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Cherub Spectre

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Blog Comments posted by Cherub Spectre

  1. Thank you Cinderella. Master Kaos, Nathan Oddfellow and I really enjoy creating Octoberville, but what we enjoy more is the amazing group of people that have emerged from it. SO many lasting friendships have been made and each year we continue to grow and have become like a family. So many people stick around, even when they are done with the game to help others and it just really is a great experience.

    SPeaking of behind the scenes, I have to say it was amazing how real lives and Second Lives melded last year when we lost Stoney Putzo and the entire Octoberville group got together to help us pay funeral expenses. It just goes to show that the line between real life and Second Life is very blurred if there is one at all.

    Thanks for posting Cinderella!

  2. Thanks Ucello for this great post. As Ucello mentioned there are so many things that go into creating a Halloween Sim event in SL. Octoberville, the halloween sim I create has been around since 2005. After reading Ucellos post on what goes into making this kind of sim, please read my post on what goes on behind the scenes. Unfortunately, we were limited to 400 words, so I didnt get to include much detail, but post your questions and I will be happy to answer them.

    As Ucello mentioned, planning is the most important part of creating any sim. At Octobervile, we begin planning in May or June of each year. I would be interested to know when the other Halloween sim creators start planning their builds.

  3. Hi everyone! I am looking forward to discussing what goes into the making of Octoberville and other Halloween topics. I will be in the forums this Friday to answer questions. Read my blog and post comments and I will repsond. If you have any questions about this Best of halloween blog and forum event, feel free to ask. When Zed Linden approached me with this great opportunity I was quite happy to oblige as Octoberville and Halloween are synonymous in Second Life. I look forward to seeing you all on Friday!

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