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Yuriko Nishi

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Everything posted by Yuriko Nishi

  1. after watching the net stats for the last few days at different times of the day i found out that the connection is "ok" (not great) during german morning times. still some packet loss but ping only slightly higher than what i am used to. later in the day it gets worse. at night time (afternoon slt) the ping goes up to 300-400 and packet loss average 4-5 %. this is only this one data center, the other ones run fine for me. that brings up a few questions for me - is there anything we or LL can do about it? - will the sim stay on this server forever? or possibly move around to other datacenters after rolling restarts? - does this only affect europeans or anyone? thanks for reading yuriko
  2. hi to me it seems that half of the (about 10) sims i visited have serious network issues. my ping is almost doubled in those regions (around 500, compared to 200 - 280 usually). i also noticed a lot packet loss in those regions. another thing i noticed in the bad mainland regions, they sometimes appear invisible (offline) from neighboring sims. you can not see them, or fly into them, but you can teleport in. and when you are in, you don´t see all the neighboring sims. examples are kuso (an island) and on mainland blanc, bolsena or trasimeno. i hope this won´t last for a whole week. thanks for reading yuriko edit: support restarted the sim blanc, and it seem to have fixed the "sim is invisible pproblem". but the latency and packet loss remain bad
  3. thanks both of you. i like the paintcan idea. got it working with chat to change the texture, but with the can it would be easyer, and also the texture artist could give out paintcans, so no one gets the uuids
  4. hi :) i want to allow customers to use their own textures on a no mod vehicle, or allow a 3rd party texture artist to change the texture on that no mod object, not owned by the artist. but i don´t really have any good ideas how to do that. any help, even a simple idea without code examples would be really apreciated :) allthough code would be great ;) thanks in advance edit: changing textures with a script is not the issue, just wonder about the communication, and how to let the script know what texture to use. how to format the message and the listener
  5. will group chat be fixed sometime? this: [05:49 AM] Unable to send your message to the chat session with xxx. Error making request, please try again later. [05:50 AM] Unable to send your message to the chat session with xxx. Error making request, please try again later. [05:53 AM] Unable to send your message to the chat session with xxx. Error making request, please try again later. and so on happens daily. and has been around for years, i imagine it should be easy to fix...
  6. thanks for the info pamela that´s bad news! will try to fix it myself then
  7. i have this vehicle that sometimes combines 2 animations, one for the arms and one for the rest of the body. worked for years, now it plays the arm animation and only part of the other. the legs play the default sit animation. is this a server update that broke it? pamela seems to have animation problems too, cant look at the jira (why?) so can´t work with that. please fix asap thanks
  8. did some research on the enterwebz. 4. might be connected to fast moving avatars while triggering animations. speculating: driver triggers animation while in your view, drives out of your view and the animation never ends because out of your cam. seen that in the past a couple of times, now it happens all the time. this is no biggie, just looks silly. 5 might be connected to : Fix for “Agent appears in incorrect position to other agents after being moved by a sim teleporter” (BUG-1795). but i can´t make sure because i cant view jira anymore (why btw) 6. might be about BUG-1779 but again i can´t confirm, just found a description of that bug on a blog with a link to the jira which i cant view this is a quote from that blog: "The lack of updates being received from objects outside of the camera’s field-of-view have resulted in other issues as well, which are also fixed in the Magnum release. For example, if you are looking at a cube which is changing colour between red and blue every few seconds, and turn your camera so that it is outside your field of view and wait for it to turn blue before camming back, the cube will briefly still appear to be red in your view before suddenly changing to blue. This is due to the fact that when the cube is outside your camera’s field of view, the updates associated with it are no longer sent to your viewer until such time as it re-enters your field of view. With the updates deployed to Magnum, updates for objects outside your field of view are once again sent to the viewer – but at a very low rate (around one update every 5 seconds). While this uses a little more bandwidth then sending no updates at all, it also means that objects in a state of change behave more predictably when camming away from and back to them (BUG-1779)." maybe that particular ones are already fixed on rc
  9. the issues i described in 3 and 4 are experienced by everyone who comes to our racing events. if you dont do racing you of course cant experience such "bugs" anyway, i doubt any of that will ever get fixed, i spent hours with writing jiras and demonstrating other vehicle related issues to lindens on the beta grid. they aknowledged the problems, and rolled the broken code anyway, and it stayed till now (6 month or so) just wanted to mention them anyway . maybe there will be a miracle and anyone actually cares about us... i think the racing community is just not on LL´s "interest list" ^^
  10. hi maestro, i know you usualy can´t do much about such stuff, gonna tell you anyway. imo the new "interest list" stuff is a good idea, but how it´s implemented atm it is feeling more like buggy servers or bad connection. a few examples: 1. you stand around and chat with a few friends and wonder why they´re talking to this person you can´t see, you move your cam a bit and BAM! that person is standing right in front of you for 5 minutes already, the server just didnt tell your client yet. 2. you arrive somewhere and only see half of the building until you either cam faaaaaaar out and then back in or slide your object detail slider down to minimum and then back up to what you want. 3. this is a horrible one that has potential to break racing in sl even more: you drive around a corner (your camera view shifts to a part of the sim you didnt see before) and you see 10 cars parking on the track where you´re supposed to go! after about 1 sec the cars poof. this happens EVERY LAP. connected to that, when you lock your camera on a vehicle going around, you see the car stuck in place for 2-3 seconds EVERY LAP in the same position of the sim. another one: you face away from the track (track is in your avatars back) and you hear the engine sound looping in one place, it doesnt move anymore until you turn around, then you see the car teleporting around, not driving around, not enough position updates from the server. 4. you see avatars faces stuck in animations, often multiple at once. smile, cry, laugh, angry, all at once, looks like a horror movie, the server didnt tell your client the animation is finished. 5. you look at the minimap after a teleport, and half of the avatars sit in the sim corner at coordinates 0.0.0 until they stand up or walk around. 6. attachments that got turned invisible by a script are still visible, because the server didnt tell you what the script did, because it wasnt in your field of view, while the script did it... need more? ^^ is anyone adressing these issues?
  11. racers island is down for more than 35 min too now. edit: back now, took around 40 min, so be patient ^^ there was a 20-30 min rollback too at the same time, so really make sure you pickup stuff you´re working on!
  12. found another biggy: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-8180
  13. sim performance seems much worse in Second Life Server many lag spikes making racing no fun...
  14. another problem i found, now sometimes when the sim lags, vehicles seem to lose their velocity. it´s like hitting a wall, they stop on the spot, and you have to accelerate from 0. another problem for the racing comunity.
  15. hi carissabelle the only change most users will notice is that soon you can have NPC (non player characters) in sl. think of rats walking around in dark corners, and running away when you appproach them, zombies attacking you when you get into their turf or pets following you around. (all that very natural and not as choppy as it is now) for creators a lot more has changed like the physics calculations that controll how vehicles behave or a ball in a golf game for example too. have fun this video explanes the goal ll has and why they did these changes. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Take-a-Sneak-Peek-at-the-Pathfinding-Experiments-Being-Conducted/ba-p/1386511
  16. hey dilbert =) i am not sure if you can model the ground like you can do with something like "mesh clothing". the use of the word "mesh" by ll was a bit confusing since the beginning. basically everything you see in realtime 3d graphics is a mesh. basically a mesh is the "wire cage" you can see when you hit ctrl+shift+r in sl. from what i understand the changes to the ground mesh are about the colliosion shape for the ground. you still use the same tools to create the ground mesh and then the server "bakes" a collision shape. this baked shape is the new collision mesh. more details are here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Take-a-Sneak-Peek-at-the-Pathfinding-Experiments-Being-Conducted/ba-p/1386511 sorry if my first post was a bit confusing, wrote it late at night
  17. the issues described here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-8048?focusedCommentId=338221&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-338221 are still not fixed. this means gridwide all (faster) vehicles are broken when driving on ground. also other games like for example golf are broken. or changed a lot are there plans to fix this? or plans to make the ground mesh optional, or any suggestions for workarounds? if not, no more golf, no more offroad racing etc at least not like you know it (i can imagine some other issues i cant think off atm will occur now, since the changes were not realy announced, and creators will slowly find out that some of their stuff is broken now)
  18. to prepare for the new pathfinding feature sl released a new server version today that changed the ground of all sims. now the ground is a mesh instead of a "heightfield". collisions changed too. there are a bunch of known issues (tested em with a few lindens and they confirmed them). this change wasnt really announced anywhere (where people can find it without searching for it) i wanted to give a quick heads up. so far i found 2 big issues. all vehicles are bouncing around when driving on the ground (not on prims). some other vehicles are even broken when driving on prims. a golf game i played had bouncy balls on the ground mesh (yes i know how it sounds silly reader! :D ) more details here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-8048?focusedCommentId=338221&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-338221 and here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12# if you create or often use items that rely on this you should test, and if it´s broken tell LL about it. thanks and good luck :)
  19. hi =) i have been using sculptgenmax for a while now mostly for organic shapes or stuff like car seats etc. but i ran into some problems when i wanted to export stuff that needed more precision. after the export using sculptgenmax and importing to either sl or reimport to max the edges where not like in the original. overal not very clean. since i have seen pretty accurate sculpts in sl i wonder what i am doing wrong. is it user error, or are there better tools for export? any help would be apreciated :)
  20. google doesnt allways show the same results for different people http://front.moveon.org/eli-pariser-filter-bubble-ted-talk/
  21. doh that was soo easy! thanks a lot i knew an avatar is a prim in the linkset, just didnt think about manipulating it
  22. hi =) didnt find a solution for my problem, i know it can be done, so maybe someone here knows how? :) i want to add a sit position adjustment to my chair. so you can change the sit position offset while you´re sitting, without having to stand up for it to take effect. what i had only worked this way: sit, change position via menu, stand up, resit and see the change. can anyone please give me a hint on how to approach this? thanks :)
  23. this new search has one major problem i can´t really track down. it happened a few weeks ago on the marketplace too when there was a big change to the search. in old search when you searched for "fitness" you got some gym and workout related stuff, like expected. the new search gives you 1976 results (182 in the old search) that mostly have nothing to do with fitness. like furniture, hair, breedable pets etc. it gives you everything that "fits" into a small parcels, or has a resize script that helps you to "fit" it to your shape, black pants with "fitting" shoes etc... bad if you wanna sell fitness related stuff like me and get kicked off the search from place 1 into oblivion (and not even by competition, but from completely unrelated stuff! i checked around 25 pages or so)  show stopper imo, but no one cared about the jira i created for the marketplace search, so why am i writing this again?
  24. hi =) i reported this bug back in 2007 and some linden told me they wont fix it because they plan a completely new avatar soon. 4 years later we know they didnt :smileysurprised: /me pokes torley there is a workaround though. it´s annoying, but does the trick. i have not changed my shape in a while so i am not sure if i remember it right (maybe you dont need to do all steps i write here) create the shape you want and then save it. (remember the upperbody muscle setting number) then turn your avatar into a male and save. then turn the upperbody muscle slider to the ammount you want for your female shape and save. now back to female and save. then change your upperbody muscle settings by at least 1 (doesnt matter how much, just change it) and save. then back to your desired setting and save again. now it should stick and also look like you want it to others (yaaaaay) now this new setting is "burned into" your shape, so if you want to change it again you need to do all the steps again good luck and have fun
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