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Karl Herber

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Posts posted by Karl Herber

  1. I get far more positive comments about my appearance when I'm a blue horse, but only when I'm amongst non-furries. Compared to other furries, my avatar is uninteresting but amongst humans it's striking and unusual. I get noticed, and people of all types will give me compliments.

    When I'm human it's less frequent, I guess because I'm less unusual. Since I've switched to the Erika body and a curvier (fatter!) shape, it's surprised me that I haven't had any negative comments, people telling me that I should be slimmer. 

    • Like 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, Tarina Sewell said:

    Did you hit the reset button on the HUD? Make sure none of the buttons are selected as well

    Sometimes the reset button doesn't quite reset it, in which case "undeform avatar" (or "reset avatar skeleton") will fix it.

    I tend not to use the hud deformers though because they disable physics. The separate third party ones (I use the Natural set from Must Trade) still allow physics to work.

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/22/2021 at 10:48 PM, Prokofy Neva said:

    I have thousands of friendship cards, many from people who either died in RL or ceased coming to SL at all for 10 years -- I'm that old.

    That's because many nervous tenants want to friend me as they think they will be unable to find me and get service unless they can see whether I am online. Some are friendly and I'm friendly to them back, but then they start in with the DJ parties and I cut their card quick -- but it seems cutting cards doesn't work as it used to, if they still have *my* card. I used to just tolerate all these "friends" -- now I tell tenants that they can find me by looking in the group or sending me an email, it's not necessary.

    But I also find that if I go to a store, if I got to a gallery opening, if I go to any event, I find myself picking up "friends" -- because they want to mass spam me later. So what do you do? Accept the card and delete it later?


    I used to be an official Mentor, back when they were a thing, and it was very common for a newbie to ask to friend me, because they were afraid that they wouldn't be able to find me otherwise. I always accepted. But if they had not contacted me again, I deleted them after about a month, figuring that they either weren't logging in any more or they'd managed to deal with everything else by themselves.

    I still do that, pretty much. I will accept most friends requests if we've actually chatted (and I don't think that they are a creep) but if we haven't ever talked for months after that first contact, I'll let them go.

    Come to think of it, I think I added you as a friend last year when I rented from you; if I did, I must have dropped you too, once I was no longer renting there. Nothing personal, I hope you didn't mind.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Rem Voxel said:

    I saw the issue tracker and it makes sense but I think the partial XML export would be too complicated for many people.


    No kidding. I tried to edit a shape from the XML a couple of months ago and that thing is HUGE. And it's all completely not in any kind of logical order, and it contains so much stuff that is not shape-related. I found it impossible to find the lines I needed and was forced to give up. It's actually far quicker to just write down your shape numbers on a notecard and enter them into your Edit Appearance one by one. Which is what I did in the end.

    Until someone has found a way to auto-edit the XML file using a simple UI, it's going to be way beyond the skills of most people. Including me.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Evangeline Arcadia said:

    Thanks for the reminder about Trompe Loeil, they have some interesting modern looking builds that illustrated how a  modern homes could work on water:) Like this one for example:


    It's called a beach cottage, but doesn't look cottagy to me:) The Lindens and Moles have ruined me! I used to be a land lubber, and now I just gotta have water!😁😆

    I'm pretty sure LL have already settled on whatever the next two themes are. Wish I was a fly on the LL offices wall:)

    (So as not to derail this thread too much i'm gonna start a new one regarding the next themes.)

    @Evangeline Arcadia I have that one! In fact it was the last one I had before I sold my mainland. It's really nice. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Evangeline Arcadia said:

    Some of those have really nice interiors!

    So what we need next is a modern theme with lots of big windows, on the water! Well that's my dream anyway:)

    I kinda would be a bit surprised if we do get a modern build, just because we have the traditionals and stilts which both have a more contemporary vibe (to me anyway) in some ways compared to the other themes, so I'm wondering if they would really do something like the meadowbrook.

    I think they will, but maybe on mountains rather than water. Those houses in the link from @animats remind me more of the newer releases from Trompe Loeil. Very different from Trads and Stilts. 

    PS I wish the stilts models, lowered to ground level, could be added to Traditional parcels...

  7. 4 hours ago, Evangeline Arcadia said:

    Patch did say in some interview somewhere that they were intending to pay homage to the old Linden Home themes, so I would think there'll be something with an Asian theme to come. The new log and fantasy homes I think are like an upgrade for the old Tahoe and Elderglen regions (not sure what the upgrade of the Meadowbrooks is - maybe that's yet to come..)

    If thats the case then presumably the last two themes will be Asian and Modern-Minimalist, to replace Shareta and Meadowbrook.

  8. On 8/22/2021 at 10:36 PM, Innula Zenovka said:

    I have to say that, when you finally do come to see the transition into night, it's well worth waiting for.

    Yesterday I was having fun riding my midnight black alicorn hell for leather down the fantasy regions' roads, and then suddenly the lights began to change and things started to light up.   It really is a wonderful effect,  made even more magical by the element of surprise.

    I saw it all "switch on" a few days ago, and ithe effect is lovely. It's not all at once, they all flicker on in patches, like the effect is sweeping across the land. 

    • Like 7
  9. On 8/22/2021 at 9:28 AM, xoRenaxo said:

    I'm having issues with the look of the breasts. I don't want them too big but when I get to 60 and under on the slider, they look awful. I've tried adjusting fat, cleavage and gravity but still look weird. Is anyone else having this problem? How did you set up your shape, the one included, did you custom make one, buy one?


    I usually have them bigger but I tested to see how low they will go without deforminng and I got them down to 22 looking fine. No deformer, but buoyancy at 100 and also using a physics with fairly high gravity (60) and mass (65). The physics makes quite a big difference. Bodyfat is at 39 here.


    • Like 2
  10. I imagine running a land business has an impact on this; I rarely get such annoyances now (though I did, back when I used to run a store). 

    I don't mind IMs when I first log in, but I do mind if the friend gets agitated if I don't reply right away. That's a red flag of the "too needy" type. 

    But absolutely, friends who are DJs or club owners, any unsolicited tp request or conference call to tell me about their event not only gets them dropped from my friends list but I will also leave the club group and delete the landmark too.  It's annoying and incredibly rude.

    • Like 3
  11. On 3/19/2021 at 6:30 PM, Pussycat Catnap said:

    One thing to note is that among all the popular bodies out there - they all have a lot of 'smooth curves'. Be they slim like Maitreya or extreme like Kupra. They all seem to fit what you find when you see those clickbait website links with titles like '20 things prefer in women'... And slink... doesn't. Slink feels like the 'soviet woman' in comparison. And not the real Russian women, but the western stereotype in propaganda films that always seemed to be named 'Olga' and have a mean look... At least, that was my mental thought everytime I demo'd it. Various "In Communist Russia, Car drives you" jokes kept popping into my head...


    You've pinpointed exactly what has been bothering me about Hourglass, and I didn't even notice it until I got Erika. And now I have Erika, I can't unsee all those sharp pointy angles in Hourglass. I've been trying somewhat unsuccessfully to thicken the waist and all it does is show up those triangles. I'll probably still use Hourglass on and off until I have enough clothes for Erika, but yeah, it's like comparing a Lada with a Porsche. And I am totally gonna call my Hourglass body "Olga" now. :)

    • Like 1
  12. I agree that all political discussions need to be banned.

    The issue with having a separate subforum for it, is that many threads don't start out political but the politics creeps in later. Yes the mods could move them but they're not always quick to act, especially weekends.

    Get rid of them altogether, take them elsewhere. 

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  13. Re-rolled for another Chalet and struck lucky with this one;


    Doesn't look like much at first glance but across the street in front, is a hill...


    And behind the hill is the feature that gives Marbled Falls its name...


    I've come to the settled opinion that the Chalets are "my" theme. I love this area so much.

    • Like 14
  14. I'm having mixed thoughts about this chalet I picked up yesterday.  I was hoping for nearby water but I wasn't quite expecting this:


    That's right up against the void where the continent ends. 

    Given Linden Lab's track record for completing the edges of unfinished continents, this parcel will probably have uninterrupted sea views for ever. Which is nice, but I can't help thinking that it looks a bit too artificial. And its such a shame to have all that open water and be unable to sail in it.

    I'm also not wild about the region name (Porter's Knob).

    But if anyone's interested, I'm releasing it at noon SLT today.

    • Like 4
  15. I have a 1024m waterside parcel for sale in Corsica, can leave house and all furnishings in place or you can return them if you wish. (If you want them set to your group then please ask and let me temporarily join your land group so I can change everything over).  Parcel as a whole is 351 prims with 82 currently spare.  There is leeway for terraforming to make parcel all water or mostly land 







  16. 10 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Hmmm, that format must be dependent on the Theme/Mode being used in Firestorm.  I use Phoenix mode & my Notifications look like this - I had an alt pay me so I could see how it shows:'


    Right, so what you need to do in this case is click the X in a circle next to that transaction, to clear it off the list, before you click the little X at the top right to close the notification window.

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