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Edfred Jungsten

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Everything posted by Edfred Jungsten

  1. You make alot of valid points Liisa. Thank you for sharing your ideas on this subject.
  2. "What really troubles me Edfred, is the possibility that undesired behaviors are being allowed to occur, in hopes that griefing will prompt retaliatory purchases at MP. An independent research project to observe the responses of Residents." Yea, It's been discussed about hidden motives of the Lindens with regard to griefing, I've heard alot of conspiracy theories being discussed regarding what you said "retaliatory buying", and to stimulate land sales. But if this truly were the motives then Lindens would never clean up anything or ban anyone which I know isn't the case. The Lindens do try to keep control of the sandboxes by responding to ARs. Also, in many cases (less now though), private land borders these sandboxes and they can be affected as well.
  3. Perhaps you should post a productive suggestion rather than criticizing others posts? Oh ..yea..you have no idea how to do that.
  4. In the almost 4 years I have been in SL, the public sandboxes have been under constant attack by griefers and assaulters. The few selfish people are ruining the sandbox experience (building, trying out products, social, learning) for the rest of us. There must be a solution to keeping innocent residents safe from these menaces. The griefers have their method worked out. They make multiple resident accounts and transfer their harrassment tools to the other accounts in an endless cycle of being banned and starting again with the next anonymous account. Nothing stops them from continuing this easy process. Following up the every day incidences through Abuse Reports, the Lindens come and clean up the mess, restart the region, and ban the griefers. They have been good about it. But I a sure that there are just as sick of having to do this as vigilant residents are at having to report incidences multiple times a day. Turning off scripts for an extended period of time has been another solution the Lindens have implemented int he past. Buty this severely hinders builders, content creators, and product testing. What is the solution to this ever present problem? One obstacle could be "only allowing residents with payment info on file" (what connects them to their real world identity) be allowed to create objects on these lands. It doesn't mean you need to be a paying member, it doesn't mean you can't come there and be social or visit other areas of Second Life. It means that for the right to use the sandboxes for building and rezzing you need to be accountable for your actions. If someone is really into using this resource in a productive way, they will find a way to get payment info on file with the Lindens. Buying a few linden currency is all it takes. Currently there is no real accountability for peoples actions in sandboxes, and chaos runs amuck. We cannot expect The Lindens to have "sandbox babysitters" constantly monitoring the public sandboxes. It's a waste of their time and energy. Giving chosen residents the powers to delete and ban is a risky venture as everyone knows that power has the potential to corrupt. I think that my solution of only allowing verified residents to create in these regions is the only way the sandboxes can be a safe and productive place in the future. That's my two cents, what say you?
  5. When I try to update it states my processor does not have SSE2, therefore I cannot update to the latest viewer. I tried to anyways, just get an error and SL v2.7.1 refused to load at all.
  6. Keep in mind the latest griefing tool being used is a "cam crasher" type object. They are invisible objects, usually 255 prims. People place them around sandboxes so if you face them or are in cam in their direction, it freezes and crashes your sl viewer. The worst part about them is, you can't select them to make an Abuse Report. If you do, your viewer will crash. I have only seen these start surfacing in the past 6 months, but they are being used more and more frequently, sometimes as a deterrent when people feel they are being "cammed" and want a defense against this percieved violation of their avatar. The only defense against them is to derender all objects (ctrl+ alt+ shift+ 9) and face the opposite direction. I wish the Linden's could do something about this, it's a really bad vulnerability to the viewer which is being exploited more and more these days.
  7. "Some improvements have been made. It's my opinion that hosting a public gathering area without the Host being present is a bad idea. If you cannot Host your own party, you shouldn't have one." I totally agree.
  8. 4 Days Later...Issue Still Unresolved...Site Still Giving Security Warning.
  9. With the basic viewer now being implemented, computer literacy seems like it isn't a requirement anymore. And yes I am talking abut Linden Public Lands specifically. That is where new residents spend their first initial experience in Second Life, where they orientate themselves to the world, where they make their first attempts at making friends, and where they spend time discovering their first purcheses / freebies. The public land experience is the gateway to whether Second Life is a win or a fail in ther minds. I remember Linden Lab had big dreams for the Virtual world environment way back when, that it could be accepting to everyone and that one day all internet commerce and interaction could be done inworld, yada yada.
  10. When new residents learn (and rather quickly) that another person can push, shoot, cage, hurl into the sky their avatar (and bad residents do just that, unchecked), they leave. They don't have any idea what an abuse report is or how to file one. They don't know what antipush is. When one person has the selfish ability to shut down several connected regions by rezzing a 6000m megaprim thats rotating its texture, people get fed up rather fast. People will never flock to SL, because there is very little, if any, rule enforcement. Filing an abuse report with photos and descriptions does not guarantee any of the issues a nasty resident is exhibiting will be dealt with. You have to be TOUGH to stay in this game and contribute,and most of the General Public who might be interestied in SL is not. Bad people can make the inworld experience extremely frustrating. Thats my 2 cents.
  11. The public sandboxes are atrocious right now. Skins aren't loading at all on some avatars, items arent rezzing, editing items is failing 60% or the time.. This is so important to commerce because sandboxes are where people go and try items they have purchased. It really is a hair puller. Profiles not loading at all either doesn't help one to make friends. What a mess.
  12. I wonder if it would be better if each listing showed how many people actually purchased the item, if most people will not take the time to give a review. At least that way potential customers could see that some people have bought the item and NOT complained. It would just be better if SL Marketplace made it easier for customers to leave a rating on an item they purchesed. Obviously, this current method DOES NOT WORK.
  13. It's typical. The review process in the marketplace takes effort to find (order history list, no other notifications), and also requires written feedback rather than just a rating system. People are too lazy in most cases to follow through on that process for an item they purchased for pennies in a game. Thats my theory.
  14. I have been banned from a region for merely being in the company of someone misbehaving. I was courteous, said hello to everyone, was just dancing. My friend was criticizing the DJ and being a general @ss, i don't blame them for banning her, but I was minding my own business and trying to enjoy myself. What upsets me the most is that I liked that region, I had spent time there over the years (though not regularly), I had shopped in their shops and at one time made it my home region. I was dealt a heavy hand without the least interaction from the management who banned me, and that just isn't right. This is an SL destination region pick, I think their status should be revoked for being like that. http://secondlife.com/destination/transylvania-2
  15. I agree with the previous repliers that stated there are too many characters allowed in the keyword entry box. I hardly fill half that entry and I am racking my brain finding the precise and adequate words that are associated with my product. This overly generous allowance facilitates irrelevant keyword abuse which mucks up the search.
  16. 5:12 SLT , and the marketplace just took a dump. Fail Fail Fail.
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