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Bleach Kimono

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Everything posted by Bleach Kimono

  1. Thank you for the help, my family helped me the rest of the way 😃
  2. I have been in Second Life for 15 years and there use to be a simple option to where you could click a button and cancel your membership and still keep your account, I want to cancel my membership and I do not want to lose my account, how do I cancel my membership without losing my account?
  3. I have been in SL for over 11 and a half years and in the past 6 years, LLs keeps on finding ways to charge us more and they dont even fix the system, or regulate the over use of the events calendar, LLs has totally let SL go to ***** and yet they still keep charging us more and more and we are getting less and less for our money. This is just another way to milk us. I miss the old days when maintenance took place maybe once every 3 months or so and the teen grid was still the teen grid and not mixed with SL and people were creative and unique, not like today where everyone looks the same and so do most creations. SL has become a haven for sheep and drama butt hurt babies. SL has more mean and greedy players than I have ever seen and encountered in my over 11 and a half years. People are lazy now in sl, I was hanging out in one night club and in local chat the DJ stated that he pre-records all his sets so he can do something else in rl or in another screen, I was appalled by this statement and then he proceed to say that most djs now do this and they dont care, they are taking money for not doing a job, seems everyone in sl wants something for nothing, needless to say, I have now boycotted that club. We have bully creators who think they own mesh rights to everything, we have cliques EVERYWHERE who think they are better than everyone else and loiter at clubs and make others feel unwelcome, sl is just a mean place now and I try not to be on sl much anymore bc of this and bc LLs keeps charging more and more for nothing in return, its a cess pool of hate and greed more now than ever
  4. Ok, according to what I have read, when the transaction fee went up to 1.49 USD, land rental, private land anything land related was suppose to be less expensive but, I have seen land rental go up double. I have lost my business now because of the price gouging and I cannot afford land anymore. I get a certain amount of money to spend in sl each month, now I cant even rent a 4096 parcel, anything smaller will not fit my business. So here is my question...why has land doubled in price for renting when its suppose to be less in price?
  5. The grid is always down or messed up, I have been in sl for going on 10 years and I have NEVER EVER seen so many restarts and maintenance, there is at least 4-5 days a week that SL is having restarts and maintenance done. The more mesh that is used in sl, the more issues the grid will have bc mesh is constantly streaming, its not like a prim that is connected to sl directly, it has to be streamed in from a separate server, now if that server ever went down, then say goodbye to everything that is mesh, it will just disappear. The servers that LL has now cant handle the mesh overload, hence the constant grid issues, on top of that, the people who write new code for the grid, write it over old code which interferes with each other. Instead of actually taking the time to properly fix sl, they just put a bandage over it. I think most of us wouldnt mind taking a few days or so off of sl so it can be fixed properly, Heck I would even take a week off, not like Im missing anything since the grid is constantly going down any way..lol
  6. Why is it that every time I post an event or 2 in the SL Calendar Events, others cannot see what I have posted but, I see the same places posting events ALL THE TIME, ALL DAY LONG! and everyone can see those events, why is that? This has been going on for years and I have tried to ask these questions b4 but trying to get an answer out of LL is like talking to a wall, does anyone know what to do? or how to fix this issue? Also, in the Community Event Posting Rules, it clearly states: The use of alts to post more than 5 events per day will not be permitted either. I just checked the Events Calendar and there are 10 posts for the same place and I cant even get one post to show up when I posted my events over a month ago!
  7. We are looking to expand our club hrs and would like to hire some DJs for Tues, Weds, & Thurs between the hrs of Noon and 6pm slt. Music played, All Rock, Metal, Industiral genres but not limited to. 100% Tips, flexible scheduling. We have one of a kind events, we have never had any drama in the 4yrs we have been open, we are fun, friendly and crazy and we are also an SL Avi Choice Awards Nominee. Contact Bleach Kimono or search in-world for PoSsEsSeD Night Club. Link availble below... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bon%20Temps/49/34/2005
  8. I do a signature DJ set called F-Word Night, yes its a 2hr F-Word fest. I have been to several clubs on the grid and they also play some explcit music but they are on Mature Land, My venue also plays explict music but we are on Adult Land because I thought we had to be because of the explicit music and Adult land is limiting my customer base and If I dont have to be on adult land and can go to Mature with the music we play, I would rather do that. So what Maturity Land Rating is correct to be under?
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