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Marcus Hancroft

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Posts posted by Marcus Hancroft

  1. Coby Foden wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:


    ... But you are right...if someone is in a PG area and they appear naked to someone else there because they don't have a mesh enabled viewer, one quick snapshot and an AR, and the "naked" person would be in trouble.

    Do you really think that it is the fault of somebody using mesh if another person using old viewer sees them partially naked?

    Linden Lab is well aware of this problem and they don't mind. Linden Lab have stated that old non mesh enabled viewers will phase out naturally as more and more users will switch to mesh enabled viewers. Thus the probled stated here is a temporary problem which will pass away.

    If somebody sticks to old viewer it is their choice. Or they might be forced to use old viewer if their computer cannot run mesh viewers. Old viewer users must suffer the consequences of seeing odd objects on others using mesh, even occasional partial nakedness. It is the observer's problem, not the wearer's problem.

    Abuse reporting somebody using something which Linden Lab has officially released? Really?

    Such ARs will be totally ignored by Linden Lab.

    According to Linden Lab, over 70 percent of residents are already using mesh enabled viewers now. Mesh is not something to be avoided like a plaque "until all users will be using mesh enabled viewers".

    OK, OK...I get it everybody.  I didn't even think about this when I responded to the OP and everybody sure jumped on me with all four feet!  Ridiculous part of my original response has been deleted.

  2. Rosa Firecloak wrote:

    I am wanting to know which mommy/pregnancy hud is the best quality and most reliable. You can also message me inworld. Opinions based on personal experience would definatly be helpful. Thanks in advanced.

    I have no experience or personal preference regarding those systems, but, let me just say...

    Whichever one you get, PLEASE...for the love of all the gods...TURN OFF THE LOCAL CHAT MESSAGES! 

    Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to hear your belly talking out loud! 

  3. Janelle Darkstone wrote:

    (I'm not sure if this has been discussed before as nothing relevant came up in search or in the knowledge base.)

    I'm using a version of Phoenix that doesn't see mesh objects or clothing, and I have no desire to upgrade since I won't be buying or using anything that is mesh, not just for the simple reason I would not want to be seen wearing a textured donut on my head to anyone also not using a mesh-compatible viewer.  Simple, right?

    The problem is, I showed a friend some textures in a sandbox today, and I don't recall the maturity rating there -- she was wearing some sort of mesh corset top and it didn't occur to me (until now) that she appeared essentially topless to anyone not using a mesh viewer.  It didn't really click since we never venture outside of "adult" areas and situations together, but at the moment I'm aghast for not realizing it.

    I'll be sure to let her know so it doesn't happen again, but it's something to keep in mind for those of you wearing mesh clothing in PG areas without some modest underwear.

    Howdy, Miss Janelle!  One thing you can do is upgrade to Phoenix  It can see mesh and it still has all the features of Phoenix you are used to now!  The thing with mesh clothing is that *most* of them come with alpha layers that one wears before wearing the piece of clothing that makes the body part it is covering transparent so you don't see body parts protruding through the mesh.  I have a full mesh outfit (well, pants and shirt and jacket) and I wore them all the other day along with their alpha layers.  Then I got to thinking...what am I now??  I'm a head, and hands!!  Every other part of me was invisible! 

    Is this what we are all going to be soon?  Walking heads and hands??  Once I realized that, then I started thinking about sex in SL.  What if someone were preparing to engage in amazing boom boom and started taking off their mesh clothes?  In about 3 seconds, all their partners would see would be a head and hands (until, of course, all the alpha layers could be removed).  Not very conducive to romance, huh?  *laughs*

    Anyway, I would suggest upgrading to at least 1600.  Sooner or later, Linden Lab will block all version 1.0 based viewers (which Phoenix is one) and you will be forced to move to a different viewer anyway.  All new residents are coming inworld with SL viewer 3.0 so they can all see mesh.  <Ridiculousless Removed>

  4. To add to Casper's post, iCade, you can also get yourself a sculpted plant prim.  They have as few as 4 sides and as many as 64!  The typical sculpt plant prim is 8 sides and looks, for all the world, like an asterick from the top down before you texture it.  The only thing about these sculpted prims is that they cannot be flexi, so they will not "blow in the wind."  The only way to do that is to do just as Casper suggested and use two or three flat prims, intersected and linked.

  5. Zanara Zenovka wrote:

    I took "multiple sellers" to mean each "seller" still owns their objects. Otherwise there's just one "seller" who's paying commission to various other parties (since once you own the object, that makes you the seller, regardless of its origin).

    But I guess we won't really know unless the OP replies

    Ah, OK...I see what you mean.  Hmmm...maybe that's what she meant.  Well, I guess we wait now to see if she replies so we know which way to go with this one.

  6. Zanara Zenovka wrote:

    There's a difference between multiple sellers and paying commission to various people. Just stop and think through the perms requirements...

    Yes, the items would have to be copy/trans.  But I don't think that was part of the question was it?  Just is there a way to give a percentage to different people in the same vendor.  That part is certainly possible.

  7. Flip Idlemind wrote:

    Rawr, that's annoying. But I guess 5% on L$99 isn't a huge loss to me. Still, I should be able to send my own objects to people for free, and I seem to remember there being such a feature on the old Xstreet.

    The only way to give your own objects to people for free is to do it inworld.  Open their profile and drag the item from your inventory to their profile window.  And there ya go!  Free!  But if you try to do it through the Marketplace...you're gonna pay a commission on it.

  8. madman626 Fall wrote:

    Bingo you hit it on the head ,, Rl come first,,, at one point i can see tipping going even more down hill . and has to help keep a nice sim open so what they open it let then pay for it not like i told them to do it.

    Howdy, Madman626 Fall.  Unfortunately, I have no idea what you just said.  Well, *part* of it I understand I guess ("Bingo you hit it on the head") is easy to understand.  The rest is all jumbled together.  

  9. ANY transaction that goes through LindenLab's Marketplace will be charged a commission.  It doesn't matter to whom from whom.  So yes...gifting something to yourself from your own inventory (which I'm having a hard time understanding) is going to cost you money.  My suggestion:  Don't do that again.  LOL!  :)

  10. Hintswen Guardian wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    Yes, you can do this with Caspervend.  With each item there is a "Profit Sharing" section on its web page.  You selet the person there and the percent of the profit you wish them to receive on each sale.

    Profit sharing is not the same as selling items from multiple merchants. Profit sharing requires one person to have copy+trans versions of everyone's items.

    No no no...That's just the name it's called on the vendor website.  For every single item listed in your vendor, you can put in a person's name that you want to give a percentage of the profit to.  In other words, you can have 3 different makers items in one of these vendors and you can indicate on each individual listing who you want to get how much.  That was the question asked...whether this was possible.  I am saying that it IS possible, and furthermore, here is the vendor which you need to go purchase to have it possible. 

  11. Have you seen the names out there?

    Obviously they do not realize that their user names will be their names, or they don't care. To further make me think that, are the display names they use. Often times, TexasMary1954 has chosen Susan as her display name.

    What further adds to the confusion, I think, is that upon sign up, any decent normal one word name is taken, so they figure, well if Mary123 is taken, it must be fine to choose Mary1234.

    Now, even if they realize that this will indeed be their user name displayed for all the virtual world to see, they must think it is the norm, and I suppose, in time, it will be.

    ^  I certainly hope not! 

  12. Matty Luminos wrote:

    I tip live musicians and DJs always. I tip hosts, dancers and strippers only if they actually interact with me, without just making endless gestures and canned emotes. Then again, clubs that don't fit that criteria don't get my custom at all so if the staff aren't inspiring tips from me I've probably left already.


    I am tipping less than I did 2-3 years ago, simply because all my L$ come from RL purchase and I don't have so much "spare" money in RL these days.
    I can't even justify paying for a home in SL any more.

    I used to be a dancer in SL and would typically get upwards of L$1000 a shift, I don't see tipjars anywhere going that high these days.


  13. Canoro Philipp wrote:

    dont choose a name very focused in characteristics, like TallMexicanBoy because you may want to change your characteristics down the road, it would be better to have a name that will adapt to all kinds of situations, what if later you want to be smaller? or older? or to not represent a country?

    Yes, I hate those descriptor names too.  "TallMexicanBoy," "Subboi," etc.  I never once met anybody in the real word with a name like that.  I know a lot of Jeremys, Mikes, Melissas, and Sarahs, but I've never once had to say "Howdy, TallMexicanBoy!" in real life.  So MY suggestion is to use a normal name (maybe one that is your favorite name) and then pick a last name from the dropdown list that goes with it. 

    No numbers, no ASCII characters and no AOL handles.  Ugh. 

  14. Dj's who play my requests and live singers receive tips from me.  Hosts and hostesses who only say hello or welcome to me when I first get to the club and then ignore me the whole rest of the time, do not.  Some hosts even use an auto greeter so they don't even have to type even that to me!  No tip for you if you use one of those things!

    Long ago, (before the Contest Boards) hosts and DJ's coordinated with each other and worked closely together to come up with interesting events and things that would happen at specific times during the set.  It was essentially a floor show!  Then, all votes would be IM'ed to the Host (not clicked on a contest board).  That was when hosts made good tips.  They made the show engaging for everybody attending!  Not just saying hello and then ignoring the crowd after that.

    Most "Hosts" now are not necessary and not part of the show. 

    I too get tired of hearing "Linden love."  Can we come up with something else to say, please?

    One final note about IM votes...that way of voting can easily be defrauded.  If a host has a friend at the event, they can easily just say that that friend won, regardless of how the voting actually came out.  Contest Boards eliminated somewhat that possibility.  Still though, I would prefer the old way of doing things and if I were a club owner, I would not allow the use of those contest boards and instead the hosts who worked for me would actually WORK for me. 

    In the end, I tip Live singers if they do a good job and I tip DJ's who play a requested song for me.  I will only tip hosts and hostesses if they are more engaging than just "Hello, Marcus!  Wooohoooo!" and if they actually try to entertain the crowd as well.  Let me just say...I haven't tipped a host or hostess in a while.

  15. Karst Threebeards wrote:

    Seems pretty big, at Gorcey there are about 12 people ghosted now. All with the same issue, trying to enter a full sim (Timmerman).

    I logged in a few minutes ago and went to this region (Gorcey).  There was nobody at the border of Timmerman ghosted, but there WAS one ghosted lady standing above the water near the center of the sim.  I had no problems going from Gorcey to the surrounding sims and then teleporting home.  However, it sounds like Gorcey needs restarted (and probably the regions around it too).

  16. Ayesha Askham wrote:

    Well, Marcus, it's like this:

    Sometimes despite the wonderful search tools in SL you just cannot find what you want in Secondlife.  So, if you aren't a good content creator and cannot make what you want, you look on Marketplace....well, well, there it is!  Oh dear, the creator doesn't have a store in SL.

    So you use Marketplace to order your heart's desire...you pay for it...and wait...and wait... and wait.  It never arrives, and to add insult to injury you are not refunded because SL tells the creator that your item was delivered!  Even worse, the creator sometimes doesn't even see your payment!

    So, I ask myself, where does that money go?  I wonder!


    No, no, no...Dillon said he HATES going to inworld stores.  This is the thinking I don't understand.  Is it because things have to rez at a store like every other sim or place in SL?  Is it because he doesn't like to teleport?  Is it because he goes nowhere in SL but his home?  What has made him hate a store inworld?  Bad store layouts?  Bad customer service? He doesn't say in his post.

    It is exactly because of all these horrible Marketplace problems that it should only be used as a search tool to find what you want and then go get it in inworld where none of the Marketplace issues are present.  If there is no inworld store and you absolutely MUST have the product, then buy it from the Marketplace.  But...buy only one thing at a time (never ever use the shopping cart) and only buy if you are inworld at the same time to receive it (never ever buy and then log in hoping your product will be waiting for you).

  17. Dillon Winsmore wrote:

    I'm really getting tired of wiating for stuff to why not add a botton that cancles your order so we get money back faster instead wiating 8hours so could go to store an buy it really miss old slex never once had a problem an
    i hate going inworld stores..

    This is not the 1st time I've heard someone say this exact thing.  I just do NOT understand this thinking.  At inworld stores, you receive your items at once (no waiting) and no "failed deliveries."  Use the Marketplace as a search tool ONLY.  Then go to the merchants inworld store and purchase there.  Problem solved!  You might even be surprised at all the cool stuff you find in your travels!

  18. Temp rezzers are a horrible, lag causing mess.  Not long ago, I had a neighbor who found it necessary to put his house in a temp rezzer.  It would disappear for a split second every minute or so and every time it re-rezzed, all activity on the sim stopped.  Just walking across my parcel was a nightmare.

    Once, I saw that he was inworld and on his parcel, so I cammed in on him.  He went into his house while it was rezzed, me still cam locked on him.  Of course you know what happened next...his house disappeared and he fell to the sand below.  It then reappeared and there he was...stuck under the floor!  I just about laughed myself into an aneurysm!  Shortly after that, he took away the temp rezzers.

    In MY opinion, they need to be banned.

  19. Rene Erlanger wrote:

    Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    The money trail in SL is very simple:

    Residents buy lindens, they go shopping for things to wear or use. Merchants use a portion of that money to rent spaces to show off the things residents can buy. Land owners use a portion of that money to pay the bills to support the places residents go to to use the things they bought.

    - That's pretty much it. Everything fits in there somewhere.

    MP slices a clean line through that, like a sword beheading someone; with equally brutal impact.


    It's a shame that no one smart enough at Linden Lab to realise the workings of the above flow-chart....as that is how it pretty much works.

     If LL are not alarmed, they should be,  having loss 1200 Estate sims in the last year.......400 have gone since X-Mas!!

    And still...there are people out there (I won't name names, because...you know...that's a big no-no), who are SO dedicated to the marketplace that they have told me flat out in a thread not long ago that they refuse to shop inworld because they don't want to have to wait for things to rez (like they do on every other sim in SL) and waste their precious time.  They also told me that if I want them to shop at my inworld store, I would have to give them deep discounts on alll my products!

    Going further, they also said that they are not concerned with someone else's tiers and feels no need to help with those tiers because they have RL people to take care of and RL problems that deserve their precious time and money, even though the discussion was about merchants who can no longer afford to have inworld stores because they cannot afford the high tiers that accompany them. 

    And so..." If LL are not alarmed, they should be,  having loss 1200 Estate sims in the last year.......400 have gone since X-Mas!!" <--this happens.  I sincerely hope this trend changes or soon all we will have are mainland sims owned by LindenLab to explore and have "fun" in.  

    The absolute dedication to the Marketplace HAS to change as well and more inworld shopping done or I see the loss of 400 sims in 30 days continuing.

  20. Clarissa Lowell wrote:

    Jo Yardley wrote: 

    As for old phones... I have also have an old Motorola... made in 1937... on a wire.... I don't do mobile.

    Does my phone win?

    Your phone wins. Although I don't have a cell/mobile phone either. I hate them! Grr!

    Do you know if it is possible to buy a phone that has been leased from the old Ma Bell for decades? We want to buy my grandma's phone. It is rotary. It has probably been paid for many times over by now. But those phone companies and their red tape. (I know you're not in the US but might know. Or someone will.)

    I love the old rotary phones too, Miss Clarissa!  In fact, I have about 20 of them here at home that I have collected over the past few years.  From wall phones to desk phones to Princess phones, I got them all!  Unfortunately, I don't have Ma Bell land line service at this time, so I don't have any of them hooked up and working, but, I sure wish I did.  There's nothing like a REAL bell ringer!  Those rotary phones were built to last for a lifetime, let me just tell you!  :)

  21. Howdy, Miss Mickey

    The past two weeks, I have only had two "Delivery Partially Failed" orders and in both, the items from MY store delivered, thank goodness.  Personally, I think the shopping cart should be shut down until the problem with it is discovered and resolved.  Hopefully, when direct delivery is installed on the main grid, that will resolve these issues.  But I'm not holding my breath.

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