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Everything posted by GabrielleVanDerMalle

  1. I used my credit card a week ago to buy lindens, as of two days ago, they say they don't have my card on file and need to add one . Why? I filled a ticket.
  2. thanks is Nvidia gforce RTX ok for SL. ? and since all new computers have Windows 10., is that ok for SL? thanks again
  3. Are the new dell Alienware auroras good for secondlife?
  4. i fixed my privacy settings. hope that does it
  5. can you stop someone from following you?
  6. i will, but it seems better this morning. i will follow your suggestion if it happens again, thanks
  7. this is the first time this has happened. i logged out of sl (firestorm) and my ao faintly there (green). did it damage my computer?
  8. got in but my home site unavailable, even though it does not look down on map
  9. i was able to login this morning, now it won't connect to grid, why??
  10. why are some avi red on their face and have yellow stockings? with letters on them?
  11. it is ok now thanks for all the ideas
  12. when i open search. it is frozen on main page/ can't untick adult or see more than three places. Why?
  13. i am having trouble with my draw distance with viewer2. i have to get close to things for some of it to rez fully, whether i set draw distance high or low
  14. when i just tried to log in, my computer wouldn't let me. said there was a threat. did the same thing after i reinstalled it. so i switched to viewer2, which worked. but i prefer firestorm!
  15. i use my credit card, never ask for cash out from my balance. will tilla still want my Social Security number?? if so i will leave second life.
  16. GabrielleVanDerMalle


    what hair is this? https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrE1xe6iMRc_zYA3BhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0c29ya3FyBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjcwMTJfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=second+life&fr2=piv-web&fr=mcafee#id=108&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.invisioncic.com%2FMseclife%2Fmonthly_2018_02%2F0302.jpg.82127a582b69b4f1ae4f299aea7d3f1b.jpg&action=click
  17. truth hair sale has caused it's sim to be full 24/7
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