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Lucis Raynier

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Everything posted by Lucis Raynier

  1. Hi all! I had same problem in Debian 7. I have been resolving it several days and now found the solution. You need to install ia32-libs-gtk , look here http://piccy.info/view3/7543361/e85024d0eea1af629d91bf0bf3ccf363/orig/ After that you need to run file "secondlife" in the terminal window as usual from corresponding directory (for example): nik@debian:~$ cd /home/niklance/install-folder/Second_Life_3_7_23_297296_i686 nik@debian:~/install-folder/Second_Life_3_7_23_297296_i686$ ./secondlife A miracle happened! It works! All the best guys!
  2. Hi all! I had same problem. I have been resolving it several days and now found the solution. You need to install ia32-libs-gtk , look here http://piccy.info/view3/7543361/e85024d0eea1af629d91bf0bf3ccf363/orig/ After that you need to run file "secondlife" in the terminal window as usual from corresponding directory (for example): nik@debian:~$ cd /home/niklance/install-folder/Second_Life_3_7_23_297296_i686 nik@debian:~/install-folder/Second_Life_3_7_23_297296_i686$ ./secondlife A miracle happened! It works! All the best guys!
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: Lucis Raynier wrote: Wow! Yummy... THANKS! hem, *coughs*, well, you see, this choco cake slice was for Griffin since he sounded so upset, you already had a whole huge cake of your own! :D:P Oops! Iam sorry!
  4. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Huh. What treachery is this? There's another thread where a bunch of people didn't get cake. :smileymad: Maybe because they are less than three years? I also had not received any gifts before .
  5. Yesterday I was three years old and I got my cake. Frankly I do not expect))) I have never were given cakes. Here the thread where I talk about my birthday and my cake ))
  6. Today I was three years in the virtual world of Second Life! Administration of Second Life has given me a huge cake, help yourself! I invite you to my house! My Second Life inworld home http://slurl.com/secondlife/Clarinet/243/243/43/ (МойдомвСЛ)
  7. About the mirrors in SL http://community.secondlife.com/t5/qanda/questionpage/blog-id/sla_shopping/article-id/5163
  8. Thanks for answer! Clearly, we need more powerful computers))
  9. In the marketplace of Second Life, I have not found any real mirrors. Why? I do not need a fake!
  10. Why mirrors are not sold in the Marketplace?
  11. I'm looking for the best tutorials for creating stuff in Blender for Second Life. Please give me the links if you know.
  12. Is it photo from inworld?
  13. I think you need to find a community of designers in-world
  14. What's the problem? You can block any user!
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