moon walks, breakdances and similar.



    Also, I saw a chick early in my SL life and she had it set to where when she did the crouching pose (hold down)  it would flip people off lol       So my next question is where to get that animation or other silly animations like that?


    Thanks and keep up the great work you all.

  6. Just a basic question here:


    How to set up a tip jar so that it does NOT show that you also gave $L to the commission avatar?


    Like most of the time clubs will take a 10% cut from their dancers.  And when you tip them it says that you paid the dancer X amount of $L    AND the club X amount of $L.  


    Is it possible in the script to make it not show that you gave a small portion paid in as commission?

  7. Are there any groups or anyone out there that can assist with using MLP? I don't know where to begin..  they give you one big folder with a ton of stuff in it.. then another box inside called MLP tools... and that has a few things inside of it as well...

    I read the tutorial on the wiki but it's not very detailed..  I kinda just need to know what exactly to do to get started and then I can probably figure the rest out on my own


  8. Rival Destiny wrote:

    Oh there are many places in sl to meet new people.  Search your music genre and you will be on the dance floor meeting new people in no time.

    Maybe add your genre preference to your post - I'm sure you will get many replies of some awesome places.

    Singles?  Well IMO that word is redundant in sl.  My apologies to those that disagaree.


    Good luck!!


    Ah yea makes sense.  In SL  everyone's single, right right? lol    


    Umm Rap and Hip Hop is my Genre.  Club Indica is always packed but sometimes to Ghetto for me :matte-motes-wink-tongue:


  9. Woah I swear if I see more Texans I'm gonna scream lol    Literally the last 5 people that I ended up talking to asking where they were from were ALL from Texas.


    Are the rattlesnakes that bad there where you gotta stay indoors 24/7?:smileytongue:


    No disrespect, I'll pop out now lol


    Later ya'll!    (I'm from Tennessee, so I'm allowed to use that term also:smileytongue:)



    EDIT: It's worse than I thought!  I just did a search for ''Singles Club''  and only ONE place showed up and here is the description:


    Open 24/7 a Voice chat Enabled Venue for Singers, Performers, Stand up Comedians. Contests! Hang out for Aussies, Texans,  Canadians,Brits, Poets, Artists, Writers, Trivia, Jobs, Hiring Hosts, New Talent waiting to be discovered. Impromptu events.


    Sense when did Texas take over America?  

  10. I've already checked marketplace.  Only found one. But wasn't what I was looking for.   I guess I'm looking for a script where you put it in an object and have users click it to get the popup.  Or a premade object/script would work.


    Where to look? Or did I not use good search terms? I've tried:  Giver, Website Giver, URL Giver, Link Giver.. etc

  11. I'm pretty sure I'm doing this correctly. I followed everything from this post 


    The problem I'm running into is that the webpage is NOT interactive.  It just shows the webpage and that's it. Can't click or type anywhere on the prim.


    I have it enabled under land settings that anyone can interact with it. But I can't even interact with it.


    Any clue how to get this goin?


    I'm using Phoenix btw


    EDIT: Ok, turns out Phoenix still doesn't have Shared Media! :smileyfrustrated:   Wonder if that'll ever happen?  I really don't like the look of Firestorm.. and I even tried it with the phoenix layout..  didn't look anything like Phoenix lol   *sad

  12. Phil Deakins wrote:

    I can let you have the MLP system. It was always a freebie. You could put it in your existing bed (after moving the bed's current contents.to your inventory) and 'play' with it so you get used to knowing how to add animations and adjust their positions. It comes with a few mediocre animations so it's easy to play with and get the hang of. Let me know if you want it and I'll send it to you.

    Thanks. I actually just googled the MLP system and found it on the Wiki before you replied. So yea that's what I will do.


    Thanks everyone


  13. Awesome, thanks for the info you all.   My bed I don't think is on MLP. But instead uses RF Pose Engine 4.0.   I think someone gave me a big box of freebies when I was a noob and it was in it.  I did right click it tho to see its contents.. and the notecard that is in it wasn't a manual or anything.  Guess I'll look for these MLP beds then.


    I did have another question tied to the animations..   Do you go out and find just the animations by themselves or do you get the poseball animations and take the animations out of the poseball and put them in your inventory and then put them in the new sex bed notecard?


    I've been to animation stores and all they have are dances/ao animations.  The ones at the sex stores are from poseballs so was curious.

  14. I finally decided to get some land and throw a house on it and it's pretty empty at the moment. Greedy Table and a Radio so far. My bare essentials lol.


    Anyways! I've not done much sexing in SL but would like to get a bed..  however, I'm a big fan of AOs and Dance huds where you can throw your own animations in.. makes you more unique in a way... which leads me to my question.


    Are there any sex beds out there where you can use your own animations?  Sure some beds out there have a ton of animations and are expensive as helllll and some good cheapies...  but I like customization.   I found a sex bed in my inventory from a freebie/gift awhile back...  I like the look of the bed but the animations are just booooring and so slow lol    so it got me thinking.. would be cool to find some animations out there and throw em in it or buy a bed where I can throw some in that one.


    So, is that possible?  And what are some good sex furniture stores?


    Thanks in advance

  15. I built a new pc and have a pretty awesome graphics cards.  However, the screen gets all fuzzy and lines going through it when I move.


    I don't remember it being this bad on my old pc..   I think the option is in antialiasing to fix this?  I've tried everything from 2x up to 16x on that option and still have the problem =/


    I'm using Phoenix but I dont think that matters?


    EDIT:  its not letting me reply to the answers for some reason.  Anyways, its not the drivers cause I've already updated.  And this only happens in full screen mode

  16. I'm assuming when something is lets say 20x40  that it's 800 in area which means it should fit on anything bigger than a 512 parcel?


    Well, I was looking at structures and came across this Porn Theater and it's 15x18x10.  I'm assuming one of those is the height?  But if thats true then the area would come out to 270? (15x18) Or am I doing it wrong?


    It looks much bigger than 270 and could easily swallow a 512 parcel judging from the pics lol

  17. Hope it's ok to post this here as I need 1 or 2 more staff.  First a little background: I work for an online porn company in RL and want to bring it to SL.  I'm just looking for some designers to help get the place up and running.. maybe a few cam girls.. and marketing/hosts  to keep the place vacant.


    I also have a few commission slots available (no selling involved)  so if interested in any of the above positions please IM DjWhiteBoi in world or on Skype.   I'm usually on from 8AM - Midnight EST.



  18. Looking for more ways to increase your lands earning potential?


    I'm needing a few more places to advertise on.   


    The advertisement pays for each person that makes a free account (no CC or any personal details needed)


    We split the $$


    *No buying or selling required or any investments*

    *Can Pay Daily*

    **IM -  DjWhiteBoi**  I receive offline IMs to Android

    **Skype - DjWhiteBoi**


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