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Xerxes Kingstop

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Everything posted by Xerxes Kingstop

  1. GIF girl has it correct because the carriage carries the paper, not the print mechanism. . I only see one prehistoric typewriter on that whole page of search results with the return lever on the right side, the great majority are on the left. It was a good line, though.
  2. WAIT. Actually ... https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1804&bih=896&q=Typewriter&oq=Typewriter&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1181.3520.0.3646.
  3. I wannameet the person who made this pet door for their furbaby.
  4. In my case it was never a positive force pulling me away: IE having other things I want to do. My meatspace life isn't that good. I came to SL as an escape at the outset. If meatspace was all that interesting I wouldn't have been here. It was a negative force pushing me away: emotions making SL difficult. 'Heartbreak' for lack of a better term. That 'real world' place that was so disheartening as to require escape became less problematic than the escape - the problem a lesser evil than the solution. *shrug* I'm not trying to cry on anyone's shoulder, I'm just sharing and looking to comprehend the common ground among us.
  5. 'I never quit but I didn't log in for 7 years' Ok, so I paraphrased...
  6. I have pulled back from SL on two separate occasions. Each time I believed that I was not coming back, although the second time I was at least wise enough not to declare such out loud. Each time it was for emotional rather than practical reasons. Each time I was drawn back within a few weeks. Anyone have stories/observations to share?
  7. And because messin' with banner ads seems to be a new bad habit of mine:
  8. We haven't seen a "WHERES MY STIPEND?!?" thread, but IME haven't had that problem in a long time.
  9. I'm sure she was. She had time while she was sliding down the car hood to prepare for the short drop to the garage floor. They're very quick about that sorta thing.
  10. I'm just glad you remember Bailey's. It was a respectable build for the day but nothing earth-shattering IMO. Yeah, I dig Grim Bros too. It was always a bit of a workout camming around in the store. Maybe second only to BareRose Tokyo in that respect.
  11. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Curio-Obscura-Crash-Into-The-Ground/1510602
  12. I know Curio Obscura! Love the Oui Coupe. I'll have a look, thank you.
  13. Sounds like fun , I wonder if it is still available. I'm in no position to check ATM but I can search MP soon-ish.
  14. It sure doesn't show in search. If you try the LM, wear a parachute! (and if you'd be willing to drop the LM on me I'd love to have it for nostalgia purposes) And THANK YOU for remembering!
  15. For months, literally, I've been trying to remember the name of a "Country" dance place in SL circa 10 years ago-ish. IIRC it was the biggest on the grid at the time. It was on a sky platform, you landed next to an old wagon in the yard. The main dance area had 3 walls and a roof, but no wall by the front porch. They had their own line of Westernwear. They were SO well known at the time but recently I haven't been able to speak with anyone who remembers more than I do. I got a few ppl saying "Oh yeah, THAT place! WTH was the name of it?" Today it came to me kinda out of the blue. Anyone remember Bailey's?? (I bet Lil does)
  16. and yeah with a little thought I can easily see how the term is commonly used as a gender-neutral way to address a group, but at the time I was thinking of a Mens' store and ... well y'all can read my mind, right? Rhetorical question.
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