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Marcus Hancroft

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Posts posted by Marcus Hancroft

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    i feel if creators (and i don't mean all of them) were worried about in world numbers and SL survival that they would not have jumped on the market place selling almost their whole stockthat is in their in world stores already..wouldn't a smarter move if in world support was the real concern to just put up demos or samples of products to enhance their in world sales?


    nope..just as anything else..they had to have a second market because it's not really about SL survival more than it is self preserving on an individual basis ..it's about money and getting as much as  can be gotten before the ship sinks with all possible channels..

    some even just dump their land and sell on the market not having in world stores..


    want to know why inworld traffic numbers are down and inworld sales are down..because they made it easier for us to stay at home and shop online..it weakend the first market instead of actually adding a second..

    this in turn stops people from seeing the world.. when new people to the grid ask where they can get this or that..the number one response is ..check the market place or here is a link to the certain thing on the market place..if it is not on the market then it doesn't exist..

    they see less of the world and learn faster to just shop right from the pickin's on the market..

    want more inworld sales..put up samples or demos on the market place and keep the sales of the actual content in world along with the traffic....



    ^ This right here, Miss Ceka, hits the nail on the head! 

  2. When I first joined Second Life, I chose male because I'm a dude in real life.  It never even entered my mind to choose female.  I had a buddy already inworld and he gave me some landmarks to freebie places and I picked out the white guy freebie skin from Empire that you see so much around cause again, I'm a white guy in real life.  I also got a lot of freebie clothes and a shape that I was okay with.

    Later, I decided I wanted a better skin, so I added payment info so I could buy some lindens and then went shoppin!  I found a skin I was pretty satisfied with and wore that skin for a long time.  Then one day I discovered Redgrave!  And the rest is history.  I won't wear any other skin!

    A friend I made here told me once that he would make a custom shape for me and he and I spent several hours on his sim as he made the shape and we tweaked it until I thought it was perfect!   So my shape is one now that nobody else in Second Life has!  

    It has also never occurred to me to be anything but a tanned white male.  I hear stories all the time of guys who make female alts, and I just shake my head in bewilderment.  I will never understand what the fascination is with doin that.  On the other hand, I've heard of women making male alts too and I don't understand why.  The only reason I could is if the person is a clothing designer and needs an alt of the opposite gender to fit their clothes to.

    Anyway, I will never change from being a human white male because that's what I am in real life.  I don't have any desire or need to be something I'm not.

  3. That's strange.  I've never had a problem receiving TP requests in Phoenix and I've used it for a LONG time.  Have you been changing settings recently in preferences or using the debug settings for something else?  Maybe you accidently turned that function off.  This is a new one on me.  Have you tried asking in the Phoenix/Firestorm group?  They are fantastic there and so they may know.

  4. MarcelloMastroanni wrote:

    I get my picks window fine, but the "+" sign is no longer there.  I can see my picks but I cannot add a classified from the picks window.


    And yes the "create classified" in search window is not working.

    You know...It's just ridiculous that it has to be THIS hard to create a freakin classified! And then to have to use an OLDER version viewer to FINALLY get it done. 

    /me shakes his head in disgust

  5. Howdy, Voodoo

    Marine K. created the RLV (formerly known as the Restrained Life Viewer, but is now the Restrained Love Viewer) many years ago.  Back then, one downloaded the RLV from her website, and placed it inside the SL viewer folder on their hard drive it was not a standalone viewer.  This was back way before viewer 2.0.  Now, most third party viewers (Phoenix, etc) have the RLV code already in it and all a person must do is activate it.  However, the code used in those viewers is not Marine's code.  She has since put out her own standalone viewer with her code already in it. 

    I personally think that people should just use the full RLV and not pieces parts.  A Dom cannot access your inventory unless you create a "#RLV" folder and put items in sub-folders inside that folder.  So you wouldn't have to worry about that part.

    I think the viewer 2 and 3 should allow Marine's code so they too can be used with RLV.  I guess that's not possible though.  Just go with her standalone viewer or activate the RLV in one of the third party viewers. 

  6. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    Darrius Gothly wrote:

    ROFL!! Seriously Poenald .. put down the Jolt Cola and step away from the keyboard. A couple guys with a nice new white coat will be over to help you shortly.


    PS:  When I tried to post this message the LL forum filter engine blocked the posting for using the phrase "Watch T.V." in the body (without the periods) which it said is not permitted.  WHAA???

    Howdy, Toy...

    You've seen the spammer around the forums on the weekend who advertises television programs to watch?  I bet you lindens that the moderators made those words "not permitted" to try to prevent that ridiculous spam from flooding each form in the place.

  7. I surely remember Orientation Island as well!  The first photo with the round pavers pointing to the next section brought the memory to  mind vividly!  I remember the parrot as well.  Getting the free clothes at the pavilion.  I remember it all.  Luckily, I had a friend already in SL and he sent me a teleport and helped me get started. 

    That was over 3 years ago now! 

    So much has happened since then.  Too much really to go into here, but, it's been a helluva ride so far!

  8. CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

    has been updated with answers to some of the additional questions posted in this thread. Many are difficult to explain without an actual example of the system, including screen shots. We are working on preparing knowledge base articles for the open Direct Delivery Beta Testing in December. This, along with the actual Beta, should clear up most questions.

    For reference, here are the additional questions added to the FAQ (over and above the ones from last week).

    Q: Will buyers be notified of the delivery method?


    A: Instructions will be provided after purchase to help customers locate and use their products, based upon the delivery method. Merchants may choose to tell consumers which delivery method will be used by adding that information to the item listing.


    Q: Will folders in the Merchant Outbox need to be sent to the Marketplace or will Marketplace automatically detect new folders in the Outbox and grab them?


    A: In the Second Life Viewer, the Merchant must click a button to move folders from the Merchant Outbox to the Merchant’s Marketplace inventory. Third-party viewers have access to the API call required to do this, so will those viewers be able to provide the same functionality as the Second Life Viewer.


    Q: What exactly is the Marketplace inventory?  Are items in this inventory easy for others to access?


    A: The Marketplace inventory is composed of all the folders and objects intended for sale through a merchant’s Marketplace account. The only ways that these inventory items may be accessed are:
    • A customer may access item after a purchase has been completed and the item has been delivered to the customer’s inventory.
    • Merchants may access inventory items through the Merchant Admin to view those items, return them to their inworld inventory, or try a test purchase.

    OK but...what's the migration process from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery?  Last we heard from you that process hadn't been completed yet.  How do we edit listings once the inventory has been grabbed from our folders?  I use Phoenix so what you're saying here is that the Phoenix/Firestorm team will have to do a code change to make the "Upload Button" work?  Still lotsa questions, CommerceTeam!

  9. Welcome to the forums, Champagne!

    One thing to try first is to "sit" on something inside.  Is your skybox furnished?  If so, camera inside, right click on a chair and click "Sit."  If it is unfurnished, try sitting on the floor or a stair or something.

    If that doesn't work for you, you can just right click and edit the skybox and then move it over your avatar so your avatar is inside.  Then close the edit window.  You should be inside it then. 

    Good luck!

  10. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    So I guess Brooke and the LL Commerce Team have successfully accomplished their goal with regard to their DD COMMUNICATIONS Strategy. 

    What is her team's strategy:

    "Maintain a Bare Minimum Communication Strategy on DD with the general Merchant community"

    • Post a small blog that points to a couple other links with old general DD information and make promises to answer any Merchant's questions / concerns on DD in the Merchant Forum.
    • Provide a FAQ that is confusing enough that it doesn't paint them in any corner regarding potential lame ideas to their solution which could cause merchant concerns, questions, debates, criticisms.
    • In the Merchant Forums, let the Merchant start asking the countless questions that they have not got answered from the Commerce Team in the past several months when the team stayed in pure Black Ops with Gagged Beta Testers.
    • Have some private talks with some of the Closed Beta Testers and proven "friends of LL" asking them to answer any of the questions that are being brought up.  This is to avoid LL directly having to answer questions themselves.
    • Make one post that answers the easy questions and avoid answer questions that likely have answers that Merchant wont like hearing the answer to.   THEN... tell the forum you will not be answering anymore questions for another week.
    • Lets the anger and frustration of the Merchant community escalate and fight itself out until the community comes to the realization that the LL Commerce Team refuses to take responsibilities on communicating with their customers and the thread participants give up on the thread knowing its futile to get straight direct answers from LL.


    This thread has died off and Merchants have actually done exactly what Brooke's plan intended.  They have given up on LL's team to be responsible and are now just waiting for the LL's Developed DD disaster to hit us when it does.


    PS - before ANY of you think I am overly critical that DD will go into production with major disruptions - just look at yesterday's change by the LL Commerce / Development Team and their unrequested change of the Transaction History to use an avatar's DISPLAY NAME instead of the users permanent accurate name.

    If they can screw something as silly as this up - extrapolate how bad they can screw up DD.


    Howdy, Toy Dude! 

    I have no doubts that when Direct Delivery gets rolled out it is going to be a phenomenal disaster.  I have kept a close eye on this thread in the hopes that somebody, ANYBODY from Linden Lab would respond and give us all some answers.  Of course that hasn't (and won't) happen.  I stopped posting here because every time I did, it seemed like the holier than thou scripting crowd jumped on my posts with all four feet. 

    I still haven't decided what I'm going to do.  I can go to the beta grid and play around with Direct Delivery and try to learn as much for myself as I can, but, I don't think it will do much good.  When everything is deployed to the main grid, who is to say it will all be exactly the same as it was in the beta grid?  Furthermore, I have no faith in the Commerce Teams abilities to put out code that isn't absolutely riddled with glitches and problems! 

    So in the end, I'm just waiting.  Waiting for the problems to begin and the failed deliveries to start piling up.  I even expect to log in one day and my store be completely gone! 

  11. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    Luna Bliss wrote:

    Are you sure this is an accident? I'm starting to feel like they don't want serious merchants here anymore.

    Maybe I should message Josh..


    LOL...  One really needs to wonder when you see LL Commerce and Development teams making such a design decision mistake that I.T. students could tell you makes no sense.

    This is why so many of us Merchants are so openly vocal about getting as much details of up-coming systems - even the most basic of details - from LL's team.  And why we get frustrated when LL's team doesnt answer.  And when we are told by LL's white knight defenders that we are being too critical and negative about LL's solutions that have not yet been deployed......

    We are this way because of examples like this.

    One needs to wonder if LL is simply trying to destroy the Merchant's ability to make an SL living in SL.

    ^ This

    Pulling up my report this morning for the past 30 days, the entire report is changed to show just the stupid, ridiculous Display Names!  Great! 

    Commerce Team:  Listen to Toysoldier and the rest of the merchants!  Get rid of this and I mean right NOW!  What in heck were you thinking?!  Or...were you thinking at all? 

  12. Knowl Paine wrote:

    The effect you have described has happened to me recently, and several times in the past. I have noticed it on several previous Viewer releases.

    The first possibility, and usually the most likely, is another Resident is clicking on or trying to select your object while you are trying to edit it.

    A build up of unacked bytes (whatever those are) or downloads pending whilst editing could be a cause.

    The Function Sleep has cause me the most problems. That thing just hangs forever, it's convinced that you want to be idle, it won't let go. Yeah, I know I opened my map and then search but it's closed now, end that process!


    Not a computer Mechanic

    Howdy, Knowl!

    The region my store is on (and consequently my workspace) is completely empty except for my parcel.  At the time, there was no one else on Bitterblue but me, so nobody could have been clicking on my prims. 

    The other suggestion you had (unpacked bytes or pending downloads) is a possibility I guess.  I usually try to wait to do anything until everything is rezzed and my inventory has fully loaded though.  I'll check that again when I attempt to put these together this morning for the second time. 


  13. Chosen Few wrote:

    You're the second person on this forum in as many days to report odd behaviors with Phoenix.  The other person was having trouble viewing textures. 

    You're also the second person in the last three days to report snap-back problems.  The first one did not specify which viewer she was using, though.

    In both of the previous cases, I assumed the issue was a networking problem, which likely didn't have to do directly with the viewer or with the SL servers.  The usual causes for stuff like this are either cache discrepency or packet loss.  The former can be solved by clearing the contents of your cache, and relogging.  The latter can be tough to pinpoint, but usually a router/modem reset, a computer reboot, and a traceroute to the sim server can help narrow it down (not that you'll be able to solve it if the loss is happening on some distant Internet hub that you have no control over).

    But three cases in three days is awfully suspicious.  Maybe something has changed in the way the server and viewer talk to each other.  They did do a bunch of server maintenance this week, and they did just update the official viewer.


    It's also remotely possible that the old "prim rot" bug has resurfaced.  This thing used to be a major annoyance.  Every so often, a prim would just up and quit taking direction anymore.  Sure, it would pretend to your face to be cooperative, but as soon as you'd turn your back, BAM, it would revert back to its previous size and shape, and that was that.  The only remedy at the time was just to delete the offending prim, and replace it with a new one.  I sincerely hope this is not what's going on.

    Howdy, Chosen!  I have been very careful to make sure all my settings are optimal for my cable modem and I check for packet loss often cause I know that's a strong indicator that something is really wrong.  I've never seen any packet loss with my Phoenix.  I just cleared all caches two days ago so that shouldn't be a problem. 

    I will try again a little later and see if it happens a third time.  If anything else strange happens, I'll report back here.


  14. Earlier today, I had an idea for an item I wanted to make.  I was at ground level (because I have heard that if you build at high altitudes there is a stronger possibility of prim drift) and rezzed two prims.  Hollowed one and changed its Z size.  When I went to change the Y size, suddenly the Z side snapped back to its original 0.05!  I tried it again and it resized itself back a 2nd time! 

    Thinking; "OK, smart aleck...I'll do it by stretching you then."  I went into stretch mode and carefully stretched the Z size down to what I needed.  It stayed.

    I brought the 2nd prim into perfect position to the 1st prim, zoomed very close into the 2nd prim and then carefully stretched it to the size I wanted.  Of couse THIS time, it snapped back to its original size even though I was using stretch instead of keying in the size I wanted!  "What in heck is goin on here?" So, I keyed in the size and it stayed.  I double checked their position, it was perfect and so I linked them.  OK...time for prim #3...I took a deep breath, rezzed the next and prepared to fight the danged cube to get it the size I wanted.  This time it only took 3 tries to get it to stay. 

    OK..time to get it in position to the other two.  I use Phoenix so I used the Copy/Paste position function (I love that function!) and brought the 3rd up to the first two.  Lo and behold, the first two I had so perfectly put into position and linked, were now completely out of position!  There was even a space between the two that I could see ground through! 

    I had a few choice words to say about THAT!  In disgust I deleted them all.  Forget it!  If I can't even get three prims to stay put and I have to fight so hard just to make them the right size I need...it's not worth it!

    So.  Here we are. 

    What's going on do ya suppose?  Did Linden Lab change something with this latest server update that's causing all this?  I never had prims resize themselves like that before and I try to stay on the ground to build so I don't have prim drift all over the place, but today...I had them all.  Oh and by the way, the prim that I hollowed to 90%, unhollowed itself too! 

    Anybody have any insight on stuff like this?  I want to build what I had an idea to build but, if this is the way it's gonna be I'm not even gonna bother.  Anybody?  Anybody?

  15. Audra Siemens wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    Audra Siemens wrote:

    Okay, so now I've submitted a ticket... actually.. a ticket and two comments because I'm long winded... cross your fingers that they just do some voodoo and fix it.. I'm frankly tired of messing with it this morning.. 

    Howdy, Miss Audra

    I'm sorry you're havin so much trouble this mornin.  It would drive me nutso too!  I think you have to go to the old Xstreet page and delete the old magicbox from there.  That may be what's preventing the new one from syncing.  From your Merchant Home screen, click Magic Box Status.  Click Cancel when the window comes up telling you to go to the new Marketplace page.  Go down to the bottom of the screen where you'll see "Registered Servers."  You should see the old box there and your new one there also.  You can then click "Remove" on the old one.  That might help! 

    Thanks! I actually did that, and got a reply from LL that said the same thing.. which I did.. but my inventory wouldn't load on that old xstreet page.. 

    In the end LL restarted the Sim (that would be the third time it has been restarted in less than 6 hours, since it is my own sim and it was restarted twice before LL did...) and then it seemed to work fine.

    Sadly now though, I'm back facing the original problem of incorrect "inventory" numbers and false "unavailable" items. Not a big deal now since my marketplace actually works.. but.. still not very cool in my book. 

    Thanks for you suggestion though!

    I'm glad you got it all fixed, Miss Audra!  You're not the only one who has the incorrect inventory numbers and false "Unavailables" and "Unlisteds"  I have all those too.  That came about after the 13th September "update" installed by Brooke and her team.  I don't know WHY it hasn't been fixed yet.  It's not cool to me either and every time I go to add a new item, I just have to roll my eyes when I see it.  I feel like it's something we're just going to have to live with forever and ever amen. 

    Anyway, good job getting it worked out and I hope it never happens to you again!  :)

  16. Audra Siemens wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    Audra Siemens wrote:

    Okay, so now I've submitted a ticket... actually.. a ticket and two comments because I'm long winded... cross your fingers that they just do some voodoo and fix it.. I'm frankly tired of messing with it this morning.. 

    Howdy, Miss Audra

    I'm sorry you're havin so much trouble this mornin.  It would drive me nutso too!  I think you have to go to the old Xstreet page and delete the old magicbox from there.  That may be what's preventing the new one from syncing.  From your Merchant Home screen, click Magic Box Status.  Click Cancel when the window comes up telling you to go to the new Marketplace page.  Go down to the bottom of the screen where you'll see "Registered Servers."  You should see the old box there and your new one there also.  You can then click "Remove" on the old one.  That might help! 

    Thanks! I actually did that, and got a reply from LL that said the same thing.. which I did.. but my inventory wouldn't load on that old xstreet page.. 

    In the end LL restarted the Sim (that would be the third time it has been restarted in less than 6 hours, since it is my own sim and it was restarted twice before LL did...) and then it seemed to work fine.

    Sadly now though, I'm back facing the original problem of incorrect "inventory" numbers and false "unavailable" items. Not a big deal now since my marketplace actually works.. but.. still not very cool in my book. 

    Thanks for you suggestion though!

    I'm glad you got it all fixed, Miss Audra!  You're not the only one who has the incorrect inventory numbers and false "Unavailables" and "Unlisteds"  I have all those too.  That came about after the 13th September "update" installed by Brooke and her team.  I don't know WHY it hasn't been fixed yet.  It's not cool to me either and every time I go to add a new item, I just have to roll my eyes when I see it.  I feel like it's something we're just going to have to live with forever and ever amen. 

    Anyway, good job getting it worked out and I hope it never happens to you again!  :)

  17. Josh Susanto wrote:

    Dakota restarted the region and examined all the boxes.

    She admits there are aspects to the incident that she still does not understand, but, somehow, things are working again. 

    I am VERY satisfied with Dakota's response. 

    Getting things fixed is good, but hearing a Linden admit she actually doesn't know or understand something is refreshingly non-dismissive and non-condescending.

    For BOTH things

    (yes, I'll be eliminating the auxiliary links which I fed to Google)

    I'm really glad you're up and runnin again, Josh Dude!   I was wonderin what was goin on.

  18. Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

    Marcus - I'm going to attempt the support ticket one more time on the creator name thing.  If I get help on that, will relay it here.  I'm not sure if Snickers ever got help or not in that Jira.

    The disappearing thing goes deeper I think - had read once that it might have to do with cache and running two different versions of programs - but will work on that next month.

    I went back and reread this thread.  Trying to figure out how it became so difficult. 

    I think it boils down to this:

    Q: What’s the migration process for moving my items from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery listings?


    A: The process is not completed yet. Once a process is working in test, we will communicate the details. We are working on a method that will not require each listing to be edited to replace the Magic Box inventory item with a Direct Delivery inventory item.


    I guess that means that there is not a process yet.

    Mickey - Yeah, if you hear anything through your support ticket (and I hope you do), please let me know!  Yes, I've heard the same things about using two viewers sharing the same cache folders.  Didn't even THINK about that one.  That could be it for sure.

    About the migration:

    THAT'S IT!  That's what I was trying to find earlier!  When I looked at the wiki earlier this morning, that question and answer had been removed! 

    So my thoughts on that is...if Direct Delivery has been in closed beta for months and months wouldn't they have had to have a way to migrate the magic box items to the direct delivery system already?  I mean...the closed beta testers would have had to have a way to move off the magic boxes.  Why are they saying all of a sudden that they are working on a way to do that?  That would be one of the most important parts of the whole changeover! 

    And why is that question and response now gone from the wiki??

    I'm off now to double check that it's STILL gone.  Wouldn't want people to think that I'm just saying stuff out of the blue or anything.  I'll edit this post if the entry is still there.  :)

    On Edit:  Nope it's still gone. 

  19. Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

    Marcus - hang in there - you've got a lot on your plate with 500 items.  Feel for ya.

    I'm having some glitches with inventory too, another reason I'm not up for "testing"

    It's not in the marketplace inventory, but in personal inventory.  When I put a new product in the magic box, it seems to disappear from my personal inventory (about half - not all) - so I have to store all products up in the attic, out on the floor, for safe keeping, so as not to lose them.  They are safe in the magic box.  This is why I'm a wee bit concerned.

    Also having problems with my name not being shown as creator on many items.  Both of these pretty major glitches that I do not have the resources or know-how to solve....no way am I going to a beta region to amplify possibility of screwing things up even farther.  Their comments that some of us are unwilling to help everyone is bullshiz.  They can fix their own glitches - some of us can't. 

    There are some people here who will reduce the geek speak to layman's terms pretty well - Darrius and Toy do pretty good at that. 

    Have found that if you ask basic questions here, you have to put up with some stuff to get back to the basic part.

    I would like to know what the need for a hierarchy of products in that folder is for.  Don't grasp that at all.  You have product A and product B to sell - you slide them into the folder,  Not sure where a hierarchy of listing comes into play. 


    This is what happens when a non-geek tries to get help in a Jira 

    That was back in July, I believe.  Currently trying to get help via a support ticket - but they've closed it twice.  They asked for more information - then closed it.  So mad.

    Thank you, Mickey!  Yeah, it's certainly gonna be fun trying to re-associate 500 (or more when the system goes live) items.  It's a production I'm not lookin forward to.

    I've had items not show my name as creator also!  Made me madder than h.e.doublehockeysticks the first time I saw it too!  What I noticed is that the item showed "Unknown" as creator in my inventory, but when I rezzed the item, it showed my name again.  I dunno what causes that, but it's frustrating anyway.

    The only thing I could think that would cause an item to disappear from your inventory when you put it in your magic box is if it is No Copy.  You might have a look and see if that's the case.  Other than that, I'm sorry I can't be more help.

    I hear ya on the rest too.  :-)

  20. Zanara Zenovka wrote:

    Sassy Romano wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:

     I really wish somebody with personal knowledge of the system would post here so we can get some REAL answers and not guesses and "This is how *I* understand it." responses. 

    That has happened, you must have missed them with all the noise in this thread.




    This ^

    Seriously, is it really not obvious who knows what they're talking about, and who doesn't?

    I mean, I'm not having a go at you here, Marcus; I'm genuinely curious, because for those of us who know this stuff it's patently obvious.

    Hint: everyone who's posted here who's a professional scripter in SL and has tested it has got it right. And the scripters who haven't tried it have worked it out just fine anyway. And if they're speculating, they say so; they don't just make stuff up that sounds good and insist it's true. That's how we work - code is unforgiving - it demands logic and precision.

    As opposed to, say, people who haven't tested it, or refuse to do so (lol), and are not scripters in SL (despite any unprovable claims of RL development experience).

    Not saying that scripters are better people than non-scripters, blah blah etc - but good grief, we know how this stuff works.

    Sassy & Zanara;

    You both zeroed right in on the very last thing I said and didn't even comment about the main problem concerning my "Unlisted" (but listed) inventory.  So much has been said in this thread and I'm no better off than when I first came in here. 

    I'm just about to the point where I'm not going to listen to anybody here and go to Aditi myself (even though I hate beta testing), learn what I can from there and everybody fend for themselves!  Forget about trying to get help or ask questions here.

  21. Audra Siemens wrote:

    Okay, so now I've submitted a ticket... actually.. a ticket and two comments because I'm long winded... cross your fingers that they just do some voodoo and fix it.. I'm frankly tired of messing with it this morning.. 

    Howdy, Miss Audra

    I'm sorry you're havin so much trouble this mornin.  It would drive me nutso too!  I think you have to go to the old Xstreet page and delete the old magicbox from there.  That may be what's preventing the new one from syncing.  From your Merchant Home screen, click Magic Box Status.  Click Cancel when the window comes up telling you to go to the new Marketplace page.  Go down to the bottom of the screen where you'll see "Registered Servers."  You should see the old box there and your new one there also.  You can then click "Remove" on the old one.  That might help!  :)

  22. Sassy Romano wrote:

    I'll try to fill in the blanks for you Josh.

    The magic box doesn't really exist.  It's just a blob of data that is being interpreted by a piece of software, the simulator.

    If you want to reduce things to this level then you're absolutely right, Direct Delivery is nothing more than a magic box but instead of being a blob of data being interpreted by a simulator,
    it's a set of tables containing records
    .  If you want to view that as software then that doesn't really exist either!

    At this conjunction, the good news for you is that you can call Direct Delivery a Magic Box. 
    It's sort of the same, all data in a database about objects that don't really exist.
      I'm glad we got there in the end. 

    (Windows never set out to be an operating system at version 1, it was just an environment, nothing more)

    Howdy, Miss Sassy!

    Herein lies another of my questions.  I still have 26 items in my Marketplace Inventory that show in the "Unlisted" section.  But they ARE listed and ALSO show in the "LIsted" inventory.  If a database can't be managed better than that and such things after...what...60 days?  Why would I have confidence that this massive code change will go off without a hitch?  I have read and read the wiki and am STILL confused about some things.  In reading it again this morning, the part where they said they are working on the migration process (from our Magicboxes to Direct Devliery) has been removed!  (I wanted to quote it earlier as that's a big red flag to me) but it is gone now. 

    It just seems to me that there are still major database issues from last time that have not been fixed and here we're gonna change the whole works again!  I just have no confidence in Linden Lab to do this right.  Especially since crazy things are still happening.

    At this point, and reading through all the posts in this thread, I'm still all adrift.  I really wish somebody with personal knowledge of the system would post here so we can get some REAL answers and not guesses and "This is how *I* understand it." responses. 

  23. Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

    They came in and answered Sassy's question.  They generally do for Sassy.

    The rest of the questions were not attempted until after the "hystrionics"

    As I explained to you earlier, which you must have missed.....it seems as though that's the only way to get answers now, and it seems as though that is the mode now.  Not a fan of it, but if that's the only way, it is what it is.  I don't believe that mode evolved because of "us" - - I believe that it evolved because of poor communication from the service provider.

    We were pretty much conditioned to accept that mode, but at the beginning of the year, they made strong statements that communication would improve.  When you make strong statements like that to your customers - you should probably back it up.  After all - you were probably making those statements to keep them.  They kept some - so deliver.

    If asking questions bothers you  - there is a log off button. 

    If you understand everything entirely, and are totally confident that you won't have to rework your entire listing process, then not really sure what you have to gain by poking at those who have far more inventory than you do. 

    Wazzup with that?


    ^ This

    I have almost 500 items in my MP inventory and having to rework every single one of them is going to be a daunting task.  Even if it's just going into each items Edit Screen and toggelling MagicBox to DirectDelivery.  /me shudders

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