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Marcus Hancroft

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Posts posted by Marcus Hancroft

  1. Drongle McMahon wrote:

    @Marcus ... If he made the textures by cutting up a larger one, then I guess the should automatically join properly across the cuts, even though not seamless in the  usual sense?

    I think they would have to be rotated and "flipped" properly to make them actually seamless though.  At least that's one of the ways to make a texture seamless in Photoshop or Gimp. 

  2. leyna wrote:

    I saw no guilt trip being placed on anyone here.  Of course your time is precious. If you don't want to shop inworld, then don't, no need to be defensive about it. 

    I love shopping inworld.  The selection at inworld stores is usually greater than what is offered on the marketplace and often times I find freebies in the stores as well.  Some of my favorite destinations and music venues were discoveries made while shopping inworld.  

    I want creators to be happy, I have a deep appreciation for what they do and I want to do all I can to encourage them to keep creating - without them there would be no content in SL. 

    Thank you, thank you, Miss Leyna! 

    And you are correct.  I was not trying to serve a guilt trip to anybody with my post.  :)

  3. Chelsea Malibu wrote:

    are you trying to cover 4 prims with the same texture but just cut it up?

    Here is another way to do that.

    Set each prim textures to .50 in scale.  Then move the postions to .250 and -.250 depending on where they are.  This is something you need to play with but it will take the same texture and place it over all 4 prims seemlessly.

    One larger textures is better than 4 smaller ones since every object has delivery overheard.  Less HTTP request = faster rez times.

    This ^ is an excellent suggestion too, Josh!  Try this and I hope it solves your seam problem!

  4. Howdy, Josh!  :)

    It looks like that texture isn't seamless.  I would start there and make sure it IS.  If you don't know how to make a texture seamless, let me know and I can do it for you. 

    Of course if the texture IS seamless, you gotta make sure the prims are aligned with precision or it won't look right either.  There are a couple of tricks to getting them perfect too so if that's the problem, I can help you there also. 

    Let me know!

  5. Mayalily wrote:
    Naw, not for me, sorry.  It's not my responsibility to help pay some creator's rent or tier.  I have a real life full of many interest, sl being just one of them.  I love Marketplace and will continue to use it for at least 80% of my purchases as it is a huge time saver for me.  It is very easy to see most of the items creator's have for sale on the MP, you just hit VISIT THE STORE and the other items the creator is selling are right there.

    Why would I want to go teleporting all over the place if say I like 10 different items from 10 different creators.  Why should I spend all that time getting each slurl, telporting around, waiting for all those items to rez.  I enjoy a very full real life, and I enjoy MP as one of my favorite and time saving passtimes.  Again, it is not my responsibility to help a creator pay their tier.

    ETA:  If you want people to shop inworld, then give them a good reason, such as buy 3 items, get the 4th for free.  You're going to have to make it worth my while to give up MY FREE TIME.  Why on Earth should I give up my free time and my real life for a creator I don't even know?  Make it worth my while, and I will go to your inworld shop.  Time is precious, and it is my own responsibility to create my life's happiness.  It is NOT my responsibility to help along a creator's happiness.  Real life stores are offering all kinds of sales right now and I am power shopper for deals in real life anyhow, so make it worth my while to give up my free time to shop inworld, such as the free offer I suggested above.  Otherwise, the responsibility of other's people's happiness and paying their rent is NOT any part of my responsibility, and I somewhat resent the suggestion of such.  To which my answer would be NO and I will accept no such "guilt trip".  lol

    Wow.  You're the first person I've ever met who is so vehemently opposed to going to an inworld store that you would get so upset at even the suggestion of it!  I certainly didn't mean to piss you off so much at the mere suggestion that you might visit a store rather than only use the Marketplace.

    I read in your post then that you are fully a proponent of ALL inworld stores closing down, malls should be non-existent and any commerce in Second Life should ONLY be conducted on the website.  Well, I guess that's your right.

    Consider this:  no matter WHERE you go in Second Life, you have to teleport to it and wait for things to rez.  I don't understand why a store would be any different than any other sim or parcel and why you are not willing to "teleport to, wait for things to rez" just because it IS a store. 

    Paying tier is a necessity if you own or rent any sort of land in Second Life.  If you go to clubs and tip the venue, tip the DJ or the singer or the hostess, you are "helping them pay their tiers."  I guess it is just the lowly Merchants who don't deserve your patronage simply because they ARE merchants.  Wow.

    /me shakes his head

    The only reason I suggested you visit a store instead of using the Marketplace exclusively was because the OP complained that:  "Marketplace takes my money and doesn't deliver but maybe 10% of what I buy."  Buying inworld will eliminate this problem.  

    But...you go right ahead and continue using the Marketplace and having these issues.  That's your choice.

  6. Mayalily wrote:
    An hour is a little frustrating, but to me it's worth the wait as I'd have to teleport to all those different places anyways and it would probably take the same amount of time. 

    I cannot say this often enough:  The BEST way to prevent these failed deliveries (or extremely slow deliveries) is to use the Marketplace as a search tool ONLY.  Find what you need or want on the MP but to go the merchants inworld store to purchase (if they have an inworld store).  There will be no delay in getting the products and it is also fun to see all the different stores!  You might just find something else you like! That's part of the fun of shopping within SecondLife!  You never know what you'll see or find!

    You see...inworld shopping is dying a slow, miserable death because of the Marketplace and stores and malls are having to close down all the time because the merchants/owners cannot afford to continue paying tiers on sims or parcels that have no traffic (and no sales).  It's a horrible shame.  And we need to change our attitudes about where we purchase. 

    Granted, there are some things you can only buy on the Marketplace now because so many inworld stores have had to close.  But when you find "See Item Inworld" in the listing...do just that!  Go see it inworld! 


  7. Howdy, Arrehn!

    I have tried to use the FirestormRC and MOST of the time when I'm logging in, the viewer goes into the "Loading World..." part and then...just closes down.  Off it goes like I clicked Avatar - Exit Firestorm.  No error messages, no nothing.  I tried the suggestions on the wiki including:  Running the viewer in Windows XP compatibility mode, deleting the offline messages in the Firestorm system folder and nothing seems to help.

    I was successful the other day using the viewer after I cleared all caches and logged into a quiet sim and waited for my inventory to load.  The next day, however, off it went again as it was going through the Loading World process.  So, I go back to the good old stable Phoenix Viewer.  Of course, I don't get to see meshes that way or wear the two pieces of mesh clothing I've purchased so far, but I get to be inworld. 

    If there are any other suggestions you could give me, I would certainly appreciate it!

    Thank you for all your hard work on Firestorm!  I'm sure once I get this kink worked out I won't ever use another viewer but Firestorm!

  8. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    [Posted 9:00AM PST, 05 December 2011] On Thursday, December 8th from 9:00am to 11:00am PST we will be conducting maintenance on our billing and payment systems. During this maintenance, some residents may lose payment information saved to their account and be unable to add new payment methods to their account. In addition, some payments may fail to process during this time.

    If you are having trouble during this maintenance, try adding a new payment method to your account. If you are unable to do so, please wait until the end of the scheduled maintenance to try again.



    I'm not sure if this is the right Forum to ask a question about this post on the grid status page, so if it is not, please move it to the proper one.

    The information states that "...some residents may lose payment information saved to their account and be unable to add new payment methods to their account."

    Does this mean that ONLY during the maintenance period will payment information be lost and then it will reappear once the maintenance is complete, or does it mean that the customers who lose their payment information will lose it permanently and will have to re-submit their same information again once the maintenance is completed?

    Also, what kind of maintenance goes in and deletes peoples credit card/pay-pal/bank information without authorization?


  9. Arwen Serpente wrote:

    The JIRA created has been changed by CTL to:

    So, if you already voted/watched for the first one, apparantly its gone (along with it all the posts/commentary we added).

    Please go to this new location.

    Why would they delete and create a new Jira like that?  >:-{

    Arwen, the dates in my store inventory are also incorrect.  Voted on and Watched this new Jira.

  10. Tiffy Vella wrote:

    As a MP merchant, I
    so so so so so
    wish that customers visiting my storefront got to see newest to oldest, rather than items that sell well, but are several years old. Or even better, give us a chance to select what appears on our front page.
    Imagine if we could choose a dozen items that represent a good spread of what we sell to go on our storefronts, and could display them as the welcome page for our customers.
    Like a shop window as an entrance to our stores.


    Oh my god, Miss Tiffy!  I would LOVE the ability to do this too!  Fantastic idea!  We should create a "New Feature" Jira and request this.  Maybe we would get our wish someday, huh?  :)

  11. Ace Arizona wrote:

    Canoro Philipp wrote: we also have a new feature called Outfits, where you can save a look for your avatar and change between looks easy.

    for shopping we got a
    , with the ability to buy things filtered by number of prims, price, or permissions, where you can save an interesting product to buy later.

    Those sound promising! I can't even count how many times I stood in my house for 30 minutes trying to decide what to wear and shuffling through my inventory trying to put it all together, even taking "inventory organization" classes. Also wondering if I was overpaying for products when my only way of finding shops was the search feature. Nice.

    Don't let this by your ONLY way of shopping though, Ace.  Inworld shopping is dying a slow miserable death because of the Marketplace.  Inworld stores, malls and sims closing down all the time because owners/merchants can't afford to pay the tiers on them with no traffic (and no sales).  Use the Marketplace to FIND what you want, but go to the inworld store to purchase (if the merchant HAS one.  A lot don't now).

  12. It seems to me that the search engine is set to display most popular first, and this is determined by the number of sales of that item.  That's why all these $0L things show up first because...you know...free stuff is always gonna be popular.  I don't know if there's anything we merchants can do about that.  Judging from their history, Linden Lab is going to do what they want to do regardless what the merchants think or ask for.

    Inworld shopping is dying a slow, agonizing death.  I see stores closing down all the time, malls going away and others changing from big nice stores down to tiny little places.  It's a horrible shame, but merchants can no longer afford the tiers on full sims or parcels when traffic (and coincidently sales) drop to almost nothing.  With the Marketplace and its search issues, this just compounds the problem. 

  13. Linden Lab indicates that they could not reproduce the problem and had no issues changing the photo on one of my listings.  I just tested again and, sure enough, the button worked fine for me, and I tested a couple different listings. 

    This issue is resolved at this time.

  14. Howdy, Everbody!

    I've added 21 new items to my store today, and in the process of doing so, I discovered that the button labelled "Set As Main Image" no longer works.  I tried it on 3 different listings just to be sure, and on all three, it was broken.  Before I file a Jira on this, I wanted to ask everybody here in the Merchant forum if you've noticed this?  I don't want to file one if it's just ME that's having a problem.  :)


  15. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    Knowing LL Commerce's strong history of developing code and testing code quietly within production, what you are seeing with DD Folders magically appearing in your PRODUCTION account/inventory without you being notified first or not even a general notice from Brooke or her team that they will be experimenting on some of us.... THIS IS NORMAL LL DEPLOYMENT PRACTICE.

    LL Commerce has not yet developed the solution of DD that actually would deal with the migration / transitioning of Magicbox MP content to DD.  Their team has been queitly scrambling to come up with a solution.  So likely what you are seeing is their team testing it out on some of you.



    On the note of DD, the Open Beta has been running.... and yet not one word from any of those that were playing with it?  WOW... is it really that clean and smooth running??  Or is there some kind of gag order in the open beta grid for DD as well?

    I've been wondering this exact same thing too, Toy. 

    /me crosses his arms and waits some more

  16. Chelsea Malibu wrote:

    Wouldn't it be awesome if we could just change the SURL for our landmarks too?  Which brings me to my point or should I say reminder.  If you have items with Landmarks in them, make sure you change them as well.

    Yes, this needs to be done as well.  It is a painfully tedious process though. 

    Step 1 - Delete the item in your magic box with the incorrect landmark inside it.

    Step 2 - Rez the box containing the items

    Step 3 - Right click and Edit the box

    Step 4 - Delete the incorrect landmark in the Contents tab

    Step 5 - Place the correct landmark inside the box

    Step 6 - Take the box back into your inventory

    Step 7 - Right click and Edit the Magic Box and go to the Contents tab

    Step 8 - Drag the box with the new landmark into the Magic Box

    Step 9 - Wait for the Magic Box to change color

    Step 10 - Log into your Marketplace store

    Step 11 - Go to Manage Inventory

    Step 12 - Click the "Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes" button

    Step 13 - Click refresh on your browser

    Step 14 - Scroll down or search for the item you just put into the Magic Box

    Step 15 - Click "Edit" on the right hand side

    Step 16 - Click "Edit Associated Object"

    Step 17 - Scroll down the list or search for the item in the Magic Box

    Step 18 - Once you find it, click "Choose" next to the item

    Step 19 - One item complete!

    You see...it is extremely tedious!  Now supposedly if the box you put into the Magic Box is named exactly the same as the previous one, you don't have to re-associate it at the end, so you have to be sure not to change the name of the box in any way.  Or, if you are using a completely new box, make sure you name it EXACTLY as before. 

    Now imagine doing this over 500 times!  This is what I am in the process of doing right now.  I've had to move as well. 

    This is going to take me weeks to complete.  :(

  17. Sy Beck wrote:

    I find it a delicious irony that in an internet age where irl people shop more and more online that in SL, a prime example of living a life online, people are requesting that others travel to shops inworld rather than do the SL equivalent of shopping online via MP.

    P.S.  I agree with them though.  :smileywink:

    As I go around SL (I prefer shopping inworld), I find stores I used to shop at a lot have disappeared, malls close down and I miss them all.  I might use the Marketplace to search for an item, but I go to the sellers inworld store to purchase (if they have an inworld store).  I see it over and over.  Inworld stores shutting down because more and more people only use the Marketplace (where the merchant incurs a fee) and the merchants can no longer afford the rental cost of their property. 

    So, yes, I would prefer that customers shop at the inworld stores so that the inworld merchant business doesn't disappear completely.  That would be a sad sad day when there are no more stores to go shop at inside Second Life. 

    I remember shopping in a great store called Prim Goddess.  It was a massive store with fantastic artwork & furniture!  They even had an overhead tram system set up that one could get in and ride to the different departments.  I used go there a LOT.  Not anymore though.  It is gone.  Warehouse Plaza is gone, and so many others. 

    At the bottom of it all, I don't want to see the inworld store business going away.  If we encourage all people to just shop the Marketplace, that's exactly what will happen. 

  18. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    ralph Alderton wrote:

    If Linden Lab want to seriously increase their revenue lowering tier is essential.

    It's only people who don't believe in SL's potential and future who say that tier is the right price.

    Tier is currently set at the wrong price, that's why SL is stagnating.

    LL should let anyone buy a HS without a full sim, lower tier and watch SL boom again.

    If LL halved tier costs they'd sell tons of sims and more than double their money.

    High tier costs are strangling and suffocating the whole ecosystem.

    It's all about the land.


    I completely agree with this, Phil.  If Linden Lab would get rid of the ridiculous $1,000US set up fee and halve the tier costs, many more people would buy sims and start paying tier.  As has been said once in this thread already, "I'd much rather sell 100 at $10L than 1 at $1,000L." 


    I don't say that the current tier prices are right. I'm only saying that reducing them substantially would be a huge risk for LL.

    I completely agree about homesteads. I can't come up with any reason for LL not to sell them to anyone who wants one. Perhaps it's to do with not wanting to get on the wrong side of mega-barons.

    I also agree about the setup fee. A small setup fee would be reasonable, but $1000 is taking the p..s. It used to be $1750!

    Would that large estate that you mentioned still be there if the tier was halved? I don't think so. Tier dictates rents. If tier is high, rents are high. If tier is low, rents are low. What can't happen is tier to be halved and rents stay the same. It can't happen because land owners have to compete for tenants, so all land owners would have to bring their rents down to compete and stay alive. With halved rents, that estate owner could make the same profit as with normal rents, so I think the reason the estate is no longer there is probably due to the fierce competition in that market, and not being willing to continue for a relatively small profit. LL bringing out Linden Homes was bad for that market, and may have had something to do with the estate's demise.



    The phrase was, "I'd rather sell 11 at 100L than 1 at 1000L" - not 100 at 10L which equals 1 at 1000L I'd rather sell 1 at 1000L than 100 at 10L because there'd be much less in the way of customer service to do

    Yeah, I messed THAT quote up didn't I?  /me laughs.  Sorry.  The estate was called Irukandji and it went away before the Linden Homes came about. 

  19. ralph Alderton wrote:

    If Linden Lab want to seriously increase their revenue lowering tier is essential.

    It's only people who don't believe in SL's potential and future who say that tier is the right price.

    Tier is currently set at the wrong price, that's why SL is stagnating.

    LL should let anyone buy a HS without a full sim, lower tier and watch SL boom again.

    If LL halved tier costs they'd sell tons of sims and more than double their money.

    High tier costs are strangling and suffocating the whole ecosystem.

    It's all about the land.


    I completely agree with this, Phil.  If Linden Lab would get rid of the ridiculous $1,000US set up fee and halve the tier costs, many more people would buy sims and start paying tier.  As has been said once in this thread already, "I'd much rather sell 100 at $10L than 1 at $1,000L." 

    Make Homestead sims available to all whether or not they already own a full sim.  That requirement has always mystified me. 

    When I first joined Second Life in 2008, I lived on a huge estate that, at its peak was (if memory serves) 56 sims.  All those sims were connected together and so one could get in a vehicle and drive the roads and waterways of all 56.  There was a full (voluntary) police force there (of which I was a part) and I patrolled all 56 sims.  That entire estate is gone now.  I susect that if tier fees were lower that estate might still be there, and so would I.  It is large estates such as that one that is needed again.  However, I don't see that happening with the current fees. 

    Yes, there are still large estates around, but they are set up in a scattered fashion instead of all their sims being connected with roads and waterways.  You look at the map and see an almost checkerboard layout of sims.


  20. Ry0ta Exonar wrote:

    If you are going to change them for a generic one to the front of your store, go to manage inventory --> check the boxes on the left of each item --> modify selected items --> choose Edit from the drop down list --> click on Go button --> change only SLurl and click on Update button.


    I had exactly the same thing happen to me and I was editing each one of my 508 items individually.  Then...I saw this post!  I just tried it, and Ry...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  This worked like a charm!  Took me all of 4 minutes to get them all done!  You're a life saver, Dude!  :)

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